PHP code example of ae / salesforce-rest-sdk

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download ae/salesforce-rest-sdk library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


ae / salesforce-rest-sdk example snippets

use AE\SalesforceRestSdk\Rest\Client;
use AE\SalesforceRestSdk\AuthProvider\OAuthProvider;

$client = new Client(
  new OAuthProvider(
  "46.0", // optional version number, defaults to 44.0
  "MyAppName" // optional client app name, used when filtering out Change Data Events in the Streaming API

use AE\SalesforceRestSdk\Rest\Client;
use AE\SalesforceRestSdk\AuthProvider\OAuthProvider;

$client = new Client(
  new OAuthProvider(

use AE\SalesforceRestSdk\Rest\Client;
use AE\SalesforceRestSdk\AuthProvider\CachedOAuthProvider;
use Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\FilesystemAdapter;

// Any adapter that uses Psr\Cache\CacheItemPoolInterface will work with the Cached Providers
$adapter = new FilesystemAdapter();

$client = new Client(
  new CachedOAuthProvider(

use AE\SalesforceRestSdk\Rest\Client;
use AE\SalesforceRestSdk\AuthProvider\OAuthProvider;
use Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationRegistry;

$loader = 


/** @var \AE\SalesforceRestSdk\Rest\SObject\Client $sObjectClient */
$sObjectClient = $client->getSObjectClient();

// Get basic metadata and recently used records for an object
$info = $sObjectClient->info("Account");

// Get very detailed metadata about an object
$describe = $sObjectClient->describe("Account");

// Get basic metadata info about all objects in SF
$globalDescribe = $sObjectClient->describeGlobal();

// Let's CRUD it up
$account = new \AE\SalesforceRestSdk\Model\SObject();

$sObjectClient->persist("Account", $account); // returns true if success

echo $account->Id; // outputs the SFID of the account

$account->MyCustomField__c = "Some Value I want to Save";

$sObjectClient->persist("Account", $account); // returns true on success

// Let's get new info from out account, pretend it was updated in SF
$account = $sObjectClient->get("Account", $account->Id, ["Name", "AnotherCoolField__c"]);

// Kill the account
$sObjectClient->remove("Account", $account);

// Query for more stuff
$result = $sObjectClient->query("SELECT Id, Name FROM Account");

echo $result->getTotalSize(); // OUtputs the total number of records for the query

var_dump($result->getRecords()); // SObject[]

while (!$result->isDone()) {
    // There are more records to be returned!
     // Just pass in the last result set and get the next batch
     // Lather, rinse, repeat until $result->isDone() === true;
    $result = $sObjectClient->query($result);
    var_dump($result->getRecords()); // CompositeSObject[]

// Query deleted and merged records, too
$result = $sObjectClient->queryAll(
    "SELECT Id, Name FROM Account",
     1000 // optional batch size, defaults to 2000, which is the max, min is 200

// Search for something
$result = $sObjectClient->search("FIND {Some Query} IN ALL FIELDS");

var_dump($result->getSearchRecords()); // CompositeSObject[]

use AE\SalesforceRestSdk\Bayeux\BayeuxClient;
use AE\SalesforceRestSdk\AuthProvider\OAuthProvider;
use AE\SalesforceRestSdk\Bayeux\Transport\LongPollingTransport;

$client = new BayeuxClient(
      new LongPollingTransport(),
      new OAuthProvider(
      "46.0" // optional version number, defaults to 44.0

use AE\SalesforceRestSdk\Bayeux\BayeuxClient;
use AE\SalesforceRestSdk\Bayeux\Consumer;
use AE\SalesforceRestSdk\Bayeux\ChannelInterface;
use AE\SalesforceRestSdk\Bayeux\Message;
use AE\SalesforceRestSdk\Bayeux\Extension\ReplayExtension;
use AE\SalesforceRestSdk\Bayeux\Extension\CachedReplayExtension;
use Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\FilesystemAdapter;

/** @var BayeuxClient $client */

// Getting a channel tells the client you want to subscribe to a topic
$channel = $client->getChannel('/topic/[YOUR_PUSH_TOPIC_NAME]');

