PHP code example of aeris / zf-di-config

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download aeris/zf-di-config library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


aeris / zf-di-config example snippets

// module.config.php
return [
	'my_app' => [
    	'foo' => [
        	'bar' => 'qux'
    'service_manager' => [
    	// Config for ZfDiConfig
    	'di' => [
        	'SomeService' => '\MyApp\SomeService',
            'FooService' => [
            	'class' => '\MyApp\FooService',
                'args' => ['@SomeService'],
                'setters' => [
                	'bar' => ''

// module.config.php
return [
	'my_app' => [
    	'foo' => [
        	'bar' => 'qux'
	'service_manager' => [
    	'invokables' => [
        	'SomeService' => '\MyApp\SomeService',
        'factories' =>" [
        	'FooService' => '\MyApp\Factory\FooServiceFactory.php'

// MyApp/Factory/FooServiceFactory.php
namespace MyApp\Factory;

use Zend\ServiceManager\FactoryInterface;
use Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceLocatorInterface;

class FooServiceFactory implements FactoryInterface {
	public function createService(ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator) {
    	$someService = $serviceLocator->get('SomeService');
        // Inject SomeService into FooService
    	$fooService = new \MyApp\FooService($someService);
        // Set the a parameter from the module config
        // onto FooService
        $config = $serviceLocator->get('config');
        $bar = $config['my_app']['foo']['bar'];
        return $fooService;

	'FooService' => [
    	'class' => '\MyApp\FooService',
        'args' => [
        	// these two arguments are equivalent
            	'$service' => [
                	'name' => 'BarService'

	'FooService' => '\App\Service\Foo'

	'FooService' => [
		'$factory' => '\App\Service\Foo'

	'FooConfig' => ''  // DiConfig won't try to use $factory here

	'zf_di_config' => [
		'default_plugin' => '$myAwesomePlugin',
		'plugins' => [...]

	'$factory' => '\MyApp\FooService'


	'$factory' => [
    	// Object class (     // services to inject in constructor (optional)
        'args' => ['@SomeService'],
        // Service to inject using setters
        'setters' => [	
        	// This will inject 'SomeService'
            // using the FooService::setBar() method
        	'bar' => '@SomeService'

	'@NameOfService`, 		// resolves to $serviceLocator->get('NameOfService')
    '@NameOfService::foo' 	// resolves to $serviceLocator->get('NameOfService')->getFoo()

	'$service' => [
    	'name' => 'NameOfService',
        // optional
        'getter' => 'foo'

	// resolves to $serviceLocator->get('config')['foo']['bar']['faz']

	'$param' => [
    	'path' => '',
        'default' => 'qux'

	'$serviceManager' => [
		// Will validate all services of this service manager as belonging
		// to SomeInterface
		'service_type' => '\MyApp\SomeInterface',
		'config' => [
			'invokables' => [
				'Foo' => '\MyApp\Foo'
			// You can use ZfDiConfig here, too!
			'di' => [
				'Bar' => [
					'class' => '\Bar',
					'args' => ['']
		// or, you could use a config reference
		// 'config' => '%my_app.custom_manager'

// module.config.php
return [
	'service_manager' => [
    	'di' => [
        	'FooService' => [
            	'class' => 'MyApp\FooService',
                'setters' => [
                	'barRepo' => '$repo:MyApp\Entity\Bar'

namespace MyApp\ServiceManager\ConfigPlugin;

use Aeris\ZfDiConfig\ServiceManager\ConfigPlugin\AbstractConfigPlugin;

class DoctrineRepositoryPlugin extends AbstractConfigPlugin {

	public function resolve($pluginConfig) {
    	// Grab the Doctrine EntityManager from the service locator
        $entityManager = $this->serviceLocator->get('entity_manager');
        // Return the configured repository
        return $entityManager->get($pluginConfig['entity_class']);
    public function configFromString($string) {
    	// Convert a short-form config into an array
        return [
        	'entity_class' => $string;


/// module.config.php
return [
	'zf_di_config' => [
    	'plugins' => [
            	'class' => 'MyApp\ServiceManager\ConfigPlugin\DoctrineRepositoryPlugin',
                'name' => '$repo',
                'short_name' => '$repo:'

// config/application.config.php
return [
	'modules' => [
    	// ...
    // ...