PHP code example of activecollab / databaseconnection

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download activecollab/databaseconnection library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


activecollab / databaseconnection example snippets

use ActiveCollab\DatabaseConnection\Connection\MysqliConnection;
use MySQLi;
use RuntimeException;

$database_link = new MySQLi('localhost', 'root', '', 'activecollab_database_connection_test');

if ($database_link->connect_error) {
  throw new RuntimeException('Failed to connect to database. MySQL said: ' . $database_link->connect_error);

$connection = new MysqliConnection($database_link);

// List all writers
foreach ($connection->execute('SELECT `id`, `name` FROM `writers` WHERE `name` = ? ORDER BY `id`', 'Leo Tolstoy') as $row) {
  print '#' . $row['id'] . ' ' . $row['name'] . "\n";

// Get the first cell of the first row (so we can print Tolstoy's birthday)
print $connection->executeFirstCell('SELECT `birthday` FROM `writers` WHERE `name` = ? LIMIT 0, 1', 'Leo Tolstoy');

// Get everything that we have on Leo Tolstoy
print_r($connection->executeFirstRow('SELECT * FROM `writers` WHERE `name` = ?', 'Leo Tolstoy'));

// Show names of all authors
print_r($connection->executeFirstColumn('SELECT `name` FROM `writers` ORDER BY `name`'));

$writers = $connection->select('writers', ['id', 'name'], ['birthday >= ?', '1821-11-11'], 'name');

$num = $connection->count('writers');

$num = $connection->count('writers', "`name` = 'Leo Tolstoy'");
$num = $this->connection->count('writers', ['name = ?', 'Leo Tolstoy']);

$num = $this->connection->count('writers', null, '*');
$num = $this->connection->count('writers', null, 'name')


use ActiveCollab\DatabaseConnection\Connection\MysqliConnection;
use ActiveCollab\DatabaseConnection\ConnectionFactory;

$connection = (new ConnectionFactory())->mysqli('localhost', 'root', '', 'activecollab_database_connection_test', 'utf8mb4');

if ($connection instanceof MysqliConnection) {

// Insert 3 rows per INSERT query in `writers` table
$batch_insert = $connection->batchInsert('writers', ['name', 'birthday'], 3);

$batch_insert->insert('Leo Tolstoy', new DateTime('1828-09-09')); // No insert
$batch_insert->insert('Alexander Pushkin', new DateTime('1799-06-06')); // No insert
$batch_insert->insert('Fyodor Dostoyevsky', new DateTime('1821-11-11')); // Insert
$batch_insert->insert('Anton Chekhov', new DateTime('1860-01-29')); // No insert

$batch_insert->done(); // Insert remaining rows and close the batch insert

$batch_replace = $this->connection->batchInsert('writers', ['name', 'birthday'], 3, ConnectionInterface::REPLACE);

$rows = $this->connection->execute('SELECT ST_AsText(`geometry`) AS "geometry" FROM `example`');
    new ValueCaster(
            'geometry' => ValueCasterInterface::CAST_SPATIAL,

use ActiveCollab\DatabaseConnection\Record\LoadFromRow;
use DateTime;

class Writer implements LoadFromRow
   * @var array
  private $row;

   * @param array $row
  public function loadFromRow(array $row)
    $this->row = $row;

   * @return integer
  public function getId()
    return $this->row['id'];

   * @return string
  public function getName()
    return $this->row['name'];

   * @return DateTime
  public function getBirthday()
    return new DateTime($this->row['birthday']);

use ActiveCollab\DatabaseConnection\Connection\MysqliConnection;
use DateTime;
use MySQLi;
use RuntimeException;

$database_link = new MySQLi('localhost', 'root', '', 'activecollab_database_connection_test');

if ($database_link->connect_error) {
  throw new RuntimeException('Failed to connect to database. MySQL said: ' . $database_link->connect_error);

$connection = new MysqliConnection($database_link);

foreach ($this->connection->advancedExecute('SELECT * FROM `writers` ORDER BY `id`', null, ConnectionInterface::LOAD_ALL_ROWS, ConnectionInterface::RETURN_OBJECT_BY_CLASS, '\ActiveCollab\DatabaseConnection\Test\Fixture\Writer') as $writer) {
  print '#' . $writer->getId() . ' ' . $writer->getName() . ' (' . $writer->getBirthday()->format('Y-m-d') . ')';

use ActiveCollab\DatabaseConnection\Connection\MysqliConnection;
use DateTime;
use MySQLi;
use RuntimeException;

$database_link = new MySQLi('localhost', 'root', '', 'activecollab_database_connection_test');

if ($database_link->connect_error) {
  throw new RuntimeException('Failed to connect to database. MySQL said: ' . $database_link->connect_error);

$connection = new MysqliConnection($database_link);

foreach ($this->connection->advancedExecute('SELECT * FROM `writers` ORDER BY `id`', null, ConnectionInterface::LOAD_ALL_ROWS, ConnectionInterface::RETURN_OBJECT_BY_FIELD, 'type') as $writer) {
  print '#' . $writer->getId() . ' ' . $writer->getName() . ' (' . $writer->getBirthday()->format('Y-m-d') . ')';

use ActiveCollab\DatabaseConnection\Test\Fixture\Container;
use ActiveCollab\DatabaseConnection\Test\Fixture\WriterWithContainer;
use Psr\Container\ContainerInterface;

$container = new Container([
    'dependency' => 'it works!'

$result = $this->connection->advancedExecute('SELECT * FROM `writers` ORDER BY `id`', null, ConnectionInterface::LOAD_ALL_ROWS, ConnectionInterface::RETURN_OBJECT_BY_CLASS, WriterWithContainer::class, null, $container);

foreach ($result as $writer) {
    print $writer->dependency . "\n"; // Prints 'it works!'