PHP code example of abordage / laravel-og-images

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download abordage/laravel-og-images library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


abordage / laravel-og-images example snippets

use Abordage\LaravelOpenGraphImages\Facades\OpenGraphImages;

$text = 'The adventures first, explanations take such a dreadful time!';
$path = \Storage::put('first-og-image.png');

$opengraph = OpenGraphImages::make($text)->save($path);

// for <og:image>
// or
OpenGraphImages::make($text, 'opengraph')->save($path);

// for <twitter:image>
OpenGraphImages::make($text, 'twitter')->save($path);

// for <vk:image>
OpenGraphImages::make($text, 'vk')->save($path);

// custom size
OpenGraphImages::makeCustom($text, 600, 400)->save($path);

$imageBlob = OpenGraphImages::make($text)->get();

$openGraphImage = OpenGraphImages::make($text, 'twitter');
$imageSizes = $openGraphImage->getImageSizes();
// return [
//    'width' => 1200,
//    'height' => 600
// ];

class Page extends Model implements HasMedia
    use InteractsWithMedia;
    // ...

    public function registerMediaCollections(): void
        // ...
    // ...

$page = new Page();
$page->title = 'Your awesome title';

// generate image and attach to model
$image = OpenGraphImages::make($page->title);
     ->usingFileName(\Str::slug($page->title) . '.png')

$page = new Page();
$page->title = 'Your awesome title';

$presets = ['opengraph', 'twitter', 'vk'];
foreach ($presets as $preset) {
    $image = OpenGraphImages::make($page->title, $preset);
         ->usingFileName(\Str::slug($page->title) . '-' . $preset . '.png')

$ogImageUrl = $page->getFirstMediaUrl('opengraph');
$twitterImageUrl = $page->getFirstMediaUrl('twitter');
$vkImageUrl = $page->getFirstMediaUrl('vk');

$config = [
    | Background Color
    | Supported: HEX, RGB or RGBA format
    'background_color' => '#474761',

    | Text Color
    | Supported: HEX, RGB or RGBA format
    'text_color' => '#eee',

    | App Name
    | Set null to disable
    | Supported: string or null
    'app_name' => config(''),

    | App Name Text Color
    | Supported: HEX, RGB or RGBA format
    'app_name_color' => '#eee',

    | App Name Decoration Color
    | Supported: HEX, RGB or RGBA format
    'app_name_decoration_color' => '#fb3361',

    | Text Alignment
    | Multiline text alignment
    | Supported: "left", "center", "right"
    'text_alignment' => 'left',

    | Text Sticky
    | Supported: "left", "center", "right"
    'text_sticky' => 'center',

    | App Name Position
    | Supported: "top-left", "top-center", "top-right",
    |            "bottom-left", "bottom-center", "bottom-right"
    'app_name_position' => 'bottom-center',

    | App Name Decoration Style
    | Set null to disable
    | Supported: "line", "label", "rectangle", null
    'app_name_decoration_style' => 'line',

    | Font Size
    'font_size' => 55,

    | App Name Font Size
    'app_name_font_size' => 30,

    | Text Font
    | If set null, will be used Preset Font (Roboto Regular)
    | Supported: "absolute/path/to/your/font.ttf", null
    'font_path' => null,

    | App Name Font
    | If set null, will be used Preset Font (Roboto Medium)
    | Supported: "absolute/path/to/your/font.ttf", null
    'app_name_font_path' => null,
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="og-images-config"