1. Go to this page and download the library: Download adzon/iframe-tabs library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
adzon / iframe-tabs example snippets
'extensions' => [
'iframe-tabs' => [
// Set to `false` if you want to disable this extension
'enable' => true,
// The controller and action of dashboard page `/admin/dashboard`
'home_action' => App\Admin\Controllers\HomeController::class . '@index',
// Default page tab-title
'home_title' => 'Home',
// Default page tab-title icon
'home_icon' => 'fa-home',
// Whether show icon befor titles for all tab
'use_icon' => true,
// dashboard css
'tabs_css' =>'vendor/laravel-admin-ext/iframe-tabs/dashboard.css',
// layer.js path
'layer_path' => 'vendor/laravel-admin-ext/iframe-tabs/layer/layer.js',
* href links do not open in tab .
* selecter : .sidebar-menu li a,.navbar-nav>li a,.sidebar .user-panel a,.sidebar-form .dropdown-menu li a
* if(href.indexOf(pass_urls[i]) > -1) //pass
'pass_urls' => ['/auth/logout', '/auth/lock'],
// When login session state of a tab-page was expired , force top-level window goto login page .
'force_login_in_top' => true,
// tabs left offset
'tabs_left' => 42,
// bind click event of table actions [edit / view]
'bind_urls' => 'popup', //[ popup / new_tab / none]
//table actions dom selecter
'bind_selecter' => '.box-body table.table tbody a.grid-row-view,.box-body table.table tbody a.grid-row-edit,.box-header .pull-right .btn-success,.popup',
//table action links [view edit] and create button ,and any thing has class pupop : <a class="pupop" popw="400px" poph="200px" href="someurl">mylink</a>