Libraries tagged by request response time
A Laravel middleware for adding ETags to HTTP requests to improve response times
# Introduction [PDF Generator API]( allows you easily generate transactional PDF documents and reduce the development and support costs by enabling your users to create and manage their document templates using a browser-based drag-and-drop document editor. The PDF Generator API features a web API architecture, allowing you to code in the language of your choice. This API supports the JSON media type, and uses UTF-8 character encoding. ## Base URL The base URL for all the API endpoints is `` For example * `` * `` * `` ## Editor PDF Generator API comes with a powerful drag & drop editor that allows to create any kind of document templates, from barcode labels to invoices, quotes and reports. You can find tutorials and videos from our [Support Portal]( * [Component specification]( * [Expression Language documentation]( * [Frequently asked questions and answers]( ## Definitions ### Organization Organization is a group of workspaces owned by your account. ### Workspace Workspace contains templates. Each workspace has access to their own templates and organization default templates. ### Master Workspace Master Workspace is the main/default workspace of your Organization. The Master Workspace identifier is the email you signed up with. ### Default Template Default template is a template that is available for all workspaces by default. You can set the template access type under Page Setup. If template has "Organization" access then your users can use them from the "New" menu in the Editor. ### Data Field Data Field is a placeholder for the specific data in your JSON data set. In this example JSON you can access the buyer name using Data Field `{paymentDetails::buyerName}`. The separator between depth levels is :: (two colons). When designing the template you don’t have to know every Data Field, our editor automatically extracts all the available fields from your data set and provides an easy way to insert them into the template. ``` { "documentNumber": 1, "paymentDetails": { "method": "Credit Card", "buyerName": "John Smith" }, "items": [ { "id": 1, "name": "Item one" } ] } ``` ## Rate limiting Our API endpoints use IP-based rate limiting and allow you to make up to 2 requests per second and 60 requests per minute. If you make more requests, you will receive a response with HTTP code 429. Response headers contain additional values: | Header | Description | |--------|--------------------------------| | X-RateLimit-Limit | Maximum requests per minute | | X-RateLimit-Remaining | The requests remaining in the current minute | | Retry-After | How many seconds you need to wait until you are allowed to make requests | * * * * * # Libraries and SDKs ## Postman Collection We have created a [Postman Collection]( so you can easily test all the API endpoints without developing and code. You can download the collection [here]( ## Client Libraries All our Client Libraries are auto-generated using [OpenAPI Generator]( which uses the OpenAPI v3 specification to automatically generate a client library in specific programming language. * [PHP Client]( * [Java Client]( * [Ruby Client]( * [Python Client]( * [Javascript Client]( We have validated the generated libraries, but let us know if you find any anomalies in the client code. * * * * * # Authentication The PDF Generator API uses __JSON Web Tokens (JWT)__ to authenticate all API requests. These tokens offer a method to establish secure server-to-server authentication by transferring a compact JSON object with a signed payload of your account’s API Key and Secret. When authenticating to the PDF Generator API, a JWT should be generated uniquely by a __server-side application__ and included as a __Bearer Token__ in the header of each request. ## Accessing your API Key and Secret You can find your __API Key__ and __API Secret__ from the __Account Settings__ page after you login to PDF Generator API [here]( ## Creating a JWT JSON Web Tokens are composed of three sections: a header, a payload (containing a claim set), and a signature. The header and payload are JSON objects, which are serialized to UTF-8 bytes, then encoded using base64url encoding. The JWT's header, payload, and signature are concatenated with periods (.). As a result, a JWT typically takes the following form: ``` {Base64url encoded header}.{Base64url encoded payload}.{Base64url encoded signature} ``` We recommend and support libraries provided on []( While other libraries can create JWT, these recommended libraries are the most robust. ### Header Property `alg` defines which signing algorithm is being used. PDF Generator API users HS256. Property `typ` defines the type of token and it is always JWT. ``` { "alg": "HS256", "typ": "JWT" } ``` ### Payload The second part of the token is the payload, which contains the claims or the pieces of information being passed about the user and any metadata required. It is mandatory to specify the following claims: * issuer (`iss`): Your API key * subject (`sub`): Workspace identifier * expiration time (`exp`): Timestamp (unix epoch time) until the token is valid. It is highly recommended to set the exp timestamp for a short period, i.e. a matter of seconds. This way, if a token is intercepted or shared, the token will only be valid for a short period of time. ``` { "iss": "ad54aaff89ffdfeff178bb8a8f359b29fcb20edb56250b9f584aa2cb0162ed4a", "sub": "[email protected]", "exp": 1586112639 } ``` ### Signature To create the signature part you have to take the encoded header, the encoded payload, a secret, the algorithm specified in the header, and sign that. The signature is used to verify the message wasn't changed along the way, and, in the case of tokens signed with a private key, it can also verify that the sender of the JWT is who it says it is. ``` HMACSHA256( base64UrlEncode(header) + "." + base64UrlEncode(payload), API_SECRET) ``` ### Putting all together The output is three Base64-URL strings separated by dots. The following shows a JWT that has the previous header and payload encoded, and it is signed with a secret. ``` eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJhZDU0YWFmZjg5ZmZkZmVmZjE3OGJiOGE4ZjM1OWIyOWZjYjIwZWRiNTYyNTBiOWY1ODRhYTJjYjAxNjJlZDRhIiwic3ViIjoiZGVtby5leGFtcGxlQGFjdHVhbHJlcG9ydHMuY29tIn0.SxO-H7UYYYsclS8RGWO1qf0z1cB1m73wF9FLl9RCc1Q // Base64 encoded header: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9 // Base64 encoded payload: eyJpc3MiOiJhZDU0YWFmZjg5ZmZkZmVmZjE3OGJiOGE4ZjM1OWIyOWZjYjIwZWRiNTYyNTBiOWY1ODRhYTJjYjAxNjJlZDRhIiwic3ViIjoiZGVtby5leGFtcGxlQGFjdHVhbHJlcG9ydHMuY29tIn0 // Signature: SxO-H7UYYYsclS8RGWO1qf0z1cB1m73wF9FLl9RCc1Q ``` ## Temporary JWTs You can create a temporary token in [Account Settings]( page after you login to PDF Generator API. The generated token uses your email address as the subject (`sub`) value and is valid for __15 minutes__. You can also use []( to generate test tokens for your API calls. These test tokens should never be used in production applications. * * * * * # Error codes | Code | Description | |--------|--------------------------------| | 401 | Unauthorized | | 402 | Payment Required | | 403 | Forbidden | | 404 | Not Found | | 422 | Unprocessable Entity | | 429 | Too Many Requests | | 500 | Internal Server Error | ## 401 Unauthorized | Description | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Authentication failed: request expired | | Authentication failed: workspace missing | | Authentication failed: key missing | | Authentication failed: property 'iss' (issuer) missing in JWT | | Authentication failed: property 'sub' (subject) missing in JWT | | Authentication failed: property 'exp' (expiration time) missing in JWT | | Authentication failed: incorrect signature | ## 402 Payment Required | Description | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Your account is suspended, please upgrade your account | ## 403 Forbidden | Description | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Your account has exceeded the monthly document generation limit. | | Access not granted: You cannot delete master workspace via API | | Access not granted: Template is not accessible by this organization | | Your session has expired, please close and reopen the editor. | ## 404 Entity not found | Description | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Entity not found | | Resource not found | | None of the templates is available for the workspace. | ## 422 Unprocessable Entity | Description | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Unable to parse JSON, please check formatting | | Required parameter missing | | Required parameter missing: template definition not defined | | Required parameter