PHP code example of aesircloud / laravel-domains

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download aesircloud/laravel-domains library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


aesircloud / laravel-domains example snippets


php artisan vendor:publish --tag=ddd-stubs

php artisan make:domain {DomainName} [--migration] [--soft-deletes] [--force]

   php artisan make:domain User

   php artisan make:domain User --migration

   php artisan make:domain User --soft-deletes

   php artisan make:domain User --migration --soft-deletes

   php artisan make:domain User --force

php artisan make:subdomain {ParentDomain} {SubdomainName} [--migration] [--soft-deletes] [--force]

php artisan make:subdomain User AuthenticationLogs --migration --soft-deletes

php artisan make:value-object Address

php artisan make:value-object Address --domain=User

php and artisan make:value-object Check --domain=HumanResources --sub-domain=Payroll 

php artisan make:value-object Address --force