PHP code example of abgit / myfw

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download abgit/myfw library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


abgit / myfw example snippets

$app = new myfw();

$app = new myfw();
$app->get( '/', function(){


$app = new myfw();
$app->cron( 'somearg', function(){

$app->cron( 'somearg2', function(){

// init and set templates directory
$app = new myfw();
$app->config( 'templates.path', __DIR__ . '/templates' );

// on root
$app->get( '/', function() use ($app){
    $app->render( 'mytemplate', array( 'str' => 'Hello world' ) );


// init and set template directory
$app = new myfw();
$app->config( 'templates.path', __DIR__ . '/templates' );

$app->get( '/news/:id', function($id) use ($app){
    $app->render( 'mytemplate', array( 'str' => 'My news id is ' . $id ) );


$app = new myfw();
$app->setConditions( array( 'id'   => '[0-9]{1,5}',
                            'arg1' => '[0-9a-zA-Z]{3,50}',
                            'arg2' => 'a|b' ) );

$app->get( '/news/:id', function($id) use ($app){

$app->get( '/other/:arg1/:arg2', function($arg1,$arg2) use ($app){


$app->get( '/news/:id', function($id) use ($app){
})->conditions( array( 'id' => '[0-9]{1,5}' ) );

$app = new myfw();

// choose mode
$app->config( 'mode', 'production' );

$app->configureMode( 'production', function () use ($app) {
    $app->config( array(
        'log.enable' => true,
        'debug' => false

$app->configureMode( 'development', function () use ($app) {
    $app->config( array(
        'log.enable' => false,
        'debug' => true



$app = new myfw();

$app->group('/backend', function() use ($app){

        $app->get('/adduser/:id', function ($id){

        $app->get('/showuser/:id', function ($id){


$app = new myfw();
$app->map( '/contact', function() use ($app){
  $app->form()->addText( 'name', ... )
              ->addSelect( 'chooser', ... )

  $app->form()->setDefault( function(){
     return array( 'name' => ..., 'chooser' => ... );

  $app->form()->onSubmittedAndValid( function() use ($app){
     $formvalues = $app->form()->getValues();
     // do something with $formvalues
  $app->render( 'mytplfile', array( 'form' => $app->form() ) );
)->via( 'GET', 'POST' );


// load a news item. call findnewsid() mysql procedure
$app->db()->findOne( $result, 'findnewsid(nid|int)', array( 'nid' => $id ) );

// load all news. call findnews() mysql procedure
$app->db()->findAll( $results, 'findnews()' );

$app->db()->query( 'newsinsert(id|int,title|str|255)', array( 'id' => $id, 'title' => $title ) );

$app = new myfw();
$app->setConditions( array( 'id' => '[0-9]{1,5}' ) );

$app->map( '/item/:id', function($id) use ($app){

  $app->form()->addText( 'title', ... )->addSubmit();

  $app->form()->setDefault( function () use($app,$id){ 

        if( $app->db()->findOne( $result, 'findnewsid(nid|int)', array( 'nid' => $id )))
            return $result;        

        $app->form()->setErrorMessage( 'News item not available' )->hide();

  $app->form()->onSubmittedAndValid( function() use ($app,$id){

        if( $app->db()->apply( 'newsitemupdate(nid|int,title|str|255)', array( 'nid' => $id, 'title' => $app->form()->getValue( 'title' ) ) )
            $app->form()->setSubmitMessage( 'News item details changed.' );

  $app->render( ... );
)->via( 'GET', 'POST' );

 _( "hello world" );

 _n( "welcome %s to %s", array( $name, $portal ) );

 _n( "1 orange", "lots of oranges", $counter );

_n( "1 orange", "%s oranges", $counter, $counter );

_n( "1 orange in %s tree", "%s oranges in %s trees", $counter, array( 'big' ), array( $counter, 'small' ) );

$app = new myfw();
$app->i18n()->setPath( __DIR__ . '/../i18n' );

$app->get('/:lang/something', function( $lang ) use ($app){
    $app->i18n()->setLang( $lang );

$app->i18n()->setLang( 'en_US', true, true );