missing: template not defined | ## 429 Too Many Requests | Description | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | You can make up to 2 requests per second and 60 requests per minute. | * * * * *
# Overview ## Authentication LaunchDarkly's REST API uses the HTTPS protocol with a minimum TLS version of 1.2. All REST API resources are authenticated with either [personal or service access tokens](, or session cookies. Other authentication mechanisms are not supported. You can manage personal access tokens on your [**Authorization**]( page in the LaunchDarkly UI. LaunchDarkly also has SDK keys, mobile keys, and client-side IDs that are used by our server-side SDKs, mobile SDKs, and JavaScript-based SDKs, respectively. **These keys cannot be used to access our REST API**. These keys are environment-specific, and can only perform read-only operations such as fetching feature flag settings. | Auth mechanism | Allowed resources | Use cases | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------- | | [Personal or service access tokens]( | Can be customized on a per-token basis | Building scripts, custom integrations, data export. | | SDK keys | Can only access read-only resources specific to server-side SDKs. Restricted to a single environment. | Server-side SDKs | | Mobile keys | Can only access read-only resources specific to mobile SDKs, and only for flags marked available to mobile keys. Restricted to a single environment. | Mobile SDKs | | Client-side ID | Can only access read-only resources specific to JavaScript-based client-side SDKs, and only for flags marked available to client-side. Restricted to a single environment. | Client-side JavaScript | > #### Keep your access tokens and SDK keys private > > Access tokens should _never_ be exposed in untrusted contexts. Never put an access token in client-side JavaScript, or embed it in a mobile application. LaunchDarkly has special mobile keys that you can embed in mobile apps. If you accidentally expose an access token or SDK key, you can reset it from your [**Authorization**]( page. > > The client-side ID is safe to embed in untrusted contexts. It's designed for use in client-side JavaScript. ### Authentication using request header The preferred way to authenticate with the API is by adding an `Authorization` header containing your access token to your requests. The value of the `Authorization` header must be your access token. Manage personal access tokens from the [**Authorization**]( page. ### Authentication using session cookie For testing purposes, you can make API calls directly from your web browser. If you are logged in to the LaunchDarkly application, the API will use your existing session to authenticate calls. If you have a [role]( other than Admin, or have a [custom role]( defined, you may not have permission to perform some API calls. You will receive a `401` response code in that case. > ### Modifying the Origin header causes an error > > LaunchDarkly validates that the Origin header for any API request authenticated by a session cookie matches the expected Origin header. The expected Origin header is ``. > > If the Origin header does not match what's expected, LaunchDarkly returns an error. This error can prevent the LaunchDarkly app from working correctly. > > Any browser extension that intentionally changes the Origin header can cause this problem. For example, the `Allow-Control-Allow-Origin: *` Chrome extension changes the Origin header to `` and causes the app to fail. > > To prevent this error, do not modify your Origin header. > > LaunchDarkly does not require origin matching when authenticating with an access token, so this issue does not affect normal API usage. ## Representations All resources expect and return JSON response bodies. Error responses also send a JSON body. To learn more about the error format of the API, read [Errors](/#section/Overview/Errors). In practice this means that you always get a response with a `Content-Type` header set to `application/json`. In addition, request bodies for `PATCH`, `POST`, and `PUT` requests must be encoded as JSON with a `Content-Type` header set to `application/json`. ### Summary and detailed representations When you fetch a list of resources, the response includes only the most important attributes of each resource. This is a _summary representation_ of the resource. When you fetch an individual resource, such as a single feature flag, you receive a _detailed representation_ of the resource. The best way to find a detailed representation is to follow links. Every summary representation includes a link to its detailed representation. ### Expanding responses Sometimes the detailed representation of a resource does not include all of the attributes of the resource by default. If this is the case, the request method will clearly document this and describe which attributes you can include in an expanded response. To include the additional attributes, append the `expand` request parameter to your request and add a comma-separated list of the attributes to include. For example, when you append `?expand=members,maintainers` to the [Get team](/tag/Teams#operation/getTeam) endpoint, the expanded response includes both of these attributes. ### Links and addressability The best way to navigate the API is by following links. These are attributes in representations that link to other resources. The API always uses the same format for links: - Links to other resources within the API are encapsulated in a `_links` object - If the resource has a corresponding link to HTML content on the site, it is stored in a special `_site` link Each link has two attributes: - An `href`, which contains the URL - A `type`, which describes the content type For example, a feature resource might return the following: ```json { "_links": { "parent": { "href": "/api/features", "type": "application/json" }, "self": { "href": "/api/features/sort.order", "type": "application/json" } }, "_site": { "href": "/features/sort.order", "type": "text/html" } } ``` From this, you can navigate to the parent collection of features by following the `parent` link, or navigate to the site page for the feature by following the `_site` link. Collections are always represented as a JSON object with an `items` attribute containing an array of representations. Like all other representations, collections have `_links` defined at the top level. Paginated collections include `first`, `last`, `next`, and `prev` links containing a URL with the respective set of elements in the collection. ## Updates Resources that accept partial updates use the `PATCH` verb. Most resources support the [JSON patch](/reference#updates-using-json-patch) format. Some resources also support the [JSON merge patch](/reference#updates-using-json-merge-patch) format, and some resources support the [semantic patch](/reference#updates-using-semantic-patch) format, which is a way to specify the modifications to perform as a set of executable instructions. Each resource supports optional [comments](/reference#updates-with-comments) that you can submit with updates. Comments appear in outgoing webhooks, the audit log, and other integrations. When a resource supports both JSON patch and semantic patch, we document both in the request method. However, the specific request body fields and descriptions included in our documentation only match one type of patch or the other. ### Updates using JSON patch [JSON patch]( is a way to specify the modifications to perform on a resource. JSON patch uses paths and a limited set of operations to describe how to transform the current state of the resource into a new state. JSON patch documents are always arrays, where each element contains an operation, a path to the field to update, and the new value. For example, in this feature flag representation: ```json { "name": "New recommendations engine", "key": "engine.enable", "description": "This is the description", ... } ``` You can change the feature flag's description with the following patch document: ```json [{ "op": "replace", "path": "/description", "value": "This is the new description" }] ``` You can specify multiple modifications to perform in a single request. You can also test that certain preconditions are met before applying the patch: ```json [ { "op": "test", "path": "/version", "value": 10 }, { "op": "replace", "path": "/description", "value": "The new description" } ] ``` The above patch request tests whether the feature flag's `version` is `10`, and if so, changes the feature flag's description. Attributes that are not editable, such as a resource's `_links`, have names that start with an underscore. ### Updates using JSON merge patch [JSON merge patch]( is another format for specifying the modifications