PHP code example of aeris / zend-rest-module

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download aeris/zend-rest-module library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


aeris / zend-rest-module example snippets

class AnimalRestController extends AbstractRestfulController {
	public function get($id) {
    	// Grab the animal entity from the database
    	$animal = $this
        // Serialize the animal into a JSON string
        $jsonString = $this
            ->serialize($animal, 'json');

		// But JsonModel expects an array, so we need
        // deserialize the JSON string back into a php array.
		$serializedData = json_decode($jsonString);
        return new JsonModel($serializedData);

class AnimalRestController extends AbstractRestfulController {
	public function get($id) {
    	return $this

class AnimalRestController extends AbstractRestfulController {
	public function create($data) {
    	// Deserialize the raw JSON data into 
        // a MyApp\Entity\Animal object
    	$animal = $this->serviceManager
            ->deserialize($data, 'MyApp\Entity\Animal');
        return $animal;

class AnimalRestController extends AbstractRestfulController {
	public function update($id, $data) {
    	$animal = $this->entityManager
        // Update the existing animal from the
        // PUT data
            ->deserialize($data, $animal);
        return $animal;

use JMS\Serializer\Annotation as JMS;

class Animal {
	 * @JMS\Groups({"animalSummary", "animalDetails"})
	 * @var int
	public $id;

	 * @JMS\Groups({"animalSummary", "animalDetails"})
	 * @var string
	public $name;

	 * @JMS\Groups({"animalDetails"})
	 * @var string
	public $species;

	 * @JMS\Groups({"animalDetails"})
	 * @var string
	public $color;

	 * @JMS\Groups({"dates"})
	 * @var
	public $birthDate;

	'controllers' => [
    	'invokables' => [
        	'MyApp\Animals\AnimalRest' => '\MyApp\Animals\AnimalRestController',
	'zend_rest' => [
    	'controllers' => [
        	'MyApp\Animals\AnimalRest' => [
            	'serialization_groups' => [
                	'get' => ['animalDetails', 'dates'],
                    'getList' => ['animalSummary']

class Animal {
     * @JMS\Type("DateTimeTimestamp")
     * @var \DateTime
	public $birthDate;

// zend-rest.config.php
'zend_rest' => [
	'errors' => [
        	// The `error` can be a Zend\Mvc error string
            // or the class name of an Exception
			'error' => \Zend\Mvc\Application::ERROR_ROUTER_NO_MATCH,
            // HTTP response code
        	'http_code' => 404,
            The `error.code` property of the JSON response object
        	'application_code' => 'invalid_request',
            The `error.details` property of the JSON response object
        	'details' => 'The requested endpoint or action is invalid and not supported.',
        	'error' => 'MyApp\Exception\RidiculousAnimalException',
            'http_code' => 418,
            'applicationCode' => 'ridiculous_animal_error',
            'details' => 'The animal you have requested is too riduculous for our web service.',
            'on_error' => function(RestErrorEvt $evt) {
            	// This is a good place to log errors
            	$exception = $evt->getError();
                // You can also modify the error view model
                $viewModel = $evt->getViewModel();
                $errorObject = $viewModel->getVariable('error');
                $errorObject['animal'] = $exception->getAnimal();
                $viewModel->setVariable('error', $errorObject);
            // You should always 

class AnimalRestController extends AbstractRestfulController {
	public function get($id) {
    	if ($id === 'narwhal') {
        	throw new RidiculousAnimalException("narwhal");
        return $this->animalRepo->find($id);

	'zend_rest' => [
    	// Required.
    	'cache_dir' => __DIR__ . '/cache'
        // Set to true to disable caching.
        'debug' => false,

        // See "Exception Handling" documentation
        'errors' => [
              'error' => \Zend\Mvc\Application::ERROR_ROUTER_NO_MATCH,
              'http_code' => 404,
              'application_code' => 'invalid_request',
              'details' => 'The requested endpoint or action is invalid and not supported.',
              'on_error' => function(RestErrorEvt $evt) {
              	error_log("Someone requested an invalid endpoint.");
        'controllers' => [
        	// See "Serialization Groups" documentation.
        	'serialization_groups' => [
            	'MyApp\Controller\UserRest' => [
                	'get' => ['details', 'timestamps'],
                    'getList' => ['summary']
        // See "Serializer" documentation
        'serializer' => [
        	'handlers' [
            'naming_strategy' => '\Aeris\ZendRestModule\Service\Serializer\Naming\IdenticalPropertyNamingStrategy',
            'object_constructor' => 'Aeris\ZendRestModule\Serializer\Constructor\InitializedObjectConstructor',
            'enable_max_depth' => true,

use Aeris\ZendRestModule\View\Annotation as View;

class AnimalRestController extends AbstractRestfulController {
  * @View\Groups({"animalDetails", "dates"})
  public function get($id) {
  	return $this->entityManager->find($id);
  * @View\Groups({"animalSummary"})
  public function getList() {
  	return $this->entityManager->findAll();