PHP code example of adilbaig / pagerduty

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download adilbaig/pagerduty library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


adilbaig / pagerduty example snippets

use \PagerDuty\TriggerEvent;
use \PagerDuty\Exceptions\PagerDutyException;

$routingKey = "1d334a4819fc4b67a795b1c54f9a"; //Replace this with the integration key of your service.

// In this example, we're triggering a "Service is down" message from a web server.
try {
    $event = new TriggerEvent(
        "Service is down",  // A high-level, text summary message of the event. Will be used to construct an alert's description.
        "web-server-01",    // human-readable unique identifier, such as a hostname, for the system having the problem.
        TriggerEvent::ERROR,// How impacted the affected system is? Influences the priority of any created incidents. 
        true                // Generate the dedup_key from the driver. If false, the dedup_key will be generated on PD 
    $responseCode = $event->send();
    if($responseCode == 200)
        echo "Success";
    elseif($responseCode == 429)
        echo "Rate Limited";  //You're being throttled. Slow down.
    else // An error occured. Try again later
        echo "Some error has occured. Try again later";
} catch(PagerDutyException $exception) { //This doesn't happen unless you've broken their guidelines. The API tries to minimize user mistakes

use \PagerDuty\TriggerEvent;
use \PagerDuty\Exceptions\PagerDutyException;
use \PagerDuty\Http\PagerDutyHttpConnection;

try {
    $routingKey = '1d334a4819fc4b67a795b1c54f9a';  //Replace this with the integration key of your service.

    $event = new TriggerEvent(
        "Service is down",  // A high-level, text summary message of the event. Will be used to construct an alert's description.
        "web-server-01",    // human-readable unique identifier, such as a hostname, for the system having the problem.
        TriggerEvent::ERROR,// How impacted the affected system is? Influences the priority of any created incidents. 
        true                // Generate the dedup_key from the driver. If false, the dedup_key will be generated on PD 

    // create a custom proxy connection
    $connection = new PagerDutyHttpConnection();

    // .. and set the proxy

    // set custom CURL options. Here we set verbosity for debugging
    $connection->addCurlOption('CURLOPT_VERBOSE', 1);
    // send event through proxy
catch(PagerDutyException $exception) { //This doesn't happen unless you've broken their guidelines. The API tries to minimize user mistakes
catch (\Exception $e) {
    // A configuration exception

//You will only see one incident on PD
(TriggerEvent($routingKey, "Service is down", "web-server-01", TriggerEvent::ERROR, true))->send();
(TriggerEvent($routingKey, "Service is down", "web-server-01", TriggerEvent::ERROR, true))->send();
(TriggerEvent($routingKey, "Service is down", "web-server-01", TriggerEvent::ERROR, true))->send();

use \PagerDuty\TriggerEvent;

//Taken from the `trigger` example @
//Send a detailed event, and store the `dedup_key` generated on the server

$event = new TriggerEvent(
    "Example alert on", 
    ->setPayloadCustomDetails(["ping_time" => "1500ms", "load_avg" => 0.75])
    ->addLink("", "Link text")
    ->addImage("", "", "Example text"))

// Pass in the '$response' variable by reference if you want to inspect PD's response. This is optional, and you probably don't need this in production.
$response = null;
$responseCode = $event->send($response);
// In this case, we will save the `dedup_key` generated by the PD server

(new AcknowledgeEvent($routingKey, "dedup key"))->send();

(new ResolveEvent($routingKey, "dedup key"))->send();