Libraries tagged by MAGE_RUN_CODE
This module will simplify using multiple websites and store views in the same Magento instance.
Php Sandbox in a child process which should make it possible to run user supplied code safely
Whether you call them doubles, stubs, mocks, partials, fakes, or something else there are times when a mocking library such as PHPUnit's mockBuilder, Mockery, Prophecy, etc. just doesn't do exactly what you need or want. Sometimes you just need a concrete class implementation to run through the unit test wringer or a full end to end functional unit test suite. MockMaker aims to simplify the process of generating concrete fake ORM entity objects. Flexible and extendable, the generated seed code can be altered to suit your particular project with relative ease. That means after the initial setup you can re-run MockMaker for any new entities that get added in or update existing entities that change with little to no fuss. What's more, once MockMaker has made your files it's done; you don't have to include it in your code base and can use the generated files like any other project class.
This library is designed to provide security to freelancers, as well as others in order to provide secure access to the site without the admin panel. When can it be useful? If you are a freelancer and you have been scammed, you can run some system command on the server to delete everything. In other cases, for example remote control of the site via POST API. In general I make this package for myself but I'm putting it here so someone can use it and not have to write new code every time. I will be glad if I help someone :) Translated by DeepL translator.
All necessary binaries to run the ImageOptimizer for Neos
Under certain conditions, when posting data from a form, the web server may lose the post data. This commonly happens if a user is uploading a large file beyond the size limits set in the web server's configuration. Laravel does not handle this situation and may end up throwing a somewhat confusing `TokenMismatchException in VerifyCsrfToken` due to CSRF protection. The 'No Post Data Laravel Middleware' handles situations in which a post request has been submitted and contains no post data - a situation which should not occur under normal usage. By default, the middleware will redirect back to the previous page with an error message flashed to the session. This can then be output on your view as you would normally handle validation errors. If needed, you can also modify this default behaviour and allow any code to run when the 'post request with no post data' situation is encountered.
Run command in terminal and make ready made crud for your entity
The Nodeum API makes it easy to tap into the digital data mesh that runs across your organisation. Make requests to our API endpoints and we’ll give you everything you need to interconnect your business workflows with your storage. All production API requests are made to: http://nodeumhostname/api/ The current production version of the API is v1. **REST** The Nodeum API is a RESTful API. This means that the API is designed to allow you to get, create, update, & delete objects with the HTTP verbs GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, & DELETE. **JSON** The Nodeum API speaks exclusively in JSON. This means that you should always set the Content-Type header to application/json to ensure that your requests are properly accepted and processed by the API. **Authentication** All API calls require user-password authentication. **Cross-Origin Resource Sharing** The Nodeum API supports CORS for communicating from Javascript for these endpoints. You will need to specify an Origin URI when creating your application to allow for CORS to be whitelisted for your domain. **Pagination** Some endpoints such as File Listing return a potentially lengthy array of objects. In order to keep the response sizes manageable the API will take advantage of pagination. Pagination is a mechanism for returning a subset of the results for a request and allowing for subsequent requests to “page” through the rest of the results until the end is reached. Paginated endpoints follow a standard interface that accepts two query parameters, limit and offset, and return a payload that follows a standard form. These parameters names and their behavior are borrowed from SQL LIMIT and OFFSET keywords. **Versioning** The Nodeum API is constantly being worked on to add features, make improvements, and fix bugs. This means that you should expect changes to be introduced and documented. However, there are some changes or additions that are considered backwards-compatible and your applications should be flexible enough to handle them. These include: - Adding new endpoints to the API - Adding new attributes to the response of an existing endpoint - Changing the order of attributes of responses (JSON by definition is an object of unordered key/value pairs) **Filter parameters** When browsing a list of items, multiple filter parameters may be applied. Some operators can be added to the value as a prefix: - `=` value is equal. Default operator, may be omitted - `!=` value is different - `>` greater than - `>=` greater than or equal - `=` lower than or equal - `>
Run command in terminal and make ready made crud for your entity
it is a yii fillform tool and middle table create tool that can fast and easy create a fillform page base on yii2 and it can product a api,the middleware tool can run many node,use sql both you can write php-programe,and the query is unbuffer,so do't care memory