PHP code example of adaptivemedia / laravel-site-lock

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download adaptivemedia/laravel-site-lock library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


adaptivemedia / laravel-site-lock example snippets

return [

     * This is the master switch to enable site lock.
    'enabled' => env('SITE_LOCK_ENABLED', true),

     * Environments that the site lock should be applied to.
    'environments' => ['staging', 'development'],

     * The following IP's will automatically gain access to the
     * app without having to visit the `access-url` url.
    'allowed-ips' => [],

     * List of urls that are whitelisted.
     * Examples:
     * /a-webhook-url
     * a-webhook-url
     * api/a-webhook-url
     * api/a-webhook-*
    'whitelisted-urls' => [],
     * The url that will unlock the site.
    'access-url' => '/change-this-url-to-your-own',

     * After having gained access, visitors will be redirected to this url.
    'redirect-url'  => '/',

     * The session key that holds the site lock.
    'session-key'   => 'site-lock',

     * Error message displayed for users without access.
    'error-message' => 'Access denied',

     * HTTP response for users without access.
    'error-http-response' => 401,

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Adaptivemedia\SiteLock\SiteLockServiceProvider" --tag="config"