1. Go to this page and download the library: Download adrianovcar/asaas-php-sdk library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
adrianovcar / asaas-php-sdk example snippets
use Adrianovcar\Asaas\Asaas;
$adapter = new GuzzleHttpAdapter('your_access_token');
// Instantiate the Asaas client using the previously created adapter instance.
$asaas = new Asaas($adapter);
// Note: If the second parameter is not informed, the API enters production mode
$asaas = new Asaas($adapter, 'sandbox|production');
// Returns the list of customers according to the filter used (https://docs.asaas.com/reference/listar-clientes)
$clientes = $asaas->customer()->getAll(array $filtros);
// Returns the customer's data according to the Id
$cobranca = $asaas->customer()->getById('cus_123123');
// Returns the customer's data according to the email
$clientes = $asaas->customer()->getByEmail('[email protected]');
// Inserts a new customer
$cobranca = $asaas->customer()->create(array $dadosCliente);
// Updates the customer's data
$cobranca = $asaas->customer()->update('cus_123123', array $dadosCliente);
// Deletes a customer
// Returns the list of payments
$cobrancas = $asaas->payment()->getAll(array $filtros);
// Returns the payment data according to the Id
$cobranca = $asaas->payment()->getById('pay_123123');
// Returns the list of payments according to the Customer Id
$cobrancas = $asaas->payment()->getByCustomer($customer_id);
// Returns the list of payments according to the Subscriptions Id
$cobrancas = $asaas->payment()->getBySubscription($subscription_id);
// Inserts a new payment
$cobranca = $asaas->payment()->create(array $dadosCobranca);
// Updates the payment data
$cobranca = $asaas->payment()->update('pay_123123', array $dadosCobranca);
// Deletes a payment
// Returns the list of subscriptions
$assinaturas = $asaas->subscription()->getAll(array $filtros);
// Returns the subscription data according to the Id
$assinatura = $asaas->subscription()->getById('sub_123123');
// Returns the list of subscriptions according to the Customer Id
$assinaturas = $asaas->subscription()->getByCustomer($customer_id);
// Inserts a new subscription
$assinatura = $asaas->subscription()->create(array $dadosAssinatura);
// Updates the subscription data
$assinatura = $asaas->subscription()->update('sub_123123', array $dadosAssinatura);
// Deletes a subscription
// Returns the list of notifications
$notificacoes = $asaas->notification()->getAll(array $filtros);
// Returns the notification data according to the Id
$notificacao = $asaas->notification()->getById('not_123123');
// Returns the list of notifications according to the Customer Id
$notificacoes = $asaas->notification()->getByCustomer($customer_id);
// Inserts a new notification
$notificacao = $asaas->notification()->create(array $dadosNotificacao);
// Updates the notification data
$notificacao = $asaas->notification()->update('not_123123', array $dadosNotificacao);
// Deletes a notification
// Returns the list of cities
$cidades = $asaas->city()->getAll(array $filtros);
// Returns the city data according to the Id
$action123 = $asaas->city()->getById(123);
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