PHP code example of aenzenith / laravel-localizable

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download aenzenith/laravel-localizable library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


aenzenith / laravel-localizable example snippets

'locales' => [
    'en' => 'English',
    'fr' => 'French',
    /* */
    'es' => 'Spanish',
    'de' => 'German',

use Aenzenith\LaravelLocalizable\Localizable;

class Content extends Model
    use HasFactory, Localizable;

    protected $localizable = [

    /* ... */

    $localizables = Content::getLocalizables();

    //you can pass also locales list with config('localizable.locales') for language names

    return view('content.create', compact('localizables'));

    return Inertia::render('Content/Create', [
        'localizables' => Content::getLocalizables(),

    $content = new Content();

    $content->localize('en', 'title', 'English Title');
    $content->localize('en', 'content', 'English Content');

    $content->localize('fr', 'title', 'French Title');
    $content->localize('fr', 'content', 'French Content');

            'title' => 'English Title',
            'content' => 'English Content'

            'title' => 'French Title',
            'content' => 'French Content'

            'en' => [
                'title' => 'English Title',
                'content' => 'English Content'
            'fr' => [
                'title' => 'French Title',
                'content' => 'French Content'


    $content = Content::first()->getLocalizations();
    /* or */
    $content = Content::first();



    'field_fallback' => true,

    'field_fallback_value' => 'This field is not localized yet.',
php artisan migrate

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Aenzenith\LaravelLocalizable\LocalizableServiceProvider"