PHP code example of academe / opayo-pi

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download academe/opayo-pi library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


academe / opayo-pi example snippets

// composer l bring in guzzle/psr7 too, which is what we will use.

use GuzzleHttp\Client; // Or your favourite PSR-18 client
use GuzzleHttp\Exception\ClientException;
use Academe\Opayo\Pi\Model\Auth;
use Academe\Opayo\Pi\Model\Endpoint;
use Academe\Opayo\Pi\Request\CreateSessionKey;
use Academe\Opayo\Pi\Factory;
use Academe\Opayo\Pi\Request\CreateCardIdentifier;
use Academe\Opayo\Pi\Factory\ResponseFactory;

// Set up authentication details object.

$auth = new Auth('vendor-name', 'your-key', 'your-password');

// Also the endpoint.
// This one is set as the test API endpoint.

$endpoint = new Endpoint(Endpoint::MODE_TEST); // or MODE_LIVE

// Request object to construct the session key message.

$keyRequest = new CreateSessionKey($endpoint, $auth);

// PSR-18 HTTP client to send this message.
// If using Guzzle 6, then wrap it with an adapter such as HTTPlug,
// see

$client = new Client();

// Send the PSR-7 message to request a session key.
// The message will be generated by guzzle/psr7 or zendframework/zend-diactoros, with discovery
// on which is installed. You can explictly create the PSR-7 factory instead and pass that in
// as a third parameter when creating Request\CreateSessionKey.

$keyResponse = $client->sendRequest($keyRequest);

// Capture the result in our local response model.
// Use the ResponseFactory to automatically choose the correct message class.

$sessionKey = ResponseFactory::fromHttpResponse($keyResponse);

// If an error is indicated, then you will be returned an ErrorCollection instead
// of the session key. Look into that to diagnose the problem.

if ($sessionKey->isError()) {
    // $session_key will be Response\ErrorCollection
    exit; // Better handling needed than this!

// The result we want:

echo "Session key is: " . $sessionKey->getMerchantSessionKey();

use Academe\Opayo\Pi\Request\CreateCardIdentifier;

// Create a card indentifier on the API.
// Note the MMYY order is most often used for GB gateways like Sage Pay. Many European
// gateways tend to go most significant number (MSN) first, i.e. YYMM.
// $endpoint, $auth and $session_key from before:

$cardIdentifierRequest = new CreateCardIdentifier(
    $endpoint, $auth, $sessionKey,
    'Fred', '4929000000006', '1220', '123' // name, card, MMYY, CVV

// Send the PSR-7 message.
// The same error handling as shown earlier can be used.

$cardIdentifierResponse = $client->sendRequest($cardIdentifierRequest);

// Grab the result as a local model.
// If all is well, we will have a CardIdentifier that will be valid for use
// for the next 400 seconds.

$cardIdentifier = ResponseFactory::fromHttpResponse($cardIdentifierResponse);

// Again, an ErrorCollection will be returned in the event of an error:

if ($cardIdentifier->isError()) {
    // $session_key will be Response\ErrorCollection
    exit; // Don't do this in production.

// When the card is stored by the front end browser only, the following three
// items will be posted back to your application.

echo "Card identifier = " . $cardIdentifier->getCardIdentifier();
echo "Card type = " . $cardIdentifier->getCardType(); // e.g. Visa

// This card identifier will expire at the given time. Do note that this
// will be the timestamp at the Sage Pay server, not locally. You may be
// better off just starting your own 400 second timer here.

var_dump($cardIdentifier->getExpiry()); // DateTime object.

use Academe\Opayo\Pi\Money;
use Academe\Opayo\Pi\PaymentMethod;
use Academe\Opayo\Pi\Request\CreatePayment;
use Academe\Opayo\Pi\Request\Model\SingleUseCard;
use Academe\Opayo\Pi\Money\Amount;
use Academe\Opayo\Pi\Request\Model\Person;
use Academe\Opayo\Pi\Request\Model\Address;
use Academe\Opayo\Pi\Money\MoneyAmount;
use Money\Money as MoneyPhp;

// We need a billing address.
// Sage Pay has many mandatory fields that many gateways leave as optional.
// Sage Pay also has strict validation on these fields, so at the front end
// they must be presented to the user so they can modify the details if
// submission fails validation.

