PHP code example of academe / omnipay-girocheckout

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download academe/omnipay-girocheckout library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


academe / omnipay-girocheckout example snippets

use Omnipay\GiroCheckout\Gateway;
use Omnipay\Omnipay;

// The backward slashes are needed to make the driver base class absolute.
// An issue will be raised against Omnipay Common to fix this.
$gateway = Omnipay::create('\\' . Gateway::class);
// or
$gateway = Omnipay::create('GiroCheckout/Gateway';

// The IDs can be given as integers in strings.
// Other payment types are supported.

// or

    'merchantId' => 3610000,
    'projectId' => 37000,
    'projectPassphrase' => 'ZFXDMpXDMpVV9Z',
    'paymentType' => Gateway::PAYMENT_TYPE_CREDIT_PAYPAL,

use Money\Money;
use Money\Currency;


$authRequest = $gateway->authorize([
    'transactionId' => $yourMerchantTransactionId,
    // Several ways to supply the amount:
    'amount' => '4.56',
    'amount' => new Money(456, new Currency('EUR')),
    'amount' => Money::EUR(456),
    'currency' => 'EUR',
    'description' => 'Mandatory reason for the transaction',
    'language' => 'en',
    'returnUrl' => 'url to bring the user back to the merchant site',
    'notifyUrl' => 'url for the gateway to send direct notifications',
    'mobile' => false,

$completeRequest = $gateway->completeAuthorize();
$completeResponse = $completeRequest->send();

// Available standard Omnipay details:


$notifyRequest = $gateway->acceptNotification();
$notifyResponse = $notifyRequest->send();

$authRequest = $gateway->authorize([
    'createCard' => true,

$getCardRequest = $gateway->getCard([
    'transactionReference' => 'otiginal transaction reference',
$getCardResponse = $getCardRequest->send();

// The reusable `cardReference` is available here:
$cardReference = $getCardResponse->getTransactionReference();

// Other details about the card that may be useful:

$authRequest = $gateway->authorize([
    'cardReference' => $cardReference,

$authRequest = $gateway->authorize([
    'paymentPage' => false,

$captureRequest = $gateway->capture([
    'transactionId' => $yourMerchantTransactionId,
    'amount' => Money::EUR(123),
    'currency' => 'EUR',
    'description' => 'Capture reason is / Some other details:

$voidRequest = $gateway->capture([
    'transactionReference' => 'original authorize transaction reference',

$voidResponse = $voidRequest->send();

// Check if successful:


$authRequest = $gateway->authorize([
    'transactionId' => $yourMerchantTransactionId,
    'amount' => Money::EUR(456),
    'currency' => 'EUR', // Optional if the amount is Money
    'description' => 'Mandatory reason for the transaction',
    'language' => 'en',
    'returnUrl' => 'url to bring the user back to the merchant site',
    'notifyUrl' => 'url for the gateway to send direct notifications',
    'mobile' => false,
    // Parameters specific to Direct Debit, all optional:
    'mandateReference' => '...',
    'mandateSignedOn' => '...',
    'mandateReceiverName' => '...',
    'mandateSequence' => '...',

$authRequest = $gateway->authorize([
    'createCard' => true,

$authRequest = $gateway->authorize([
    'paymentPage' => false,

$authRequest = $gateway->authorize([
    'cardReference' => '13b5ca34a8389774690154bcc0da0a8e',
    // or
    'iban' => 'DE87123456781234567890',
    // or
    'accountHolder' => 'Name',
    'bankCode' => '12345678',
    'bankAccount' => '1234567890',


$authRequest = $gateway->purchase([
    'transactionId' => $yourMerchantTransactionId,
    'amount' => Money::EUR(789),
    'currency' => 'EUR',
    'description' => 'Mandatory reason for the transaction',
    'returnUrl' => 'url to bring the user back to the merchant site',
    'notifyUrl' => 'url for the gateway to send direct notifications',


$request = $gateway->getIssuers();

$response = $request->send();

// The list of named banks is indexed by their BIC.

if ($response->isSuccessful()) {
    $bankList = $response->getIssuerArray();


// array(1407) {
//  string(38) "Landesbank Berlin - Berliner Sparkasse"
//  string(18) "Berliner Volksbank"
//  ["GENODEF1P01"]=>
//  string(27) "PSD Bank Berlin-Brandenburg"
//  ["WELADED1WBB"]=>
//  string(9) "Weberbank"
//  ...
// }

$request = $gateway->getBankStatus([
    'bic' => 'TESTDETT421',

$response = $request->send();

// Both return boolean.

$supportsGiropay = $response->hasGiropay();
$supportsGiropayId = $response->hasGiropayId();

$request = $gateway->purchase([
    'transactionId' => $transactionId,
    'amount' => Money::EUR(123),
    'currency' => 'EUR',
    'description' => 'Transaction ' . $transactionId,
    'returnUrl' => 'url to bring the user back to the merchant site',
    'notifyUrl' => 'url for the gateway to send direct notifications',
    'bic' => 'TESTDETT421', // mandatory
    'info1Label' => 'My Label 1',
    'info1Text' => 'My Text 1',


$request = $gateway->getSender([
    'transactionReference' => '6b65a235-e7c1-464f-b238-ea4ea0bc647f',

$response = $request->send();

// string(17) "Stefan Adlerhorst"

// string(22) "DE46940594210000012345"

// string(11) "TESTDETT421"



$request = $gateway->getProjects();

$response = $request->send();

if ($response->isSuccessful()) {
    $projects = $response->getProjects();


// array(5) {
//     [0]=>
//     array(4) {
//       ["id"]=>
//       string(5) "37570"
//      ["name"]=>
//       string(11) "Giropay One"
//       ["paymethod"]=>
//      string(1) "1"
//       ["mode"]=>
//       string(4) "TEST"
//     }
//    ...
// }


$purchaseRequest = $gateway->purchase([
    'transactionId' => $yourMerchantTransactionId,
    'amount' => 4.56,
    'currency' => 'EUR', // or any other valid currency code
    'description' => 'Reason for the transaction',
    'returnUrl' => 'url to bring the user back to the marchant site',
    'notifyUrl' => 'url for the gateway to send direct notifications',


$refundRequest = $gateway->refund([
    'transactionId' => $yourMerchantTransactionId,
    'amount' => 4.56,
    'currency' => 'EUR', // or any other valid currency code
    'description' => 'Reason for the transaction',
    'transactionReference' => 'original purchase transaction reference'