PHP code example of 3slab / vdm-library-doctrine-transport-bundle

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download 3slab/vdm-library-doctrine-transport-bundle library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


3slab / vdm-library-doctrine-transport-bundle example snippets

     * @ORM\Id()
    private $id;

$repo->findOneBy([ 'code' => $yourEntity->getCode(), 'hash' => $yourEntity->getHash() ])

    $repo->findOneBy([ 'label' => $yourEntity->getLibelle(), 'hash' => $yourEntity->hash() ])

// Foo
$repo->findOneBy([ 'code' => $foo->getCode(), 'label' => $foo->getLibelle(), 'hash' => $foo->hash() ]);

// Bar

// Baz
$repo->findOneBy([ 'reference' => $baz->getReference() ]);

namespace App\Executor\Doctrine;

use Vdm\Bundle\LibraryDoctrineTransportBundle\Executor\AbstractDoctrineExecutor;
use Vdm\Bundle\LibraryBundle\Model\Message;

class CustomDoctrineExecutor extends AbstractDoctrineExecutor
    public function execute(Message $message): void
        if (!$this->manager) {
            throw new NoConnectionException('No connection was defined.');

        $entityMetadatas = $message->getMetadatasByKey('entity');
        $entityMetadata  = array_shift($entityMetadatas);
        $entityClass     = $entityMetadata->getValue();
        $entity          = $this->serializer->denormalize($message->getPayload(), $entityClass);
        $entity          = $this->matchEntity($entity);
