PHP code example of adelynx / laravel-api-resources

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download adelynx/laravel-api-resources library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


adelynx / laravel-api-resources example snippets

return [
  | API Version
  | This value is the latest version of your api. This is used when
  | there's no specified version on the routes, so it will take this as the
  | default, or latest.
   'version' => '1',

   | Resources home path
   | This value is the base folder where your resources are stored.
   | When using multiple APIs, you can leave it as a string if every
   | api is in the same folder, or as an array with the APIs as keys.
    'resources_path' => 'App\Http\Resources',
    | Resources
    | Here is the folder that has versioned resources. If you store them
    | in the root of 'resources_path', leave this empty or null.
    'resources' => 'App'

  protected $routeMiddleware = [
    'api.v'           => \Adelynx\APIResources\Middleware\APIversion::class,

  'version' => '2',
  'resources_path' => 'App\Http\Resources',
  'resources' => 'Api'

  'version' => '2',
  'resources_path' => 'App\Http\Resources',
  'resources' => ''

// App v1 API
    'middleware' => ['app', 'api.v:1'],
    'prefix'     => 'api/v1',
], function ($router) {

use Adelynx\APIResources\Facades\APIResource;

class SomethingController extends Controller {

    public function show(Something $model)
      return APIResource::resolve('App\Something')->make($model);

class SomethingController extends Controller {

    public function show(Something $model)
      return api_resource('App\Something')->make($model);

class SomethingController extends Controller {

    public function index()
      $models = Something::all();
      return api_resource('App\Something')->collection($models);

class Post extends Resource {
    public function toArray($request)
      return [
        'title' => $this->title,
        'user' => api_resource('App\User')->make($this->user);

return [
  'default' => 'api',
  'version' => [
    'api'     => '2',
    'desktop' => '3'
  'resources_path' => 'App\Http\Resources'
  // Or one path each
  'resources_path' => [
    'api'     => 'App\Http\Resources',
    'desktop' => 'Vendorname\ExternalPackage\Resources'
  'resources' => [
    'api'     => 'Api',
    'desktop' => ''
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Adelynx\APIResources\APIResourcesServiceProvider"