PHP code example of abbasghasemi / collection

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download abbasghasemi/collection library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


abbasghasemi / collection example snippets

$list = Collections::filled(10, 'filled'); // ArrayList
echo count($list); // 10
echo Collections::toArraySet($list)->size(); // 1
$list->add(1); // This method does not exist!
echo $list->first(); // filled

$list = new MutableArrayList(/*[default]*/type: 'int');
$list->add(1); // added
$list->add(5); // added
echo count($list); // 2
echo $list->indexOf(1); // 0
echo $list->indexOf(6); // -1

$list = Collections::generate(10, function ($index){
    return $index;
}); // ArrayList
$list = $list->where(function ($element){
    return $element % 2 === 0;
echo $list->last(); // 8
echo $list; // [0,2,4,6,8]

$map = new MutableInsensitiveMap();
$map['InSensitive'] = 'Insensitive';
$map['INSENSITIVE'] = 'Insensitive';
echo $map['insensitive']; // Insensitive
echo $map->size(); // 1

$object = new MutableArrayList(); // or other object
$map2 = new MutableObjectMap(keyType: $object::class, valueType: $map::class);
$map2[$object] = $map;

echo intval($map2[$object] === $map); // 1

$map2->values()->first()['INSENSITIVE'] = 10;
echo $map['InSensitive']; // 10

echo $object->join(','); // first,last