Libraries tagged by device group manager


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Simple classes for sending Push Notifications via Firebase Cloud Messaging

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4 Favers

Simple classes for sending Push Notifications via Firebase Cloud Messaging

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22 Favers

PHP client for App Store Server API. Manage your customers’ App Store transactions from your server.The App Store Server API is a REST API that you call from your server to request and provide information about your customers' in-app purchases. The App Store signs the transaction and subscription renewal information that this API returns using the JSON Web Signature (JWS) specification.App Store Server API is independent of the app’s installation status on the customer’s devices. The App Store server returns information based on the customer’s in-app purchase history regardless of whether the customer installed, removed, or reinstalled the app on their devices.To request transaction and subscription status information with this API, provide any original transaction identifier that belongs to the customer. The transaction history API responds with a complete list of transactions, 20 at a time, starting with the oldest first. The subscription status API returns the status for all of the customer’s subscriptions, organized by their subscription group identifier.Use the Send Consumption Information endpoint to send information to the App Store when customers request a refund for a consumable in-app purchase, after you receive the CONSUMPTION_REQUEST App Store server notification. Your data helps inform refund decisions.

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