// Give some durability to the messages on this channel by adding the ReplayExtension
$channel->addExtension(new ReplayExtension(ReplayExtension::REPLAY_SAVED));

// Using the CachedReplayExtension give greater durability in that it will remember the replay Id of the last
// message received and pick up where it left off, even if the process stops and restarts. If no messages for the
// channel topic have been received, it will use the value provided in the constructor.
// Again, Any Psr\Cache\CacheItemPoolInterface will do for the adapter parameter
$channel->addExtension(new CachedReplayExtension(new FilesystemAdapter(), CachedReplayExtension::REPLAY_SAVED));

// You can also apply extensions at the Client level, rather than the channel.
// In the case of the ReplayExtension, the last replayId will be remembered for each channel,
// however, if no messages have been received on the channel, the constructor argument is used
$client->addExtension(new CachedReplayExtension(new FilesystemAdapter(), CachedReplayExtension::REPLAY_SAVED));

// Register topic consumers prior to starting the client
    Consumer::create(function (ChannelInterface $channel, Message $message) {
        // This will be fired when the client receives a topic notification
        $payload = $message->getData();
        // The payload has information about the event that occurred
        $event = $payload->getEvent();
        echo $event->getType(); // "created", "updated", "undeleted", "deleted"
        echo $event->getCreatedDate()->format(\DATE_ISO8601); // outputs the datetime the event was created
        echo $event->getReplayId(); // This ia n ID used by the replay extension so it can pick up the feed where it left off
        $sobject = $payload->getSobject();
        echo $sobject->Id; // Get the Id
        echo $sobject->getFields(); // this outputs all the fields and their values that were in the create or update request

// Start the client to begin receiving notifications;

use Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\FilesystemAdapter;
use AE\SalesforceRestSdk\Rest\Client;
use AE\SalesforceRestSdk\AuthProvider\CachedOAuthProvider;
use AE\SalesforceRestSdk\Model\SObject;

// Use the SObject Client to create a Streaming Channel

// Any adapter that uses Psr\Cache\CacheItemPoolInterface will work with the Cached Providers
$adapter = new FilesystemAdapter();

$client = new Client(
  new CachedOAuthProvider(

$streamingChannel = new SObject([
    'name' => '/u/MY_AWESOME_TOPIC'

$client->getSObjectClient()->persist('StreamingChannel', $streamingChannel);

use Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\FilesystemAdapter;
use AE\SalesforceRestSdk\Rest\Client;
use AE\SalesforceRestSdk\AuthProvider\CachedOAuthProvider;
use AE\SalesforceRestSdk\Model\SObject;
use AE\SalesforceRestSdk\Rest\GenericEventClient;
use AE\SalesforceRestSdk\Model\Rest\GenericEvent;
use AE\SalesforceRestSdk\Model\Rest\GenericEvents;

// ... Client and everything is defined as above

// Generic Event Client also takes a cache adapter which it uses to keep track of Ids for StreamingChannels. You can
// resuse the adapter given to the client if you wish. The keys won't conflict.
$geClient = new GenericEventClient($adapter, $client->getSObjectClient());

// Next we'll create a Generic Event to dispatch
$event = new GenericEvent();
$event->setPayload("This is the payload of the event. It has to be a string. But it could be XML or JSON data");

// You can also set which clients subscribing to the channel you want to receive your message,
// if you didn't want all of them getting it. Use the GenericEventClient to see which users are subscribed to the channel
$users = $geClient->getChannelSubscribers('/u/MY_AWESOME_TOPIC');

// Send the event to the Streaming Channel
$geClient->sendEvent('/u/MY_AWESOME_TOPIC', $event);

// Multiple events can also be sent at once
$events = GenericEvents::create([
    GenericEvent::create("Event payload magic here"),
    GenericEvent::create("More event payload magic here"),

// Send the events to the Streaming Channel
$geClient->sendEvents('/u/MY_AWESOME_TOPIC', $events);