$app->map( '/contact', function() use ($app){
  $app->form()->addText( 'myelement', 'Label', array( '

$app->map( '/contact', function() use ($app){
  $app->form()->addText( 'myelement', 'Label', array( ' maxlen => array( 'Description is too big', 200 ) ) )
)->via( 'GET', 'POST' );


if( $app->rules()->maxlen( $x, 250 ) ){

// add form elements
$app->form()->addText( 'myelement', 'Label', array(..), array( 'trim' ) );

$app->form()->onSubmittedAndValid( function() use ($app){

  // get values (filtered)
  $arr = $app->form()->getValues();

$filteredvalue = $app->filters()->gravatar( 'someemail' );

// set $key 
$app->session()->set( $key, $label );

// set $key if not exists only
$app->session()->setcheck( $key, $label ); 

// get $key value
$k = $app->session()->get( $key );

// check if $key exists
if( $app->session()->exists( $key ) ){ .. }

// delete $key
if( $app->session()->delete( $key ) ){ .. }

// set pluralkey 'admin - x' ( same as $_SESSION[ 'admin' ][ 'x' ] )
$app->session()->set( array( 'admin', 'x' ), $valueA );
$app->session()->set( array( 'admin', 'y' ), $valueB );

// get pluralkey 'admin - x'
$valueA = $app->session()->get( array( 'admin', 'x' ) );
$valueB = $app->session()->get( array( 'admin', 'y' ) );

// default apc ti to leave
$app->config( 'apc.ttl', 600 );

// default redis time to leave
$app->config( 'redis.ttl', 600 );

// cache set using apc
$app->cache()->set( APP_CACHEAPC, $key, $value );
$app->cache()->apcset( $key, $value );

// cache set using redis
$app->cache()->set( APP_CACHEREDIS, $key, $value );
$app->cache()->redisset( $key, $value );

// cache apc delete
$app->cache()->delete( APP_CACHEAPC, $key );

// cache redis delete
$app->cache()->delete( APP_CACHEREDIS, $key );

$app = new myfw();

$app->get( '/news/:id', 'iscache', function($id) use ($app){
    $app->render( 'sometemplate', array( .. ) );

$app->config( 'log.init', true );
$app->config( 'log.level', \Slim\Log::DEBUG );

$app->cron( 'somecron', function() use ($app){
    $app->log()->debug( 'my critical log line' );
    $app->log()->warning( 'my warning log line' );

// default params
$app->config( 'email.from', $from );
$app->config( '', $to );
$app->config( 'email.subject', $subject );

// mailgun specific
$app->config( 'email.mailgunkey', $key );
$app->config( 'email.mailgundomain', $domain );

// send email
$app->mailer()->send( $from, $to, $subject, $text );

// send simple email with default email.from config
$app->mailer()->sendsystem( $to, $subject, $text );

// send simple email with default email.from, and email.subject config
$app->mailer()->sendinternal( $text );

$app->config( 'email.template', 'mymail' );

$app->config( 'email.headers', array( 'bcc' => 'someemail' ) );

$app = new myfw();
$app->get('/new/:name/go', function ($name) {
    echo "Some news item $name!";

$url = $app->urlFor( "newsitem", array( "name" => $someitem ) );

// setup virustotal key
$app->config( 'vtotal.api', $key );

if( $app->vtotal()->getInfo( $info, "" ) ){
   // read $info

// setup key and secret
$app->config( 'transloadit.k', $key );
$app->config( 'transloadit.s', $secret );

// compute transloadit assembly
$assembly = array(
    'params' => array(
        'template_id' => 'abababababababababababababa',
        'steps'       => array(
                'mystep' => array( 
                     'param' => $paramvar,
                'otherstep' => array( 
                     'otherparam' => $otherparamvar

// transloadit assembly webservice call
if( $app->transloadit()->createAssembly( $result, $assembly ) ){

if( $app->transloadit()->request( $returninfo, $assemblyUrl ) ){
    // do something with $resultinfo

$app->config( 'bcloud.k', $key );
$app->config( 'bcloud.s', $secret );

if( $app->bcloud()->getInfo( $result, "" ) ){
    // do something with $result
{{ str }}