PHP code example of aedart / testing-laravel

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download aedart/testing-laravel library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


aedart / testing-laravel example snippets

use Aedart\Testing\Laravel\Traits\TestHelperTrait;

class MyUnitTest extends \Codeception\TestCase\Test
    use TestHelperTrait;

     * @var \UnitTester
    protected $tester;

    protected function _before(){
        // Start the Laravel application

    protected function _after(){
        // Stop the Laravel application
     * @test
    public function readSomethingFromConfig(){
        // Calling config, using Laravel defined helper method
        $defaultDbDriver = config('database.default');

        $this->assertSame('mysql', $defaultDbDriver);

     * @test
    public function readSomethingElseFromConfig(){
        // Get the application instance
        $app = $this->getApplication();
        $queueDriver = $app['config']['queue.default'];
        $this->assertSame('sync', $queueDriver);
    // ... Remaining not shown ... //