PHP code example of abcsun / laravel-sms

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download abcsun/laravel-sms library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


abcsun / laravel-sms example snippets

   composer oser 

   //laravel 5.0.*
   //laravel 5.1.*

   //laravel 5.0.*
   'SmsManager' => 'Toplan\Sms\Facades\SmsManager'
   //laravel 5.1.*
   'SmsManager' => Toplan\Sms\Facades\SmsManager::class

   php artisan vendor:publish

   php artisan migrate

   'agent' => 'Luosimao',

>     'Luosimao' => [
>          ...
>          'apikey' => 'your api key',
>     ]

  //只希望使用模板方式发送短信,可以不设置内容content (如云通讯,Submail)
  Toplan\Sms\Sms::make($tempId)->to('1828****349')->data(['12345', 5])->send();

  //只希望使用内容方式放送,可以不设置模板id和模板数据data (如云片,luosimao)
  Toplan\Sms\Sms::make()->to('1828****349')->content('【Laravel SMS】亲爱的张三,欢迎访问,祝你工作愉快。')->send();

      'YunTongXun' => '123',
      'SubMail'    => '123'

   $sms = $sms->to('1828*******');
   $sms = $sms->to(['1828*******', '1828*******', ...]);//多个目标号码

   $sms = Toplan\Sms\Sms::make('20001');
   $sms = $sms->template('20001');

   $sms = Toplan\Sms\Sms::make(['YunTongXun' => '20001', 'SubMail' => 'xxx', ...]);
   $sms = $sms->template('YunTongXun', '20001')->template('SubMail' => 'xxx');
   $sms = $sms->template(['YunTongXun' => '20001', 'SubMail' => 'xxx', ...]);

  $sms = $sms->data([
        'code' => $code,
        'minutes' => $minutes
      ]);//must be array

  $sms = $sms->content('【签名】亲爱的张三,您的订单号是281xxxx,祝你购物愉快。');

  $sms = $sms->openQueue();//开启队列,短信会在队列中排队
  $sms = $sms->closeQueue();//关闭队列,短信会直接发送

  $sms->send();//return true or false

   //开启队列为true, 关闭队列为false
   'smsSendQueue' => true,

   php artisan queue:listen

  'alternate' => [
      'enable' => false,
      //example: ['YunPian', ...]
      'agents' => []

>    'verifySmsContent' => '【填写签名】亲爱的用户,您的验证码是%s。有效期为%s分钟,请尽快验证'

>    'YunTongXun' => [
>        //模板标示符
>        'verifySmsTemplateId' => 'your template id',
>    ]

>    'rules' => [
>        //唯一性检测规则
>        'check_mobile_unique' => 'unique:users,mobile',//适用于注册
>        //存在性检测规则
>        'check_mobile_exists' => 'exists:users',//适用于找回密码和系统内业务验证
>    ]

   $validator = Validator::make(Input::all(), [
        'mobile'     => '  ]);
   if ($validator->fails()) {
       return redirect()->back()->withErrors($validator);

  namespace App\Models;
  class MySmsModel extends Toplan\Sms\Sms {
        public function send()
        public function sendProcess()
        //more functions...

   'smsModel' => 'App\Models\MySmsModel',

   'Foo' => [
        'verifySmsTemplateId' => '',

        'isResendFailedSmsInQueue' => false,

        'xxx' => 'some info',

   namespace Toplan\Sms;
   class FooAgent extends Agent {
        public function sendSms($tempId, $to, Array $data, $content){
           $this->sendContentSms($to, $content);
           $this->sendTemplateSms($tempId, $to, Array $data);

        public function sendContentSms($to, $content)
            $x = $this->config['xxx'];
            $x = $this->xxx;//也可以这样获取配置参数
            $this->result['success'] = false;//是否发送成功
            $this->result['info'] = $this->currentAgentName . ':' . '发送结果说明';//发送结果信息说明
            $this->result['code'] = $code;//发送结果代码

        public function sendTemplateSms($tempId, $to, Array $data)

        public function voiceVerify($to, $code)
            return $this->result;