PHP code example of a1comms / php-gds

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download a1comms/php-gds library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


a1comms / php-gds example snippets

// Build a new entity
$obj_book = new GDS\Entity();
$obj_book->title = 'Romeo and Juliet';
$obj_book->author = 'William Shakespeare';
$obj_book->isbn = '1840224339';

// Write it to Datastore
$obj_store = new GDS\Store('Book');

$obj_book = $obj_store->createEntity([
    'title' => 'The Merchant of Venice',
    'author' => 'William Shakespeare',
    'isbn' => '1840224312'

$obj_store = new GDS\Store('Book');
foreach($obj_store->fetchAll() as $obj_book) {
    echo "Title: {$obj_book->title}, ISBN: {$obj_book->isbn} <br />", PHP_EOL;


// A regular Store, but with a custom Gateway
$obj_book_store = new GDS\Store('Book', new \GDS\Gateway\RESTv1(PROJECT_ID));

$obj_schema = (new GDS\Schema('Book'))
// The Store accepts a Schema object or Kind name as its first parameter
$obj_book_store = new GDS\Store($obj_schema);

$obj_book = $obj_book_store->createEntity([
    'title' => 'The Merchant of Venice',
    'author' => 'William Shakespeare',
    'isbn' => '1840224312'

$obj_book = $obj_book_store->createEntity([
    'title' => 'Some Book',
    'author' => 'A N Other Guy',
    'isbn' => '1840224313',
    'published' => new DateTime('-5 years')


$obj_person->location = new GDS\Property\Geopoint(53.4723272, -2.2936314);

echo $obj_person->location->getLatitude();
echo $obj_person->location->getLongitude();

$obj_book_store->fetchOne("SELECT * FROM Book WHERE isbn = '1853260304'");

$obj_book_store->fetchOne("SELECT * FROM Book WHERE isbn = @isbnNumber", [
    'isbnNumber' => '1853260304'

$obj_book_store->fetchOne("SELECT * FROM Task WHERE date_date < @now", [
    'now' => new DateTime()

$obj_store->fetchOne();     // Gets the first book
$obj_store->fetchAll();     // Gets all books
$obj_store->fetchPage(10);  // Gets the first 10 books

$obj_book_store->query('SELECT * FROM Book');
while($arr_page = $obj_book_store->fetchPage(50)) {
    echo "Page contains ", count($arr_page), " records", PHP_EOL;

// Create a store for a particular customer or 'application namespace'
$obj_gateway = new \GDS\Gateway\RESTv1('project-id', 'namespace');
$obj_store = new \GDS\Store('Book', $obj_gateway);


// Data changed within a transaction

// Not transactional

class Book extends GDS\Entity { /* ... */ }

// Name-spaced Gateways
$obj_gateway_one = new \GDS\Gateway\ProtoBuf('dataset', 'namespace_one');
$obj_gateway_two = new \GDS\Gateway\ProtoBuf('dataset', 'namespace_two');

// Grab some books from one
$arr_books = (new \GDS\Store('Book', $obj_gateway_one))->fetchPage(20);

// And insert to two
(new \GDS\Store('Book', $obj_gateway_two))->upsert($arr_books);

// Local and Remote Gateways
$obj_gateway_local = new \GDS\Gateway\ProtoBuf();
$obj_gateway_remote = new \GDS\Gateway\RESTv1('project-name');

// Grab some books from local
$arr_books = (new \GDS\Store('Book', $obj_gateway_local))->fetchPage(20);

// And insert to remote
(new \GDS\Store('Book', $obj_gateway_remote))->upsert($arr_books);