PHP code example of aef / payfort
1. Go to this page and download the library: Download aef/payfort library . Choose the download type require .
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards */
aef / payfort example snippets
return Payfort::purchase([
'merchant_reference' => 'XYZ9239',
'order_description' => 'order',
'token_name' => "88cd5220-9584-460d-bb2d-0806f93066c1",
'amount' => 450,
'customer_email' => '[email protected] ',
return Payfort::authorize([
'merchant_reference' => 'XYZ9239',
'order_description' => 'order',
'token_name' => "88cd5220-9584-460d-bb2d-0806f93066c1",
'amount' => 450,
'customer_email' => '[email protected] ',
return Payfort::payment([
'merchant_reference' => 'XYZ9239',
'order_description' => 'order',
'token_name' => "88cd5220-9584-460d-bb2d-0806f93066c1",
'amount' => 450,
'customer_email' => '[email protected] ',
'recurring_mode' => 'VARIABLE',
'recurring_transactions_count' => 10,
return Payfort::tokenization([
'merchant_reference' => 'XYZ9239',
'order_description' => 'order',
'token_name' => '88cd5220-9584-460d-bb2d-0806f93066c1',
'customer_email' => '[email protected] ',
'card_number' => 4005550000000001,
'expiry_date' => 2105,
'card_security_code' => 123,
'card_holder_name' => 'testcard',
return Payfort::applePay([
'merchant_reference' => 'XYZ9239',
'order_description' => 'order',
'token_name' => '88cd5220-9584-460d-bb2d-0806f93066c1',
'amount' => 450,
'customer_email' => '[email protected] ',
'apple_data' => '',
'apple_signature' => 'paymentData.signature',
'customer_ip' => '',
'phone_number' => '0123456789',
'apple_header' => [
'apple_transactionId' => 'paymentData.header.transactionId',
'apple_ephemeralPublicKey' =>'paymentData.header.ephemeralPublicKey',
'apple_publicKeyHash' =>'paymentData.header.publicKeyHash'
'apple_paymentMethod' => [
'apple_displayName' => 'paymentMethod.displayName',
'apple_network' => '',
'apple_type' => 'paymentMethod.type'
php artisan vendor:publish --provider "Payfort\Providers\PayfortServiceProvider"