PHP code example of abuyoyo / plugincore

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download abuyoyo/plugincore library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


abuyoyo / plugincore example snippets

// Require the Composer autoloader anywhere in your code.

// Require the class file directly from your plugin.

 * Plugin Name: My Awesome Plugin
 * Description: Plugin's description.
 * Version:  1.0.0

// Import PluginCore.
use WPHelper\PluginCore;

// Register the plugin
$args = [
    'title' => 'My Awesome Plugin', // Optional - will fallback to plugin header Plugin Name.
    'slug' => 'my-awesome-plugin', // Optional - will generate slug based on plugin header Plugin Name
    'const' => 'MYPLUGIN' // Optional - slug used to define constants: MYPLUGIN_DIR, MYPLUGIN_URL etc. (if not provided will use 'slug' in ALLCAPS)
    'activate_cb' => 'activate_callback' // Optional - Provide a callable function to run on activation
    'deactivate_cb' => 'deactivate_callback' // Optional - Provide a callable function to run on deactivation
    'uninstall_cb' => 'uninstall_callback' // Optional - (@todo) Consider using uninstall.php and not this plugin. This plugin can run in the global scope and cause problems

// Setup plugin constants and activation/deactivation hooks
new PluginCore( __FILE__, $args );

// Start writing your code here..

define( '%PLUGIN%_URL', plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) );
define( '%PLUGIN%_FILE', __FILE__ );

PluginCore::get('my-awesome-plugin'); // returns PluginCore instance constructed with slug 'my-awesome-plugin'