PHP code example of abwebdevelopers / aus-income-tax

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download abwebdevelopers/aus-income-tax library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


abwebdevelopers / aus-income-tax example snippets

use ABWebDevelopers\AusIncomeTax\IncomeTax;
use ABWebDevelopers\AusIncomeTax\Source\ATOExcelSource;

$incomeTax = new IncomeTax(new ATOExcelSource([
    'standardFile' => 'resources/tax-tables/2018-19/NAT_1004_2018.xlsx',
    'helpSfssFile' => 'resources/tax-tables/2018-19/NAT_3539_2018.xlsx',
    'seniorsFile' => 'resources/tax-tables/2018-19/NAT_4466_2018.xlsx'

$tax = $this->IncomeTax->calculateTax(
    1000,           // The gross wage
    'weekly',       // The pay cycle - must be either `weekly`, `fortnightly`, `monthly` or `quarterly`
    '2018-06-02',   // The payment date
    'standard',     // The type of taxation - either `standard`, `help`, `sfss`, `combo` or `seniors`
     2              // The taxation scale - `1` (tax free threshold not claimed), `2` (tax free threshold claimed), `3` (foreign resident), `4` (no TFN), `5` (full medicare exemption), `5` (half medicare exemption)