PHP code example of 10pearls / laravel-multilingual
1. Go to this page and download the library: Download 10pearls/laravel-multilingual library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards */
10pearls / laravel-multilingual example snippets
'missing_name' => 'Name is missing',
'missing_surname' => 'Surname is missing',
'missing_name' => 'Falta el nombre',
trans('validations.missing_name'); // 'Falta el nombre'
trans('validations.missing_surname'); // 'Surname is missing'
trans('validations.missing_email'); // 'validations.missing_email'
trans(''); // 'Falta nombre'
trans('validations.min_number'); // 'Number is too small'
trans(''); // 'missing_email'
trans('validations.missing_name'); // 'Falta el nombre'
trans('validations.missing_surname'); // 'Falta apellido'
trans('validations.min_number'); // 'Number is too small'
trans('validations.missing_email'); // 'missing_email'
\Schema::create('examples', function ($table) {
class Example extends Model
use \Waavi\Translation\Translatable\Trait;
protected $translatableAttributes = ['title', 'text'];
// If the middleware is globally applied:
Route::group(['prefix' => \UriLocalizer::localeFromRequest()], function(){
/* Your routes here */
// For selectively chosen routes:
Route::group(['prefix' => \UriLocalizer::localeFromRequest(), 'middleware' => 'localize')], function () {
/* Your routes here */
// For selectively chosen routes:
Route::group(['prefix' => 'api/v1'], function() {
/** ... Non localized urls here **/
Route::group(['prefix' => \UriLocalizer::localeFromRequest(2), 'middleware' => 'localize:2')], function () {
/* Your localized routes here */