to perform on a resource. JSON merge patch is less expressive than JSON patch. However, in many cases it is simpler to construct a merge patch document. For example, you can change a feature flag's description with the following merge patch document: ```json { "description": "New flag description" } ``` ### Updates using semantic patch Some resources support the semantic patch format. A semantic patch is a way to specify the modifications to perform on a resource as a set of executable instructions. Semantic patch allows you to be explicit about intent using precise, custom instructions. In many cases, you can define semantic patch instructions independently of the current state of the resource. This can be useful when defining a change that may be applied at a future date. To make a semantic patch request, you must append `domain-model=launchdarkly.semanticpatch` to your `Content-Type` header. Here's how: ``` Content-Type: application/json; domain-model=launchdarkly.semanticpatch ``` If you call a semantic patch resource without this header, you will receive a `400` response because your semantic patch will be interpreted as a JSON patch. The body of a semantic patch request takes the following properties: * `comment` (string): (Optional) A description of the update. * `environmentKey` (string): (Required for some resources only) The environment key. * `instructions` (array): (Required) A list of actions the update should perform. Each action in the list must be an object with a `kind` property that indicates the instruction. If the instruction requires parameters, you must include those parameters as additional fields in the object. The documentation for each resource that supports semantic patch includes the available instructions and any additional parameters. For example: ```json { "comment": "optional comment", "instructions": [ {"kind": "turnFlagOn"} ] } ``` Semantic patches are not applied partially; either all of the instructions are applied or none of them are. If **any** instruction is invalid, the endpoint returns an error and will not change the resource. If all instructions are valid, the request succeeds and the resources are updated if necessary, or left unchanged if they are already in the state you request. ### Updates with comments You can submit optional comments with `PATCH` changes. To submit a comment along with a JSON patch document, use the following format: ```json { "comment": "This is a comment string", "patch": [{ "op": "replace", "path": "/description", "value": "The new description" }] } ``` To submit a comment along with a JSON merge patch document, use the following format: ```json { "comment": "This is a comment string", "merge": { "description": "New flag description" } } ``` To submit a comment along with a semantic patch, use the following format: ```json { "comment": "This is a comment string", "instructions": [ {"kind": "turnFlagOn"} ] } ``` ## Errors The API always returns errors in a common format. Here's an example: ```json { "code": "invalid_request", "message": "A feature with that key already exists", "id": "30ce6058-87da-11e4-b116-123b93f75cba" } ``` The `code` indicates the general class of error. The `message` is a human-readable explanation of what went wrong. The `id` is a unique identifier. Use it when you're working with LaunchDarkly Support to debug a problem with a specific API call. ### HTTP status error response codes | Code | Definition | Description | Possible Solution | | ---- | ----------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------- | | 400 | Invalid request | The request cannot be understood. | Ensure JSON syntax in request body is correct. | | 401 | Invalid access token | Requestor is unauthorized or does not have permission for this API call. | Ensure your API access token is valid and has the appropriate permissions. | | 403 | Forbidden | Requestor does not have access to this resource. | Ensure that the account member or access token has proper permissions set. | | 404 | Invalid resource identifier | The requested resource is not valid. | Ensure that the resource is correctly identified by ID or key. | | 405 | Method not allowed | The request method is not allowed on this resource. | Ensure that the HTTP verb is correct. | | 409 | Conflict | The API request can not be completed because it conflicts with a concurrent API request. | Retry your request. | | 422 | Unprocessable entity | The API request can not be completed because the update description can not be understood. | Ensure that the request body is correct for the type of patch you are using, either JSON patch or semantic patch. | 429 | Too many requests | Read [Rate limiting](/#section/Overview/Rate-limiting). | Wait and try again later. | ## CORS The LaunchDarkly API supports Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) for AJAX requests from any origin. If an `Origin` header is given in a request, it will be echoed as an explicitly allowed origin. Otherwise the request returns a wildcard, `Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *`. For more information on CORS, read the [CORS W3C Recommendation]( Example CORS headers might look like: ```http Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Accept, Content-Type, Content-Length, Accept-Encoding, Authorization Access-Control-Allow-Methods: OPTIONS, GET, DELETE, PATCH Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * Access-Control-Max-Age: 300 ``` You can make authenticated CORS calls just as you would make same-origin calls, using either [token or session-based authentication](/#section/Overview/Authentication). If you are using session authentication, you should set the `withCredentials` property for your `xhr` request to `true`. You should never expose your access tokens to untrusted entities. ## Rate limiting We use several rate limiting strategies to ensure the availability of our APIs. Rate-limited calls to our APIs return a `429` status code. Calls to our APIs include headers indicating the current rate limit status. The specific headers returned depend on the API route being called. The limits differ based on the route, authentication mechanism, and other factors. Routes that are not rate limited may not contain any of the headers described below. > ### Rate limiting and SDKs > > LaunchDarkly SDKs are never rate limited and do not use the API endpoints defined here. LaunchDarkly uses a different set of approaches, including streaming/server-sent events and a global CDN, to ensure availability to the routes used by LaunchDarkly SDKs. ### Global rate limits Authenticated requests are subject to a global limit. This is the maximum number of calls that your account can make to the API per ten seconds. All service and personal access tokens on the account share this limit, so exceeding the limit with one access token will impact other tokens. Calls that are subject to global rate limits may return the headers below: | Header name | Description | | ------------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `X-Ratelimit-Global-Remaining` | The maximum number of requests the account is permitted to make per ten seconds. | | `X-Ratelimit-Reset` | The time at which the current rate limit window resets in epoch milliseconds. | We do not publicly document the specific number of calls that can be made globally. This limit may change, and we encourage clients to program against the specification, relying on the two headers defined above, rather than hardcoding to the current limit. ### Route-level rate limits Some authenticated routes have custom rate limits. These also reset every ten seconds. Any service or personal access tokens hitting the same route share this limit, so exceeding the limit with one access token may impact other tokens. Calls that are subject to route-level rate limits return the headers below: | Header name | Description | | ----------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `X-Ratelimit-Route-Remaining` | The maximum number of requests to the current route the account is permitted to make per ten seconds. | | `X-Ratelimit-Reset` | The time at which the current rate limit window resets in epoch milliseconds. | A _route_ represents a specific URL pattern and verb. For example, the [Delete environment](/tag/Environments#operation/deleteEnvironment) endpoint is considered a single route, and each call to delete an environment counts against your route-level rate limit for that route. We do not publicly document the specific number of calls that an account can make to each endpoint per ten seconds. These limits may change, and we encourage clients to program against the specification, relying on the two headers defined above, rather than hardcoding to the current limits. ### IP-based