PHP code example of aaronjan / housekeeper

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download aaronjan/housekeeper library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


aaronjan / housekeeper example snippets

    // ...

    'providers' => [
        // ...
        // Add this:
        // ...
    // ...

namespace App\Repositories\Injections;

use Housekeeper\Contracts\Injection\Basic as BasicInjectionContract;
use Housekeeper\Contracts\Injection\Before as BeforeInjectionContract;
use Housekeeper\Contracts\Flow\Before as BeforeFlowContract;

class LogTimeBefore implements BasicInjectionContract, BeforeInjectionContract
    public function handle(BeforeFlowContract $beforeFlow)

namespace App\Repositories\Abilities;

use App\Repositories\Injections\LogTimeBefore;

trait TimeLogger
    public function bootTimeLogger()
        $this->injectIntoBefore(new LogTimeBefore());

namespace App\Repositories;

use Housekeeper\Repository;
use App\Repositories\Abilities\TimeLogger;

class MyRepository extends Repository
    use TimeLogger;
    // ...

class ArticleRepository extends \Housekeeper\Repository
	protected function model()
        return Article::class;

    public function getByName($name)
        return $this->simpleWrap(Action::READ, [$this, '_getByName']);

    protected function _getByName($name)
        return $this->getModel()  // this function give you an Eloquent / Builder instance
			->where('name', '=', $name)

class Repository
	public function findBook($id)
		return Book::find($id);

use Cache;

class CachedRepository extends Repository
	public function findBook($id)
		return Cache::remember("book_{$id}", 60, function () use ($id) {
			return parent::findBook($id);

class ArticleRepository extends \Housekeeper\Repository
	protected function model()
        return Article::class;

    public function getByName($name)
        return $this->simpleWrap(Action::READ, [$this, '_getByName']);

    protected function _getByName($name)
        return $this->getModel()  // this function give you an Eloquent / Builder instance
			->where('name', '=', $name)

public function getByName($name)
    return $this->simpleWrap(Action::READ);

class ArticleRepository extends \Housekeeper\Repository
	use \Housekeeper\Abilities\CacheStatically;  // Adding this

class MyBeforeInjection implements \Housekeeper\Contracts\Injection\Before
	public function priority()
		return 30;  // Smaller first
	// main method
	public function handle(\Housekeeper\Contracts\Flow\Before $beforeFlow)
		// In here you can get the `Action` object
		$action = $beforeFlow->getAction();
		// Or get the `Repository`
		$repository = $beforeFlow->getRepository();
		// And you can set the returns (Only in `Before Flow`)

class ArticleRepository extends \Housekeeper\Repository
	// `Housekeeper` will call the `boot` method automatically with `Dependency Injection` process
	public function boot()
        $this->injectIntoBefore(new MyBeforeInjection());
	// ...

trait Adjustable
	// ...
	public function bootAdjustable()
        $this->injectIntoBefore(new ApplyCriteriasBefore());
	// ...

use Housekeeper\Action;

class ArticleRepository extends \Housekeeper\Repository
	public function getArticlesByAuthorId($authorId)
		return $this->simpleWrap(Action::READ);
	protected function _getArticlesByAuthorId($authorId)
		return $this
				['author_id', '=', $authorId],
	public function getArticlesBySameAuthor($articleId)
		return $this->simpleWrap(Action::READ);
	protected function _getArticlesBySameAuthor($articleId)
		$article = $this->getModel()->find($articleId, ['id', 'author_id']);
		return $this->getArticlesByAuthorId($article->author_id);
	// ...

class ArticleController
	public function getRecommendForArticle(ArticleRepository $articleRepository, $articleId)
		$articles = $articleRepository
				['language', '=', 'chinese'],
		return view('article.recommend-for-article', compact('articles'));
	// ...

$article = $this->getModel()->find($articleId, ['id', 'author_id']);

	public function getByName($name)
        return $this->simpleWrap(Action::READ, function (name) {
			return $this->getModel()
				->where('name', '=', $name)

		['age', '>', 40],
		['area', 'west']

        ['area', 'east'],
        function ($query) {
            $query->whereHas('posts', function ($hasQuery) {
                $hasQuery->where('type', 1);

	->orderBy('age', 'desc')




$userRepository->exists('name', 'John');

$userRepository->whereAre(['gender' => 'female'])->exists(1);

$userRepository->find(1, ['id', 'name', 'gender', 'age']);

$userRepository->update(24, [
    'name' => 'Kobe Bryant'

$users = $userRepository->with('posts')->paginate(10);

namespace App\Repositories\Criterias;

class ActiveUserCriteria implements Housekeeper\Abilities\Adjustable\Contracts\Criteria
    public function apply(Housekeeper\Contracts\Repository $repository)
            ['paid', '=', 1],
            ['logged_recently', '=', 1],

$activeUserCriteria = new ActiveUserCriteria();

// UserRepository must used the `Adjustable` trait
$activeUsers = $userRepository->applyCriteria($activeUserCriteria)->all();

// Or you can remember this Criteria:

$activeUsers = $userRepository->all();

$femaleActiveUsers = $userRepository->where('gender', '=', 'female')->all();

// Cache is disabled by default, you have to enable it first.

// This also will be cached!
$userRepository->where('age', '<', '30')->orderBy('age', 'desc')->all();

class UserRepository extends Housekeeper\Repository
    use Housekeeper\Abilities\CacheStatically;
    public function getOnlyActive() // Cached
        return $this->simpleWrap(Housekeeper\Action::READ);
    protected function _getOnlyActive()
        // Every wrapped method has it's own scope, they don't interfere with each other
        return $this->whereAre([
            ['paid', '=', 1],
            ['logged_recently', '=', 1],
            ->all(); // Cached too

// For inputs that we can't trust

// But we can trust our internal process

php artisan housekeeper:make MyRepository

php artisan housekeeper:make MyRepository --create=Models\\Student

php artisan housekeeper:make MyRepository --cache=statically --eloquently --adjustable --sd