PHP code example of 10quality / php-data-model

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download 10quality/php-data-model library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


10quality / php-data-model example snippets

use TenQuality\Data\Model;

class Product extends Model

$product = new Product;

// Set data
$product->price = 19.99;
$product->name = 'My product';
$product->brandName = '10 Quality';

// Get data
echo $product->price; // Will echo 19.99
echo $product->name; // Will echo My product
echo $product->brandName; // Will echo 10 Quality

use TenQuality\Data\Model;

class Product extends Model
     * Method for alias property `displayPrice`.
     * Return `price` property concatenated with the $ (dollar) symbol
    protected function getDisplayPriceAlias()
        return '$'.$this->price;

     * Method for alias property `displayPrice`.
     * Sets a the price value if the alias is used.
    protected function setDisplayPriceAlias($value)
        $this->price = floatval(str_replace('$', '', $value));

$product->price = 19.99;

// Get alias property
echo $product->displayPrice; // Will echo $19.99

// Set alias property
$product->displayPrice = 29.99;

// Echo property
echo $product->price; // Will echo 29.99
echo $product->displayPrice; // Will echo $29.99

$product = new Product(['price' => 19.99]);

// Echo property
echo $product->price; // Will echo 19.99

use TenQuality\Data\Model;

class Product extends Model
    protected $properties = [

var_dump($model->toArray()); // To array
var_dump($model->__toArray()); // To array

echo (string)$model; // To json encoded string

echo $model->toJSON(); // To json encoded string
echo $model->__toJSON(); // To json encoded string

// You can force JSON casting to be encoded using different options and depth, as described in PHPs documentation
echo $model->toJSON(JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK, 600);

use TenQuality\Data\Collection;

$collection = new Collection;
// Add your models as you would normally do with arrays
$collection[] = $product;
$collection[] = $product;

echo count($collection); // Thrown count
var_dump($collection[0]); // Dumps first model added

// Loop a collection
foreach ($collection as $product) {
    // Do your stuff

use TenQuality\Data\Collection;

$collection = new Collection;
// Add your models as you would normally do with arrays
$collection[] = new Product(['price' => 99.99]);
$collection[] = new Product(['price' => 2.99]);

// Loop a collection
foreach ($collection->sortBy('price') as $product) {
    echo $product->price; // 2.99 will display first and then 99.99

// Change sorting criteria
print_r($collection->sortBy('price', SORT_NUMERIC));

use TenQuality\Data\Collection;

$collection = new Collection;
// Add your models as you would normally do with arrays
$collection[] = new Fruit(['name' => 'Apple', 'color' => 'red']);
$collection[] = new Fruit(['name' => 'Banana', 'color' => 'yellow']);
$collection[] = new Fruit(['name' => 'Strawberry', 'color' => 'red']);
$collection[] = new Fruit(['name' => 'Orange', 'color' => 'orange']);

// Loop a collection
foreach ($collection->groupBy('color') as $color => $fruits) {
    // This will group the data in sub arrays based on colors
    echo $color;
    foreach ($fruits as $fruit) {
        echo $fruit; // Fruit in the color grouped by.

var_dump($collection->toArray()); // To array
var_dump($collection->__toArray()); // To array

echo (string)$collection; // To json encoded string

echo $collection->toJSON(); // To json encoded string
echo $collection->__toJSON(); // To json encoded string

// You can force JSON casting to be encoded using different options and depth, as described in PHPs documentation
echo $collection->toJSON(JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK, 600);