rate limiting We also employ IP-based rate limiting on some API routes. If you hit an IP-based rate limit, your API response will include a `Retry-After` header indicating how long to wait before re-trying the call. Clients must wait at least `Retry-After` seconds before making additional calls to our API, and should employ jitter and backoff strategies to avoid triggering rate limits again. ## OpenAPI (Swagger) and client libraries We have a [complete OpenAPI (Swagger) specification]( for our API. We auto-generate multiple client libraries based on our OpenAPI specification. To learn more, visit the [collection of client libraries on GitHub]( You can also use this specification to generate client libraries to interact with our REST API in your language of choice. Our OpenAPI specification is supported by several API-based tools such as Postman and Insomnia. In many cases, you can directly import our specification to explore our APIs. ## Method overriding Some firewalls and HTTP clients restrict the use of verbs other than `GET` and `POST`. In those environments, our API endpoints that use `DELETE`, `PATCH`, and `PUT` verbs are inaccessible. To avoid this issue, our API supports the `X-HTTP-Method-Override` header, allowing clients to "tunnel" `DELETE`, `PATCH`, and `PUT` requests using a `POST` request. For example, to call a `PATCH` endpoint using a `POST` request, you can include `X-HTTP-Method-Override:PATCH` as a header. ## Beta resources We sometimes release new API resources in **beta** status before we release them with general availability. Resources that are in beta are still undergoing testing and development. They may change without notice, including becoming backwards incompatible. We try to promote resources into general availability as quickly as possible. This happens after sufficient testing and when we're satisfied that we no longer need to make backwards-incompatible changes. We mark beta resources with a "Beta" callout in our documentation, pictured below: > ### This feature is in beta > > To use this feature, pass in a header including the `LD-API-Version` key with value set to `beta`. Use this header with each call. To learn more, read [Beta resources](/#section/Overview/Beta-resources). > > Resources that are in beta are still undergoing testing and development. They may change without notice, including becoming backwards incompatible. ### Using beta resources To use a beta resource, you must include a header in the request. If you call a beta resource without this header, you receive a `403` response. Use this header: ``` LD-API-Version: beta ``` ## Federal environments The version of LaunchDarkly that is available on domains controlled by the United States government is different from the version of LaunchDarkly available to the general public. If you are an employee or contractor for a United States federal agency and use LaunchDarkly in your work, you likely use the federal instance of LaunchDarkly. If you are working in the federal instance of LaunchDarkly, the base URI for each request is ``. In the "Try it" sandbox for each request, click the request path to view the complete resource path for the federal environment. To learn more, read [LaunchDarkly in federal environments]( ## Versioning We try hard to keep our REST API backwards compatible, but we occasionally have to make backwards-incompatible changes in the process of shipping new features. These breaking changes can cause unexpected behavior if you don't prepare for them accordingly. Updates to our REST API include support for the latest features in LaunchDarkly. We also release a new version of our REST API every time we make a breaking change. We provide simultaneous support for multiple API versions so you can migrate from your current API version to a new version at your own pace. ### Setting the API version per request You can set the API version on a specific request by sending an `LD-API-Version` header, as shown in the example below: ``` LD-API-Version: 20240415 ``` The header value is the version number of the API version you would like to request. The number for each version corresponds to the date the version was released in `yyyymmdd` format. In the example above the version `20240415` corresponds to April 15, 2024. ### Setting the API version per access token When you create an access token, you must specify a specific version of the API to use. This ensures that integrations using this token cannot be broken by version changes. Tokens created before versioning was released have their version set to `20160426`, which is the version of the API that existed before the current versioning scheme, so that they continue working the same way they did before versioning. If you would like to upgrade your integration to use a new API version, you can explicitly set the header described above. > ### Best practice: Set the header for every client or integration > > We recommend that you set the API version header explicitly in any client or integration you build. > > Only rely on the access token API version during manual testing. ### API version changelog |Version | Changes | End of life (EOL) |---|---|---| | `20240415` | Changed several endpoints from unpaginated to paginated. Use the `limit` and `offset` query parameters to page through the results. Changed the [list access tokens](/tag/Access-tokens#operation/getTokens) endpoint: Response is now paginated with a default limit of `25` Changed the [list account members](/tag/Account-members#operation/getMembers) endpoint: The `accessCheck` filter is no longer available Changed the [list custom roles](/tag/Custom-roles#operation/getCustomRoles) endpoint: Response is now paginated with a default limit of `20` Changed the [list feature flags](/tag/Feature-flags#operation/getFeatureFlags) endpoint: Response is now paginated with a default limit of `20`The `environments` field is now only returned if the request is filtered by environment, using the `filterEnv` query parameterThe `filterEnv` query parameter supports a maximum of three environmentsThe `followerId`, `hasDataExport`, `status`, `contextKindTargeted`, and `segmentTargeted` filters are no longer available Changed the [list segments](/tag/Segments#operation/getSegments) endpoint: Response is now paginated with a default limit of `20` Changed the [list teams](/tag/Teams#operation/getTeams) endpoint: The `expand` parameter no longer supports including `projects` or `roles`In paginated results, the maximum page size is now 100 Changed the [get workflows](/tag/Workflows#operation/getWorkflows) endpoint: Response is now paginated with a default limit of `20`The `_conflicts` field in the response is no longer available | Current | | `20220603` | Changed the [list projects](/tag/Projects#operation/getProjects) return value:Response is now paginated with a default limit of `20`.Added support for filter and sort.The project `environments` field is now expandable. This field is omitted by default.Changed the [get project](/tag/Projects#operation/getProject) return value:The `environments` field is now expandable. This field is omitted by default. | 2025-04-15 | | `20210729` | Changed the [create approval request](/tag/Approvals#operation/postApprovalRequest) return value. It now returns HTTP Status Code `201` instead of `200`. Changed the [get users](/tag/Users#operation/getUser) return value. It now returns a user record, not a user. Added additional optional fields to environment, segments, flags, members, and segments, including the ability to create big segments. Added default values for flag variations when new environments are created. Added filtering and pagination for getting flags and members, including `limit`, `number`, `filter`, and `sort` query parameters. Added endpoints for expiring user targets for flags and segments, scheduled changes, access tokens, Relay Proxy configuration, integrations and subscriptions, and approvals. | 2023-06-03 | | `20191212` | [List feature flags](/tag/Feature-flags#operation/getFeatureFlags) now defaults to sending summaries of feature flag configurations, equivalent to setting the query parameter `summary=true`. Summaries omit flag targeting rules and individual user targets from the payload. Added endpoints for flags, flag status, projects, environments, audit logs, members, users, custom roles, segments, usage, streams, events, and data export. | 2022-07-29 | | `20160426` | Initial versioning of API. Tokens created before versioning have their version set to this. | 2020-12-12 | To learn more about how EOL is determined, read LaunchDarkly's [End of Life (EOL) Policy](
Additional cards for Laravel Pulse
A GuzzleHTTP Middleware that adds a X-Request-Duration header to all responses to monitor response times.