$billingAddress = Address::fromData([
    'address1' => 'address one',
    'postalCode' => 'NE26',
    'city' => 'Whitley',
    'state' => 'AL',
    'country' => 'US',

// We have a customer to bill.

$customer = new Person(
    'Bill Firstname',
    'Bill Lastname',
    '[email protected]',
    '+44 191 12345678'

// We have an amount to bill.
// This example is £9.99 (999 pennies).

$amount = Amount::GBP()->withMinorUnit(999);

// Or better to use the moneyphp/money package:

$amount = new MoneyAmount(MoneyPhp::GBP(999));

// We have a card to charge (we get the session key and captured the card identifier earlier).
// See below for details of the various card request objects.

$card = new SingleUseCard($session_key, $card_identifier);

// If you want the card to be reusable, then set its "save" flag:
// You will also need to force 3D secure and set a credential type (see below)

$card = $card->withSave();

// Put it all together into a payment transaction.

$paymentRequest = new CreatePayment(
    'MyVendorTxCode-' . rand(10000000, 99999999), // This will be your local unique transaction ID.
    'My Purchase Description',
    null, // Optional shipping address
    null, // Optional shipping recipient
        // Don't use 3DSecure this time.
        'Apply3DSecure' => CreatePayment::APPLY_3D_SECURE_DISABLE,
        // Or force 3D Secure.
        'Apply3DSecure' => CreatePayment::APPLY_3D_SECURE_FORCE,
        // There are other options available.
        'ApplyAvsCvcCheck' => CreatePayment::APPLY_AVS_CVC_CHECK_FORCE

// Send it to Sage Pay.

$paymentResponse = $client->sendRequest($paymentRequest);

// Assuming we got no exceptions, extract the response details.

$payment = ResponseFactory::fromHttpResponse($paymentResponse);

// Again, an ErrorCollection will be returned in the event of an error.
if ($payment->isError()) {
    // $payment_response will be Response\ErrorCollection

if ($payment->isRedirect()) {
    // If the result is "3dAuth" then we will need to send the user off to do their 3D Secure
    // authorisation (more about that process in a bit).
    // A status of "Ok" means the transaction was successful.
    // A number of validation errors can be captured and linked to specific submitted
    // fields (more about that in a bit too).
    // In future gateway releases there may be other reasons to redirect, such as PayPal
    // authorisation.
    // ...

// Statuses are listed in `AbstractTransaction` and can be obtained as an array using the static
// helper method:
// AbstractTransaction::constantList('STATUS')

echo "Final status is " . $payment->getStatus();

if ($payment->isSuccess()) {
    // Payment is successfully authorised.
    // Store everything, then tell the user they have paid.

use Academe\Opayo\Pi\Request\FetchTransaction;

// Prepare the message.

$transactionResult = new FetchTransaction(
    $transaction_response->getTransactionId() // From earlier

// Send it to Sage Pay.

$response = $client->sendRequest($transactionResult);

// Assuming no exceptions, this gives you the payment or repeat payment record.
// But do check for errors in the usual way (i.e. you could get an error collection here).

$fetchedTransaction = ResponseFactory::fromHttpResponse($response);

use Academe\Opayo\Pi\Request\CreateRepeatPayment;

$repeat_payment = new CreateRepeatPayment(
    $previous_transaction_id, // The previous payment to take card details from.
    'MyVendorTxCode-' . rand(10000000, 99999999), // This will be your local unique transaction ID.
    $amount, // Not limited by the original amount.
    'My Repeat Purchase Description',
    null, // Optional shipping address
    null // Optional shipping recipient

$paymentRequest = new CreatePayment(
        'Apply3DSecure' => CreatePayment::APPLY_3D_SECURE_FORCE,
        // or set APPLY_3D_SECURE_USEMSPSETTING to control it from the MyOpayo panel.

// $transaction_response is the message we get back after sending the payment request.

if ($transactionResponse->isRedirect()) {
    // This is the bank URL that Sage Pay wants us to send the user to.

    $url = $transactionResponse->getAcsUrl();

    // This is where the bank will return the user when they are finished there.
    // It needs to be an SSL URL to avoid browser errors. That is a consequence of
    // the way the banks do the redirect back to the merchant siteusing POST and not GET,
    // and something we cannot control.

