PHP code example of acdh-oeaw / repo-php-util

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download acdh-oeaw/repo-php-util library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


acdh-oeaw / repo-php-util example snippets

use acdhOeaw\util\RepoConfig as RC;

ew acdhOeaw\fedora\Fedora();

$graph = new EasyRdf\Graph();
$metadata = $graph->resource('.'); // the resource URI you provide here is irrelevant and can be any string (the EasyRdf library e');

$resource1 = $fedora->createResource($metadata, 'pathToFile'); // with binary data from file, at the repository root
$resource2 = $fedora->createResource($metadata, 'myResourceData (...)'); // with binary data from string, at the repository root
$resource3 = $fedora->createResource($metadata); // without binary data, at the repository root
$resource4 = $fedora->createResource($metadata, '', '/my/collection'); // without binary data, as a child of a given Fedora collection (the collection has to exist)
$resource5 = $fedora->createResource($metadata, 'pathToFile', '/my/resource', 'PUT'); // with binary data from file, at a given location (the '/my' collection has to exist)

$resource = $fedora->getResourceById('');
echo $resource->__metaToString();

$resources = $fedora->getResourceByProperty('', '');
echo count($resources);
echo $resources[0]->__metaToString();

$resource = $fedora->getResourceByUri('');
echo $resource->__metaToString();

$myProperty = ''


$resource = $fedora->getResourcesById('');
$metadata = $resource->getMetadata();
foreach(array('value1', 'value2') as $i){
    $metadata->addLiteral($myProperty, $i);


$myProperty = ''


$graph = new EasyRdf\Graph();
$metadata = $graph->resource('.');
foreach(array('value1', 'value2') as $i){
    $metadata->addLiteral($myProperty, $i);


$myExistingProperty = 'http://my.existing/#property'


$resource = $fedora->getResourcesByProperty($conf->get('redmineIdProp'), '')[0];
$metadata = $resource->getMetadata();
foreach(array('value1', 'value2') as $i){
    $metadata->addLiteral($myExistingProperty, $i);


$myMultivalueProperty = 'http://my.existing/#property'


$resource = $fedora->getResourcesByProperty($conf->get('redmineIdProp'), '')[0];
$metadata = $resource->getMetadata();
foreach(array('value1', 'value2') as $i){
    $metadata->addLiteral($myMultivalueProperty, $i);



$resource = $fedora->getResourceById('');
$resource->updateContent('pathToFile'); // with data in file
$resource->updateContent('new content of the resource'); // with data passed directly



$issues = acdhOeaw\redmine\Redmine::fetchAllIssues($fedora, true, ['tracker_id' => 5]);
foreach ($issues as $i) {



$resource = $fedora->getResourceById('');
$ind = new acdhOeaw\util\Indexer($resource);
$ind->setPaths(array('directoryToIndex')); // read next chapter


  // for the file path `/my/file/path.xml` search for metadata in files `/my/file/path.xml.ttl`, `/my/file/path/meta/path.xml.ttl` and `/some/dir/path.xml.ttl`
  // locations are searched in the given order, first metadata file found is used
  // such a file must contain only one resource being triples subject (if there are more, an exception is rised)
  $metaLookup = new acdhOeaw\util\metaLookup\MetaLookupFile(array('.', './meta', '/some/dir'), '.ttl');

  $ind = new Indexer($someResource);

  $graph = new EasyRdf\Graph();
  $metaLookup = new acdhOeaw\util\metaLookup\MetaLookupGraph($graph);

  $ind = new Indexer($someResource);

$res = $fedora->getResourceById('');
$aclObj = $res->getAcl();
$aclObj->grant(acdhOeaw\fedora\acl\WebAclRule::USER, 'user1', acdhOeaw\fedora\acl\WebAclRule::WRITE);
$aclObj->grant(acdhOeaw\fedora\acl\WebAclRule::USER, acdhOeaw\fedora\acl\WebAclRule::PUBLIC_USER, acdhOeaw\fedora\acl\WebAclRule::READ);

$res = $fedora->getResourceById('');
$aclObj = $res->getAcl();
$aclObj->grant(acdhOeaw\fedora\acl\WebAclRule::USER, 'user1', acdhOeaw\fedora\acl\WebAclRule::WRITE, 2);