PHP code example of actengage / media

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download actengage/media library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


actengage / media example snippets

use Actengage\Media\Facades\Resource;
use Illuminate\Http\UploadedFile;

// Create a resource from a path.
$resource = Resource::path('some/file/path/image.jpeg');

// Create a resource from request() instance.
$resource = Resource::request('image');

// Create a resource from an \Illuminate\Http\UploadedFile instance.
$resource = Resource::make(
    new UploadedFile('some/file/path/image.jpeg', 'image.jpeg')

use Actengage\Media\Facades\Resource;

// Chain methods on the Resource facade to build the resource.
// This will save the resource to the `public` disk in the `images`
// directory. This resource is assumed to be an image and will be
// filtered using `greyscale()`.
$resource = Resource::request('image')
    ->title('Hello World!')
    ->caption('This is my first resource.')

// Save the resource to the disk and return the `Media` model.
$media = $resource->save();

use Actengage\Media\Facades\Resource;
use Actengage\Media\Resources\Image;

$resource = Resource::request('image')
    // When the resource is an image, make it greyscale.
    ->is('image', function($resource) {
    // You may also use the literal class as a match...
    ->is(Image::class, function($resource) {
    // When the resource is a file, do something else...
    ->is('file', function($resource) {
        // Do something here...

use Actengage\Media\Facades\Resource;
use Actengage\Media\Resources\Image;

$resource = Resource::request('image')
    // When the value is `true` execute the callback.
    ->when(true, function($resource) {
        // This will only be called when `true` is passed to the first argument.
    // You may also use a callback to check for a `true` value.
    ->when(function($resource) {
        return true;
    }, function($resource) {
        // This will only be called when `true` is returned from the first callback.
    // When the value is `false` execute the callback.
    ->not(false, function($resource) {
        // This will only be called when `false` is passed to the first argument.
    // You may also use a callback to check for a `false` value.
    ->not(function($resource) {
        return false;
    }, function($resource) {
        // This will only be called when `false` is returned from the first callback.

## Resource Context, Meta, Tags

Contextual data can be used to search and filter `Media` models.

use Actengage\Resources\Image;

Image::creating(function($resource, $model) {
    // This method is fired for the every Image resource before it
    // has been saved, similar to the `creating` Eloquent event.

Image::created(function($resource, $model) {
    // This method is fired for the every Image resource after it
    // has been saved, similar to the `creating` Eloquent event.

$resource = Resource::request('image')
    ->creating(function($resource, $model) {
        // This method is fired for the resource instance before it
        // has been saved, similar to the `creating` Eloquent event.
    ->created(function($resource, $model) {
        // This method is fired for the resource instance after it
        // has been saved, similar to the `created` Eloquent event.

use Actengage\Media\Media;

// Search by one or more captions
Media::caption('Some Caption');
Media::caption('Some Caption', 'Another Caption');
Media::caption(['Some Caption', 'Another Caption']);

// Search by one or more contexts
Media::context('Some Context');
Media::context('Some Context', 'Another Context');
Media::context(['Some Context', 'Another Context']);

// Search by one or more disks
Media::disk('public', 's3');
Media::disk(['public', 's3']);

// Search by one or more extensions
Media::extension('jpeg', 'jpg');
Media::extension(['jpeg', 'jpg']);

// Search by one or more filenames
Media::filename('a.jpeg', 'b.jpeg');
Media::filename(['a.jpeg', 'b.jpeg']);

// Search by one or more filesizes
Media::filesize(2500, 3500);
Media::filesize([2500, 3500]);

// Search by meta key/values
    'a' => 1,
    'b' => 2,
    'c' => 3

// Search by one or more mime types
Media::mime('text/plain', 'text/html');
Media::mime(['text/plain', 'text/html']);

// Search by one or more tags
Media::tag('a', 'b');
Media::tag(['a', 'b', 'c']);

// Alias to tag() is tags()
Media::tags('a', 'b');

// Search by one or more titles
Media::title('Some Title');
Media::title('Some Title', 'Another Title');
Media::title(['Some Title', 'Another Title']);

// Search records without one or more tags
Media::withoutTag('a', 'b');
Media::withoutTag(['a', 'b', 'c']);

// Alias to withoutTag() is withoutTags()
Media::withoutTags('a', 'b');

namespace App;

use Actengage\Media\Mediable;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Document extends Model
    use Mediable;

// Create a new `Media` model using the `request()` instance.
$media = Resource::request('image')

// Create a new Document
$document = new Document();
$document->content = 'Hello World!';

// Sync the model to the document

// Many to Many usage

// One to Many usage. This method will give the last `Media` model
// associated with the document model. This method is for convenience.

use Actengage\Media\Resources\Image;

// These plugins will only fire on Image resources.
    // This is a plugin without any options defined.

    // This is a plugin with options defined.
    [ExtractImageColors::class, [
        'colorCount' => 3,
        'quality' => 10

use Actengage\Media\Media;
use Actengage\Media\Plugins\ExtractImageColors;
use Actengage\Media\Plugins\HashDirectory;
use Actengage\Media\Plugins\HashFilename;
use Actengage\Media\Resources\File;
use Actengage\Media\Resources\Image;

return [

    // Resources are defined in key/value pairs. The key is the common name
    // and the value is the class. Plugins are matched to their common name.
    'resources' => [
        'image' => Image::class,
        'file' => File::class
    'plugins' => [
        // This plugins will apply to all resources and has no options.

        // These plugins will only apply to image resources
        'image' => [
            // This plugin has some options
            [ExtractImageColors::class, [
                'colorCount' => 3,
                'quality' => 10

        // These plugins will only apply to file resources
        'file' => [


namespace Actengage\Media\Plugins;

use Actengage\Media\Media;
use Actengage\Media\Resources\Image;
use ColorThief\ColorThief;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;

class ExtractImageColors extends Plugin {

     * Boot the plugin.
     * @param Collection $options
     * @return void
    public static function boot(Collection $options): void
         * Get the color palette of the image.
         * @param integer $colorCount
         * @param integer $quality
         * @param array|null $area
         * @param string $outputFormat
         * @param \ColorThief\Image\Adapter\AdapterInterface|string|null $adapter 
         * @return \Illuminate\Support\Collection
        Image::macro('palette', function(
            int $colorCount = 10,
            int $quality = 10,
            ?array $area = null,
            string $outputFormat = 'obj',
            $adapter = null
        ): Collection {
            return collect(ColorThief::getPalette(
        Image::creating(function(Image $resource, Media $model) use ($options) {
            $model->colors = $resource->palette(
                (int) $options->get('colorCount', 10),
                (int) $options->get('quality', 10)

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=config

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=config