##### API Overview - Accounts list and balance - Transaction overview (also for saving accounts) - Payments import - Statement list and download - FX rates ##### Authentication Before making a call to Premium API, you need to register your app at our _Developer portal_. This is where you get the **ClientID** that your application must send in the request as `X-IBM-Client-Id`. This is the key that grants your app access to the API. However, this may not be enough. Your application needs to use mTLS to call most operations here. Thus, you not only need _https_ but also a client certificate issued by us. The exception is two operations for FX rates that are accessible also without a client certificate. Each bank client/user can issue several certificates. Each certificate can permit different sets of operations (http methods) on different bank accounts. All this must be configured in Internet Banking first by each bank client/user (bank clients need to look under _Settings_ and do not forget to download the certificate at the last step). The certificate is downloaded in **PKCS#12** format as **\*.p12** file and protected by a password chosen by the bank client/user. Yes, your app needs the password as well to get use of the **\*p12** file for establishing mTLS connection to the bank. Client certificates issued in Internet Banking for bank clients/users have limited validity (e.g. **5 years**). However, **each year** certificates are automatically blocked and bank client/user must unblock them in Internet Banking. It is possible to do it in advance and prolong the time before the certificate is blocked. Your app should be prepared for these scenarios and it should communicate such cases to your user in advance to provide seamless service and high user-experience of your app. ##### Rate Limiting The number of requests in each API operation is limited to 10 per client per sliding second and 5000 per client per sliding day. The exception is the 'Download Statement' operation with the limits lowered to 5 per client per sliding second and 1500 per client per sliding day. This is because it transports potentially sizeable binary files. The consumer must be able to handle HTTP status 429 in case of exceeding these limits. Response headers `X-RateLimit-Limit-Second` and `X-RateLimit-Limit-Day` show the actual limits configured for the specific operation. Response headers `X-RateLimit-Remaining-Second` and `X-RateLimit-Remaining-Day` are returned to help prevent the limits from being exceeded. ##### Notes Be aware, that in certain error situations, API can return specific error structures along with 5xx status code, which is not explicitely defined below. ##### Quick Start Client Feel free to download a simple Java client that gives you quick access to our API.
Document describes the API description for partners in order to create and track delivery requests. ## Revision history |Date|Author|Description|Version| |-|-|-|-| |2022-09-22|Šmolík, J.|Add accepted-to-locker parcel event |1.40| |2022-09-08|Šmolík J.| Add support for user to choose partner they want to work with |1.39| |2022-08-10|Šmolík J.| Add /labels:search to download PDF labels for defined criteria |1.38| |2022-08-08|Azizov. J.| Add `region` field to /destinations and /origins endpoints |1.37| |2022-07-27|Vala J.| Add EP for listing shipping label data of parcels order /api/v1/delivery-requests/{orderNumber}/label |1.36| |2022-07-27|Vala J.| Add EP for listing shipping label data of parcel /api/v1/parcels/{id}/label |1.35| |2022-07-22|Vala J.| Add destination_public_id column to csv export of parcels |1.34| |2022-07-08|Vala J.| Add exportCsvUrl to headers ['X-export-url-csv'] to response from /api/v1/parcelsAdd endpoint to export parcels to csv file /ui/v1/parcels.csv |1.33| |2022-06-27|Vala J.| Add width and printerModel query parameters for zpl shipping labels for /api/v1/delivery-requests/{orderNumber}/label.{type} and /api/v1/parcels/{id}/label.{type} |1.32| |2022-06-17|Šmolík, J.| Allow to select return location for delivery request |1.31| |2022-05-25|Vala, J.| Add single labelUrlPdf to headers ['X-labels-url-pdf'] in response from /api/v1/delivery-requests:fromCsv |1.30| |2022-05-25|Vala, J.| Add EP to handle csv import orders printing of shipping label /ui/v1/delivery-requests/{orderImportsNumber}/label.pdf |1.29| |2022-05-20|Vala, J.| Add possibility to overwrite 4 rows in shipping label sender info to /api/v1/delivery-requests endpoint |1.28| |2022-05-04|Azizov, J.| Add state and created filters to to /api/v1/parcels endpoint |1.27| |2022-05-03|Azizov, J.| Add possibility to search parcels to /api/v1/parcels endpoint |1.26| |2022-04-27|Azizov, J.| Add /api/v1/delivery-requests:customerReturns for customer returns delivery requests |1.25| |2022-04-26|Vala, J.| Add createTime, updateTime to parcel list response |1.24| |2022-04-21|Šmolík, J.| Add payment info to parcels |1.23| |2022-02-22|Azizov, J.| Add P408 and P409 error codes |1.22| |2022-02-22|Azizov, J.| Add notifySMSOnAccepted to DeliveryRequest |1.21| |2022-02-01|Šmolík, J.| Add check address delivery endpointAdd /api/v1/simple-delivery-requests for simpler delivery creation |1.20| |2022-01-20|Šmolík, J.| Add P405, P406 and P407 error codes |1.19| |2022-01-10|Šmolík, J.| Add CSV import endpointAdd JWT custom claims descriptionMove 403 error codes to own section |1.18| |2021-12-23|Šmolík, J.| Add new endpoint to confirm AnyAPM delivery of a parcelPartition error codes by HTTP status response |1.17| |2021-12-16|Šmolík, J.| Add new error code P403 |1.16| |2021-12-09|Šmolík, J.| Add new error codes P401, P402 |1.15| |2021-11-30|Šmolík, J.| Add delivery request origin, destination and items fields description |1.14| |2021-11-11|Šmolík, J.| Add endpoint for parcel delivery cancellation |1.13| |2021-11-09|Šmolík, J.| Add X403 error code spec |1.12| |2021-10-14|Šmolík, J.| Add Accepted for return event |1.11| |2021-10-05|Šmolík, J.| Make DeliveryRequest.items required |1.10| |2021-09-22|Šmolík, J.| Add canceled event state and event|1.9| |2021-09-17|Šmolík, J.| Add PDF label URLs to parcels response |1.8 |2021-09-13|Šmolík, J.| Update parcel state enum valuesRemove history event displayName, add type|1.7 |2021-08-25|Azizov, J.| Add possibility to print labels for all parcels in orderMake contact information of origin optional in delivery request|1.6 |2021-08-02|Azizov, J.| Add items metadata to parcel |1.5| |2021-07-15|Šmolík, J.| Add destination expected delivery time |1.4| |2021-06-23|Šmolík, J.| Update money value fields description |1.3| |2021-06-21|Šmolík, J.| Update Requesting a delivery textAdd `name` filter to origins and destinations Rename delivery request code of description to plain descriptionAdd more specific info to value amount fieldsUpdate address country to match ISO CodeUpdate address postal code formattingUpdate origin/destination for delivery requestRemove height, length, width from order itemAdd events to parcel infoUpdate delivery request responseUpdate order number descriptionAdd parcel id filter to /parcelsAdd message to errorMake contact name requiredAdd delivery partner parcel idsRemove order items' code and status |1.2| |2021-06-14|Šmolík, J.| Add a todo to specify client notification type after accepting the order. Let the partner choose to receive an email when successful delivery request is made. Remove `typeOfOrder` from delivery request.Add option to select delivery partner for pickupMake item weight in the order optionalMake origin contact email requiredAdd support to add sender's name when making delivery requestRemove landmark and code from addressAdd new error code or partners not eligible to create COD delivery requestsAdd support to filter destinations/origins by typeAdd support to send compartment size for order item, required for APM originMake `typeOfService` optional |1.1| |2021-06-09|Šmolík, J.