    $termUrl = '';

    // $md is optional and is usually a key to help find the transaction in storage.
    // For demo, we will just send the vendorTxCode here, but you should avoid exposing
    // that value in a real site. You could leave it unused and just store the vendorTxCode
    // in the session, since it will always only be used when the user session is available
    // (i.e. all callbacks are done through the user's browser).

    $md = $transactionResponse->getTransactionId();

    // Based on the 3D Secure redirect message, our callback URL and our optional MD,
    // we can now get all the POST fields to perform the redirect:

    $paRequestFields = $transactionResponse->getPaRequestFields($termUrl, $md);

    // All these fields will normally be hidden form items and the form would auto-submit
    // using JavaScript. In this example we display the fields and don't auto-submit, so
    // you can se what is happening:

    echo "<p>Do 3DSecure</p>";
    echo "<form method='post' action='$url'>";
    foreach($paRequestFields as $field_name => $field_value) {
        echo "<p>$field_name <input type='text' name='$field_name' value='$field_value' /></p>";
    echo "<button type='submit'>Click here if not redirected in five seconds</button>";
    echo "</form>";

    // Exit in the appropriate way for your application or framework.

use Academe\Opayo\Pi\ServerRequest\Secure3DAcs;

$serverRequest = \GuzzleHttp\Psr7\ServerRequest::fromGlobals();
// or if using a framework that supplies a PSR-7 server request, just use that.

// isRequest() is just a sanity check before diving in with assumptions about the
// incoming request.

if (Secure3DAcs::isRequest($serverRequest->getBody()))
    // Yeah, we got a 3d Secure server request coming at us. Process it here.

    $secure3dServerRequest = new Secure3DAcs($serverRequest);

use Academe\Opayo\Pi\ServerRequest\Secure3DAcs;

if (Secure3DAcs::isRequest($_POST)) {
    $secure3dServerRequest = Secure3DAcs::fromData($_POST);

    use Academe\Opayo\Pi\Request\CreateSecure3D;

    $request = new CreateSecure3D(
        // Include the transaction ID.
        // For this demo we sent that as `MD` data rather than storing it in the session.
        // The transaction ID will generally be in the session; putting it in MD exposes it
        // to the end user, so don't do this unless use a nonce!

    // Send to Sage Pay and get the final 3D Secure result.

    $response = $client->send($request);
    $secure3dResponse = ResponseFactory::fromHttpResponse($response);

    // This will be the result. We are looking for `Authenticated` or similar.
    // The $secure3dResponse will normally be the full transaction details.
    // NOTE: the result of the 3D Secure verification here is NOT safe to act on.
    // I have found that on live, it is possible for the card to totally fail
    // authentication, while the 3D Secure result returns `Authenticated` here.
    // This is a decision the bank mnakes. They may skip the 3D Secure and mark
    // it as "Authenticated" at their own risk. Just log this information.
    // Instead, you MUST fetch the remote transaction from the gateway to find
    // the real state of both the 3D Secure check and the card authentication
    // checks.

    echo $secure3dResponse->getStatus();

    // Give the gateway some time to get its syncs in order.


    // Fetch the transaction with full details.

    $transactionResult = new FetchTransaction(
        // transaction ID would normally be in the session, as described above, but we put it
        // into the MD for this demo.

    // Send the request for the transaction to Sage Pay.

    $response = $client->sendRequest($transactionResult);

    // We should now have the payment, repeat payment, or an error collection.

    $transactionFetch = ResponseFactory::fromHttpResponse($response);

    // We should now have the final results.
    // The transaction data is all [described in the docs](

    echo json_encode($transactionFetch);

// When using 3D Secure v2, put together additional SCA details.

$strongCustomerAuthentication = new StrongCustomerAuthentication(
    $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], // IPv4 of user's browser
    $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT'], // Full Accept header provided by user's browser
    true, // if javascript enabled on the browser; your payment page would need to detect that
    'en-GB', // Language of the user's browser; docs are ambiguous on whether "en-GB" or just "en"
    $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], // Full user agent of the user's browser
        // These are mandatory if javascript is enabled.
        'browserJavaEnabled' => false,
        'browserColorDepth' => StrongCustomerAuthentication::BROWSER_COLOR_DEPTH_32,
        'browserScreenHeight' => 512,
        'browserScreenWidth' => 1024,
        'browserTz' => 60,

$paymentRequest = new CreatePayment(
        // 3D Secure v2 needs Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) which 

// Example 3DS POST redirect with a button.

