PHP code example of adrianstoica / laravel-mde

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download adrianstoica/laravel-mde library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


adrianstoica / laravel-mde example snippets

'providers' => [

 * For simplemde configuration options, please refer to the documentation: for specific settings
 * Only some important configurable items are listed here
 * Please note that the value of the configuration item here must be a string `true` or` false`
 * /
return [
     'autofocus' => 'true', // autofocus
     'autosave' => 'false', // automatically press save
     'forceSync' => 'true', // force synchronization textarea
     'indentWithTabs' => 'true', // tab alignment
     'minHeight' => '480px', // minimum height
     'maxHeight' => '720px', // Maximum height
     'allowAtxHeaderWithoutSpace' => 'true',
     'strikethrough' => 'true', // strikethrough
     'underscoresBreakWords' => 'true',
     'placeholder' => 'Enter content here ...',
     'singleLineBreaks' => 'true', // Single line break
     'spellChecker' => 'false', // spell checker
     'status' => 'true', // status bar
     'styleSelectedText' => 'true',
     'syncSideBySidePreviewScroll' => 'true', // scroll preview
     'tabSize' => 4,
     'toolbarTips' => 'true',
     'example' => 'true', // open example (can be closed)
     'buttons' => '["bold", "italic", "strikethrough", "heading", "|", "quote", "code", "table", "horizontal-rule", "unordered-list", "ordered-list", "|","link", "|", "side-by-side", "fullscreen", "|"]'
php artisan vendor:publish --force