|Initial version|1.0| # Setup Register your company through our support. We are going to need - Company name - List of Phone numbers for SMS OTP authentication of people who'll you want to have access to the Partner CMS - List of addresses for pickup points - where do we pickup your order for delivery You will get in return - `OAUTH_CLIENT_ID` - OAuth2 Client ID for authenticating with the Partner API. Keep it safe. Value may vary for each environment. - `OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET` - OAuth2 Client Secret for authenticating with the Partner API. Keep it safe. Value may vary for each environment. - `API_URL` - Base URL for Partner API ## Environments Product offers multiple environments - Sandbox - For you to test the integration. Limited functionality. - Production - Connected to real end-users. Use with care. Environment setting summary: | Value \ Env | Sandbox | Production | |---|---|---| | `API_URL` | N/A | N/A | | `OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET` | Contact Support | Contact Support | | `OAUTH_CLIENT_ID` | Contact Support | Contact Support | # API ## Authentication Authentication is based on OAuth2 standard, Client Credentials grant. Token endpoint `/auth-sessions`, see examples below. Client ID and Secret MUST be passed to you from BoxNow support in advance. In order to use the API, you MUST attach the access token to Authorization header as a Bearer token. ### Custom JWT claims You can find additional user information in custom claims under namespace key ``. For example ```json { "iat": 1641980553, "exp": 1641984153, "": { "permission": { "warehouseAsOrigin": true, "anyApmAsOrigin": true, "anyApmToSameApmDelivery": true, "anyApmToSameApmDeliveryWithoutConfirmation": true, "depotAsOrigin": true } } } ``` ## Listing available destinations You can skip this if you don't want to deliver your order to one of our APMs. Use `/destinations` to list available APM locations we can deliver the goods to. You will refer to these records by `id` when requesting delivery later on. ## Requesting a delivery Create a delivery request to delivery your order to the client. Use `/delivery-requests` endpoint for this operation. Once a successful request delivery is made - (optional) we send you an email notifying about successful delivery request creation, if you choose to receive this email - you should fetch the PDF label for each of the parcel from `/parcels/{id}/label.pdf`, print it and stick it to the parcel/s - we send a courier to pick up the labeled parcel/s - we notify the client via email that we have accepted the order from you and its being delivered by us ## Modifying a delivery request After a delivery request is successfully made, you can alter some parts of it later on. Use `/delivery-requests/{id}` endpoint for these modifications. ## Checking on the deliveries You can list parcel related to your delivery requests via `/parcels` endpoint. ## Error codes ### Description of codes for `400 Unprocessable entity` responses - `P400` - Invalid request data. Make sure are sending the request according to this documentation. - `P401` - Invalid request origin location reference. Make sure you are referencing a valid location ID from Origins endpoint or valid address. - `P402` - Invalid request destination location reference. Make sure you are referencing a valid location ID from Destinations endpoint or valid address. - `P403` - You are not allowed to use AnyAPM-SameAPM delivery. Contact support if you believe this is a mistake. - `P404` - Invalid import CSV. See error contents for additional info. - `P405` - Invalid phone number. Make sure you are sending the phone number in full international format, e.g. +30 xx x xxx xxxx. - `P406` - Invalid compartment/parcel size. Make sure you are sending one of required sizes 1, 2 or 3. Size is required when sending from AnyAPM directly. - `P407` - Invalid country code. Make sure you are sending country code in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format, e.g. GR. - `P408` - Invalid amountToBeCollected amount. Make sure you are sending amount in the valid range of (0, 5000> - `P409` - Invalid delivery partner reference. Make sure you are referencing a valid delivery partner ID from Delivery partners endpoint. - `P410` - Order number conflict. You are trying to create a delivery request for order ID that has already been created. Choose another order id. - `P411` - You are not eligible to use Cash-on-delivery payment type. Use another payment type or contact our support. - `P412` - You are not allowed to create customer returns deliveries. Contact support if you believe this is a mistake. - `P413` - Invalid return location reference. Make sure you are referencing a valid location warehouse ID from Origins endpoint or valid address. - `P420` - Parcel not ready for cancel. You can cancel only new, undelivered, or parcels that are not returned or lost. Make sure parcel is in transit and try again. - `P430` - Parcel not ready for AnyAPM confirmation. Parcel is probably already confirmed or being delivered. Contact support if you believe this is a mistake. ### Description of codes for `403 Forbidden` responses - `X403` - Account disabled. Your account had been disabled, contact support. - `P414` - Unauthorized parcel access. You are trying to access information to parcel/s that don't belong to you. Make sure you are requesting information for parcels you have access to. ### Description of codes for `503 Service Unavailable` responses | Code | Description | |---|---| | `P600` | Locker bridge communication failed. There has been some error when communicating with the locker bridge. Try again later or contact support. | | `P610` | Geolocation API failed. There has been some error when translating address to gps coordinates. Try again later or contact support. |
A Laravel package to log necessary data in a request lifecycle.
Log response time of external HTTP requests.
HTTP request logger middleware for Laravel
OO handling for HTTP requests and responses in PHP
A laravel request logger that logs requests ip, agent, payload request, payload response, Time of execution and url in the database within any request call
**API Version**: 1.7 **Date**: 9th July, 2024 ## 📄 Getting Started This API is based on the REST API architecture, allowing the user to easily manage their data with this resource-based approach. Every API call is established on which specific request type (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) will be used. The API must not be abused and should be used within acceptable limits. To start using this API, you will need not create or access an existing Segnivo account to obtain your API key ([retrievable from your account settings]( - You must use a valid API Key to send requests to the API endpoints. - The API only responds to HTTPS-secured communications. Any requests sent via HTTP return an HTTP 301 redirect to the corresponding HTTPS resources. - The API returns request responses in JSON format. When an API request returns an error, it is sent in the JSON response as an error key or with details in the message key. ### 🔖 **Need some help?** In case you have questions or need clarity with interacting with some endpoints feel free to create a support ticket on your account or you can send an email ([[email protected]](https://mailto:[email protected])) directly and we would be happy to help. --- ## Authentication As noted earlier, this API uses API keys for authentication. You can generate a Segnivo API key in the [API]( section of your account settings. You must include an API key in each request to this API with the `X-API-KEY` request header. ### Authentication error response If an API key is missing, malformed, or invalid, you will receive an HTTP 401 Unauthorized response code. ## Rate and usage limits API access rate limits apply on a per-API endpoint basis in unit time. The limit is 10k requests per hour for most endpoints and 1m requests per hour for transactional/relay email-sending endpoints. Also, depending on your plan, you may have usage limits. If you exceed either limit, your request will return an HTTP 429 Too Many Requests status code or HTTP 403 if sending credits have been exhausted. ### 503 response An HTTP `503` response from our servers may indicate there is an unexpected spike in API access traffic, while this rarely happens, we ensure the server is usually operational within the next two to five minutes. If the outage persists or you receive any other form of an HTTP `5XX` error, contact support ([[email protected]](https://mailto:[email protected])). ### Request headers To make a successful request, some or all of the following headers must be passed with the request. | **Header** | **Description** | | --- | --- | | Content-Type | Required and should be `application/json` in most cases. | | Accept | Required and should be `application/json` in most cases | | Content-Length | Required for `POST`, `PATCH`, and `PUT` requests containing a request body. The value must be the number of bytes rather than the number of characters in the request body. | | X-API-KEY | Required. Specifies the API key used for authorization. | ##### 🔖 Note with example requests and code snippets If/when you use the code snippets used as example requests, remember to calculate and add the `Content-Length` header. Some request libraries, frameworks, and tools automatically add this header for you while a few do not. Kindly check and ensure yours does or add it yourself.