// The $threeDSSessionData is an optional string that can be passed to the ACS,
// and will be returned with the result to help match up the user with their
// payment request.

// Note: do NOT pass the transactionId in as the threeDSSessionData. If you do
// this, Opayo will reject the 3DS redirect challenge. It's not known why, but
// has been observed. The vendorTxCode can be used with no issues at this time.

if ($transactionResponse->isRedirect()) {
    $encThreeDSSessionData = base64_encode($threeDSSessionData);

    echo '<form method="post" action="'.$payment->getAcsUrl().'">';
    foreach($transactionResponse->getPaRequestFields($encThreeDSSessionData) as $name => $value) {
        echo '<input type="hidden" name="'.$name.'" value="'.$value.'" />';
    echo '<button type="submit">Click here if not redirected in five seconds</button>';
    echo '</form>';

use Academe\Opayo\Pi\ServerRequest\Secure3Dv2Notification;

if (Secure3Dv2Notification::isRequest($_POST)) {
    $secure3Dv2Notification = new Secure3Dv2Notification::fromData($_POST);
    // If you need the sent session data, it can be found here:

    $encThreeDSSessionData = $secure3Dv2Notification->getThreeDSSessionData();
    $threeDSSessionData = base64_decode($encThreeDSSessionData);


    use Academe\Opayo\Pi\Request\CreateSecure3Dv2Challenge;

    $request = new CreateSecure3Dv2Challenge(
        $endpoint, $auth, $notification, $transactionId

    $response = $client->sendRequest($request);
    $transaction = ResponseFactory::fromHttpResponse($response);


if ($saveCard) {
    $card = $card->withSave();

$paymentRequest = new CreatePayment(
    'MyVendorTxCode-' . rand(10000000, 99999999),
    'My Purchase Description',

if ($saveCard) {
    // A credential type must be applied. There are convienence static creators to simplify this
    // @see

    // Saving a token for reuse is only possible when 3D secure is applied (the cardholder must be present)


$paymentResponse = $client->sendRequest($paymentRequest);

    $request = new CreateSecure3Dv2Challenge(...);
    $response = $client->sendRequest($request);
    $response = ResponseFactory::fromHttpResponse($response);

    $card = $response->getPaymentMethod();

    if ($card instanceof Card && $card->isReusable()) {
        // store this info against your customer for future use
        $serialisedCard = json_encode($card);
        // or individual attributes of the card if you want it normalised
        $savedToken = $card->getCardIdentifier();
        $lastFourDigits = $card->getLastFourDigits();
        $expiryDate = $card->getExpiryDate();

if ($merchantPlacingOrderOnCustomersBehalf) {
    $card = new ReusableCard($savedToken);
} else {
    // customer placing order themselves,     'MyVendorTxCode-' . rand(10000000, 99999999),
    'My Purchase Description',

if ($merchantPlacingOrderOnCustomersBehalf) {
} else {

use Academe\Opayo\Pi\Request\LinkSecurityCode;

$securityCode = new LinkSecurityCode(
    '123' // The CVV obtained from the user.

// Send the message to create the link.
// The result will be a `Response\NoContent` if all is well.

$securityCodeResponse = ResponseFactory::fromHttpResponse(

// Should check for errors here:

if ($securityCodeResponse->isError()) {...}


// Get the transaction response.

$transactionResponse = ResponseFactory::fromHttpResponse($response);

// Get the card. Only cards are supported as Payment Method at this time,
// though that is likely to change when PayPal support is rolled out.

$card = $transactionResponse->getPaymentMethod();

// If it is reusable, then it can be serialised for storage:

if ($card->isReusable()) {
    // Also can use getData() if you want the data without being serialised.
    $serialisedCard = json_encode($card);

// In a later payment, the card can be reused:

$card = ReusableCard::fromData(json_decode($serialisedCard));

// Or more explicitly:

$card = new ReusableCard($cardIdentifier);

// Or if being linked to a freshly-entered CVV:

$card = new ReusableCard($merchantSessionKey, $cardIdentifier);