PHP code example of 2amigos / yii2-config-kit

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download 2amigos/yii2-config-kit library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


2amigos / yii2-config-kit example snippets

use Da\Config\Configuration;

return [

     * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Application
     * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Base class for all application classes. Here we configure the attributes
     * that do not hold any object configuration such as "components" or
     * "modules". The configuration of those properties are within submodules of
     * the same name.

    'id' => 'application-id',

    'basePath' => Configuration::app()->getBasePath(),

    'vendorPath' => Configuration::app()->getVendorPath(),

    'runtimePath' => Configuration::app()->getRuntimePath(),

    'language' => Configuration::env()->get('APP_LANGUAGE'),

    'bootstrap' => ['log'],

use Da\Config\Configuration;

return [

     * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Connection
     * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Represents a connection to a database via PDO.

    'class' => 'yii\db\Connection',

    'dsn' => Configuration::env()->get('DATABASE_DSN'),

    'username' => Configuration::env()->get('DATABASE_USER'),

    'password' => Configuration::env()->get('DATABASE_PASSWORD'),

    'charset' => Configuration::env()->get('DATABASE_CHARSET'),

    'tablePrefix' => Configuration::env()->get('DATABASE_TABLE_PREFIX'),

└── local [ the environment name ]
    └── web [ the application which settings we need to override ]
        ├── components
        |   └── db.php  [ the component (filename) and its settings that we wish to override ]
        └── params
            └── mail.php [ the parameters to override ]

 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Register auto loaders
 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Add registered class loaders --------------------
 * This step is ses to the application. Added after sidekit to take
 * advantage of its loaded configuration values


$app = 
./vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix ./src --config .php_cs.dist