PHP code example of adamlc / wufoo-php-api-wrapper

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download adamlc/wufoo-php-api-wrapper library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


adamlc / wufoo-php-api-wrapper example snippets

$wrapper = new Adamlc\Wufoo\WufooApiWrapper($apiKey, $subdomain);

$wrapper = new Adamlc\Wufoo\WufooApiWrapper('KUUI-22JI-ENID-IREW', 'yoursubdomain')); //create the class

$wrapper = new Adamlc\Wufoo\WufooApiWrapper('KUUI-22JI-ENID-IREW', 'yoursubdomain'); //create the class
print_r($wrapper->getForms($identifier = null)); //No identifier needed to retrieve all forms, otherwise pass in a form URL or hash

$wrapper = new Adamlc\Wufoo\WufooApiWrapper('KUUI-22JI-ENID-IREW', 'yoursubdomain'); //create the class
print_r($wrapper->getForms($identifier = 'k4j9jw')); //Identifier can be either a form hash or form URL.

$wrapper = new Adamlc\Wufoo\WufooApiWrapper('KUUI-22JI-ENID-IREW', 'yoursubdomain'); //create the class
print_r($wrapper->getEntries('k4j9jw', 'forms', 'Filter1=EntryId+Is_equal_to+1')); //Notice the filter

$wrapper = new Adamlc\Wufoo\WufooApiWrapper('KUUI-22JI-ENID-IREW', 'yoursubdomain'); //create the class
print_r($wrapper->getReportEntries('k4j9jw', 'Filter1=EntryId+Is_equal_to+1')); //Notice the filter

$wrapper = new Adamlc\Wufoo\WufooApiWrapper('KUUI-22JI-ENID-IREW', 'yoursubdomain'); //create the class

//NOTE: Create WufooSubmitFields for the $postArray values
$postArray = array(new Adamlc\Wufoo\ValueObject\WufooSubmitField('Field1', 'Booyah!'), new Adamlc\Wufoo\ValueObject\WufooSubmitField('Field1', '/files/myFile.txt', $isFile = true));
print_r($wrapper->entryPost('f83u4d', $postArray));

$wrapper = new Adamlc\Wufoo\WufooApiWrapper('KUUI-22JI-ENID-IREW', 'yoursubdomain'); //create the class
print_r($wrapper->getFields('j9js9r')); //Identifier is a form URL or hash

$wrapper = new Adamlc\Wufoo\WufooApiWrapper('KUUI-22JI-ENID-IREW', 'yoursubdomain'); //create the class
print_r($wrapper->getReportFields('j9js9r')); //Identifier is a reporyt URL or hash

$wrapper = new Adamlc\Wufoo\WufooApiWrapper('KUUI-22JI-ENID-IREW', 'yoursubdomain'); //create the class
print_r($wrapper->getComments('j9js9r', $entryId = '1')); //You may remove the $entryId parameter to get all comments for a form by EntryId.

$wrapper = new Adamlc\Wufoo\WufooApiWrapper('KUUI-22JI-ENID-IREW', 'yoursubdomain'); //create the class

$wrapper = new Adamlc\Wufoo\WufooApiWrapper('KUUI-22JI-ENID-IREW', 'yoursubdomain'); //create the class

$wrapper = new Adamlc\Wufoo\WufooApiWrapper('KUUI-22JI-ENID-IREW', 'yoursubdomain'); //create the class
print_r($wrapper->webHookPut('a5u8r9', '', 'key', $metadata = false);

$wrapper = new Adamlc\Wufoo\WufooApiWrapper('KUUI-22JI-ENID-IREW', 'yoursubdomain'); //create the class
print_r($wrapper->webHookDelete($formIdentifier = '432j83j', $hash = 'a5u8r9'));
"adamlc/wufoo-php-api-wrapper": "dev-master"