## Introduction This comprehensive guide will equip you with the knowledge to integrate and leverage our Product Configurator Service in your applications. ## Quick Start Get up and running in no time! Follow these steps to kickstart your integration: 1. **Authentication:** Obtain your integration JWT to authenticate your requests. 2. **Client Libraries:** Explore our GitHub repositories to grab client libraries in your preferred programming language. 3. **API Overview:** Familiarize yourself with our RESTful API using the OpenAPI specification. ## Integration ### API Overview Our RESTful API is the gateway to unlocking the full potential of Product Configurator. Check out the detailed [API Reference](/docs/category/configurator) for a granular understanding of each endpoint and request/response format. ### Client Libraries To expedite your integration process, we provide client libraries for various programming languages. Find the one that suits your stack in our [GitHub repositories]( ### Authentication Security is paramount. Learn how to authenticate your requests using JWT. This ensures a secure and reliable connection between your application and Product Configurator. ## Configuration Management ### Configurator Lifecycle Understand the lifecycle of configurators, from draft to active and deleted. This flexibility allows you to manage configurations at your own pace. ### Steps and Options Configure product steps with ease and define options effortlessly. Explore the power of dependencies to create dynamic and intuitive configurations. ### Matrices Delve into matrices—your secret weapon. Explore price and weight matrices, and learn how configured steps influence properties and pricing. ### Price Management Unleash dynamic pricing with our versatile price matrices. From fixed prices to incremental structures, adapt to diverse pricing models effortlessly. ## Security Your data is in safe hands. Discover how Product Configurator ensures security through JWT authentication, safeguarding your sensitive information. ## Backward Compatibility Stay ahead of the curve. Learn about our versioning strategy, providing backward compatibility while allowing our service to evolve seamlessly. ## Developer Support Have questions? Need assistance? Write to us at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) and we will get back to you.
# Introduction JTL-FFN is a standardized interface for fulfillment service providers and their customers. Fulfiller can offer their services to merchants and merchants can respectively choose from a wide range of service providers according to their needs. ## The ecosystem The FFN network consists of this REST API, an online portal and third party integrations (JTL-Wawi being one of them). The REST API orchestrates the interactions between the participants and the portal website provides services by JTL (such as managing and certifying warehouses of a fulfiller and merchants searching for their service providers). ## About this API The base url of this api is []( This API (and this documentation) consists of three parts: * Fulfiller API - operations used when acting as a fulfiller in the network. Only users with the role `Fulfiller` can access these endpoints. * Merchant API - operations used when acting as a merchant in the network. Only users with the role `Merchant` can access these endpoints. * Shared API - operations available to all users. Please use the navigation menu at the top to switch between the documentation for the different APIs. # OAuth The FFN-API uses [OAuth2]( with the [Authorization Code Grant]( for its endpoints. Users must have an active [JTL customer center]( account to authorize against the OAuth2 server. Applications and services using the API must acquire client credentials from JTL. ## Application credentials When making calls against the API, you need to do it in the context of an application. You will get the credentials for your application from JTL. Application credentials consist of the following: * `client_id` - uniquely identifies your application * `client_secret` - secret used to authenticate your application * `callback_uri` - the uri the OAuth2 server redirect to on authorization requests ## Requesting authorization When you want to authorize a user you redirect him to `` with the following query string parameters: * `response_type` - Must be set to "code" for the [Authorization Code Grant]( * `redirect_uri` - After the user accepts your authorization request this is the url that will be redirected to. It must match the `callback_uri` in your client credentials. * `client_id` - Your applications identifier from your application credentials. * `scope` - The scopes you wish to authorize (space delimited). * `state` - An opaque value that will be included when redirecting back after the user accepts the authorisation. This is not required, but is important for [security considerations]( After successful authorization by the user, the OAuth2 server will redirect back to your applications callback with the following query string parameters: * `code` - The authorization code. * `state` - The state parameter that was sent in the request. ## Verifying authorization The authorization code you acquired in the last step will now be exchanged for an access token. In order to do this you need to POST a request to ``. >POST > >Authorization: Basic `application_basic_auth`\ >Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded > >grant_type=authorization_code&code=`code`&redirect_uri=`redirect_uri` In the Authorization header [Basic HTTP authentication]( is used. Your application credentials `client_id` will be used as the username and your `client_secret` as the password. The header should have the value "Basic" plus the Base64 encoded string comprising of `client_id:client_secret`. The body of the request consist of the form encoded parameters: * `grant_type` - Must be set to "authorization_code". * `code` - The authorization code received from the previous step. * `redirect_uri` - Must match the `callback_uri` in your client credentials. A successful verification request will return a JSON response with the properties: * `token_type` - is always "Bearer" * `expires_in` - the time in seconds until the access token will expire * `access_token` - the access token used for API requests * `refresh_token` - token used to get a new access_token without needing to ask the user again Now the APIs endpoints that need authorization can be called by setting the header >Authorization: Bearer `access_token` ## Refreshing authorization To get a new `access_token` (for example when the old one expired) one can POST a request to ``. >POST > >Authorization: Basic `application_basic_auth`\ >Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded > >grant_type=refresh_token&refresh_token=`refresh_token` The Basic HTTP Authorization works exactly as in the verification step. The body of the request consist of the form encoded parameters: * `grant_type` - Must be set to "refresh_token". * `refresh_token` - The `refresh_token` you acquired during verification. The response will be the same as in the verification step. ## Scopes Scopes allow fine grained control over what actions are allowed for a given application. During login users must approve the requested scopes, so