PHP code example of adamlc / address-format

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download adamlc/address-format library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


adamlc / address-format example snippets

//Create an address formatter instance
$address_formatter = new Adamlc\AddressFormat\Format;

//Set a locale using a two digit ISO country code.

//Set the address parts / attributes
$address_formatter['ADMIN_AREA'] = 'London';
$address_formatter['LOCALITY'] = 'Greenwich';
$address_formatter['RECIPIENT'] = 'Joe Bloggs';
$address_formatter['ORGANIZATION'] = 'Novotel London';
$address_formatter['POSTAL_CODE'] = 'SE10 8JA';
$address_formatter['STREET_ADDRESS'] = '173-185 Greenwich High Road';
$address_formatter['COUNTRY'] = 'United Kingdom';

//Get the address in localised format
$html = true; // Optional - return the address in HTML <br> instead of \n new lines

echo $address_formatter->formatAddress($html);