it is often feasible to limit asking for permissions your application really needs. Global scopes for common permission scenarios are the following: * `` - full read access for the fulfiller API * `ffn.fulfiller.write` - full write access for the fulfiller API * `` - full read access for the merchant API * `ffn.merchant.write` - full write access for the merchant API More fine grained scopes can be acquired from each respective endpoints documentation. ## Example ### Prerequsites * JTL Customer center account ( * cUrl ( * FFN portal account (just login here: * FFN portal sandbox account (if you want to test on sandbox: * Oauth Client for authorization and define scopes Values in this example (access_token, refresh_token, code...) are expired and cannot be used verbatim. ### Step 1 - Create an OAuth client Navigate to and create a new OAuth client. (You can´t navigate to Oauth in customer account, you should use this link, or you can change logged in index to oauth) !Templates define what scopes are possible for this client. scopes with access rights: * - full read access for the fulfiller API * ffn.merchant.write - full write access for the fulfiller API * - full read access for the merchant API * ffn.fulfiller.write - full write access for the merchant API More fine grained scopes can be acquired from each respective endpoints documentation.  Overview: clients, scopes, client-secret and client-id  In our example: * client_id: 97170e65-d390-4633-ba46-d6ghef8222de * client_secret: f364ldUw3wGJFGn3JXE2NpGdCvUSMlmK72gsYg1z * redirect_uri: http://localhost:53972/ffn/sso The values for this client should not be used in production and are for testing only. ### Step 2 - User login In this step you will redirect the user to the JTL OAuth website using his default browser. Here the user will provide his username/password and accept the requested scopes. Finally the JTL Oauth website will redirect to the provided redirect_uri and provide the code. Template: authorize specified scopes and get code answer to request the access token ```[redirect_uri]&client_id=[client_id]&scope=[scopes] ``` Note: the scopes should be seperated by spaces or %20 Filled with our example values: ``` ``` * enter password  * authorize scopes  * code answer from server  Example of the answer from the OAuth server to our redirect_uri: ``` http://localhost:53972/ffn/sso?code=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 ``` Extract the code and note it for next steps. ### Step 3 - Get an access_token from the code Template: get access token + refresh token ``` curl --location --request POST "" --header "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -u "[client_id]:[client_secret]" --data-urlencode "grant_type=authorization_code" --data-urlencode "redirect_uri=[redirect_uri]" --data-urlencode "code=[code]" ``` Filled with our example values: ``` curl --location --request POST "" --header "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -u "97170e64-d390-4696-ba46-d6fcef8207de:f364ldUw3wIJFGn3JXE2NpGdAvUSMlmK72gsYg1z" --data-urlencode "grant_type=authorization_code" --data-urlencode "redirect_uri=http://localhost:49420/oauth" --data-urlencode "code=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" ``` The result will be a JSON answer with the users access_token and refresh_token as well as the expiry in seconds. ``` { "token_type":"Bearer", "expires_in":1800, "access_token":"eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9. eyJhdWQiOiI5NzE3MGU2NC1kMzkwLTQ2OTYtYmE0Ni1kNmZjZWY4MjA3ZGUiLCJqdGkiOiJlOWVhN2Q0MWI1NDIzNTcyYWU0MDEzYjEzMDZiMGRkNWM3YmQ2ZTNjMDNhYTZmNjQ2M2NlMjUzNTc0ZmUyMWE3NGQyNTIyMTJhODQwMmI1ZCIsImlhdCI6MTY2MTI1MzE0OCwibmJmIjoxNjYxMjUzMTQ4LCJleHAiOjE2NjEyNTQ5NDgsInN1YiI6IjQ2MjA5Iiwic2NvcGVzIjpbImZmbi5tZXJjaGFudC5yZWFkIiwiZmZuLm1lcmNoYW50LndyaXRlIl19.eEwY021wR3BWVp-wbAVQrjfqwFbYqLlOV_ca-cb7-O3Kdpi8mkFQBxfI8rzSiV_1WpAINf4ydV9FR9Ty992SMiAqGJ3T9zDHd68oUDePeq7Xfafp-87UboI2mCfGd7518CoKVLqg5ohb4YCqgC7Dz588FofggCQyDZQSM-8raOgcM-pJ1TT7oRuYuDHsOzCOTPcX2YiGYKCc3M6kxlBy_NjrJoLa4qysLRmPkznWwj0caC7a0VJO5KubvECcMb9D7Byr3UNjI7GiGMAufa770V5qCjrWs4gOsRV-Bn7oQydvsL21qqjBKHcssQrlLZWmrcfKqgBKwfRXIx3Mu5HBCmtHjHMnuvPVEZAj6fEfIwjYSeTAHTHApEwbE7J1MPd8MU0K6X2YEUF315fXN5F3rO3ZL5FdTwcM1E-1-PKubLuMAaE6Lw-QsDtBoI4ESylomCmCCfgLV4Vj-in_oCJUmKXAX0tDSa9y9vb6oAExung_BTJCBemffCtkJ55Px7bvi9JXmwvI0pIFo3QzTUtRbFDizCMrPZvsatFx64mXX3IDoVqXr3uzvdetBIJEj2ngVdGRrKGt4Yboae5oFV2d5jdSZBL28pwGjey__ZB4zLR1DodQ0sOqDWJ3WsEjMYXU8_-IGrS8Kkw8Q0R0UqqyVLfcLr-cfH5tYqf2QLqAScY","refresh_token":"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" } ``` ### Step 4 - Test the access_token Using your newly aquired access_token you can test if its working (reminder: the access_token has a limited lifetime and might be expired, in which case we would need to refresh it (see Step 5)). Template: Test communication with access token on sandbox or production (our client is for both systems) ``` curl --location --request GET "" --header "Authorization: Bearer [access_token]" ``` If you cannot retrieve the user data using this endpoint make sure you have logged into our respective portal website (sandbox, production) at least once as this triggers user creation in the system. ### Step 5 - Refresh access_token when it expires Template: Get a new access token + refresh token with the refresh token ``` curl --location --request POST "" --header "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -u "[client_id]:[client_secret]" --data-urlencode "grant_type=refresh_token" --data-urlencode "refresh_token=[refresh_token]" ``` Filled with our example values: ``` curl --location --request POST "" --header "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -u "97170e64-d390-4696-ba46-d6fcef8207de:f364ldUw3wIJFGn3JXE2NpGdAvUSMlmK72gsYg1z" --data-urlencode "grant_type=refresh_token" --data-urlencode "refresh_token=def50200a01c0caff50b7db271f8268e3806ab2cce8e28e25f41e5fe9167a6521b47f6ed0dd3dd2d7856e1983ae645b032cf9285e91c1ee535decb0e0ca3e52670773f2737114955267d83db0204f80233214a623fcc36de04127e1cdcda006eaf60cacfb30c80081a8c9314e20117f64639ab5e333301a10173385c1bfc660709fde0b1a3517f8030dfdba8187e53c23c9d5fe9f33c48e11a4aa41bfd9ea1291507ea1bc8c64df32bdc91c61af907c41cf0bb305cae76e68448a85ad65b0a03a23ec35a7e9cc42aadd0792b9d7d187ae028e2759a7f4a0164f94d9baca29779a702f023216631e1e777069cc2bc65fd404f4fcc5818219063beb1717afe159b8110394af9a0d245de960c227b1183d6a745819ac08d92238938da798f702f83a3faf648f07a8a6d1e694c008517fd8be2fa154aab88a3eaacb3cbb1830c4bdee018e06c7f81e68c5844213f1d02372b23a22d99ac06a860748a3db891fd71768d74470c9a5a8571058dd901c888d13cd4481d63a800322614e63d3d8e6fb109ee7e1b1e046cd086ecbc2d4d362ca662e3ac867f21168833abd7a8247b06602197b7da555361efbf07b0afed69f7a558" ``` The result will be the same format as in step 3. Refresh_tokens are only valid for a single refresh and you will get a new refresh_token every single time that you must persist. ### My token is not working! #### 404 NotFound You need to log into the respective portal website (sandbox-, production- at least once to trigger user creation. #### 403 Forbidden You might be missing scopes in your token and don't have sufficient rights. #### 401 Forbidden Incorrect Oauth method. For example, we do not support the Oauth method authorisation "client_credentials grant". The authorisation method "code grant" with user must be used.