Libraries tagged by Generate dynamic model


0 Favers

Package to generate a form based on given values inside a model view

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It is widget to yii2 framework to Generate dynamic model or multiple models

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3 Favers

With Magento 2 Coupon Code you can define rule to generate coupon automatic and send dynamic coupon code to customer email.

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0 Favers

Dynamic module loader for ZF2

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2 Favers

Provides a backend module to generate tinymce templates in the backend.

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35 Favers

Form builder or code generator for Yii2. List GridView of forms. Saving form data in a databases.

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11 Favers

A ProcessWire Fieldtype module for dynamic options that are generated at runtime.

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Dynamic form builder is a full module to inject new attributes to any model you want, and you can manipulate this new attributes in the backend, and many other features.

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## Introduction This comprehensive guide will equip you with the knowledge to integrate and leverage our Product Configurator Service in your applications. ## Quick Start Get up and running in no time! Follow these steps to kickstart your integration: 1. **Authentication:** Obtain your integration JWT to authenticate your requests. 2. **Client Libraries:** Explore our GitHub repositories to grab client libraries in your preferred programming language. 3. **API Overview:** Familiarize yourself with our RESTful API using the OpenAPI specification. ## Integration ### API Overview Our RESTful API is the gateway to unlocking the full potential of Product Configurator. Check out the detailed [API Reference](/docs/category/configurator) for a granular understanding of each endpoint and request/response format. ### Client Libraries To expedite your integration process, we provide client libraries for various programming languages. Find the one that suits your stack in our [GitHub repositories]( ### Authentication Security is paramount. Learn how to authenticate your requests using JWT. This ensures a secure and reliable connection between your application and Product Configurator. ## Configuration Management ### Configurator Lifecycle Understand the lifecycle of configurators, from draft to active and deleted. This flexibility allows you to manage configurations at your own pace. ### Steps and Options Configure product steps with ease and define options effortlessly. Explore the power of dependencies to create dynamic and intuitive configurations. ### Matrices Delve into matrices—your secret weapon. Explore price and weight matrices, and learn how configured steps influence properties and pricing. ### Price Management Unleash dynamic pricing with our versatile price matrices. From fixed prices to incremental structures, adapt to diverse pricing models effortlessly. ## Security Your data is in safe hands. Discover how Product Configurator ensures security through JWT authentication, safeguarding your sensitive information. ## Backward Compatibility Stay ahead of the curve. Learn about our versioning strategy, providing backward compatibility while allowing our service to evolve seamlessly. ## Developer Support Have questions? Need assistance? Write to us at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) and we will get back to you.

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### 1. **Module Overview:** - **Name:** Brand Inventory Manager - **Purpose:** The module dynamically lists all the brands that have products currently in stock on the website, allowing customers to view and browse products by brand. This list updates automatically based on the store's inventory. ### 2. **Key Features:** - **Dynamic Brand Listing:** - The module generates a list of brands that have at least one product in stock. - The list is updated in real-time based on changes in inventory levels (e.g., if a brand's products go out of stock, that brand is removed from the list). - **Filter by Inventory:** - Customers can filter the brand list by product availability, ensuring they only see brands with products they can purchase immediately. - **Brand Page:** - Each brand name in the list is clickable, leading to a dedicated brand page. - The brand page displays all in-stock products for that brand, with options for sorting, filtering, and searching within the brand's catalog. - **SEO-Friendly URLs:** - The module creates SEO-friendly URLs for each brand page, enhancing visibility on search engines. - **Inventory-Based Brand Widget:** - A widget can be placed on various parts of the website (e.g., homepage, sidebar, footer) that highlights popular or new brands with available stock. - **Admin Configuration:** - The admin can configure how brands are displayed (e.g., sorting by popularity, alphabetical order, etc.). - Options to include or exclude specific brands regardless of inventory (e.g., always show premium brands). - **Caching Mechanism:** - To ensure performance, the module uses caching to store brand lists, refreshing only when inventory changes occur. ### 3. **Integration with Other Features:** - **Product Pages:** On each product page, the brand name is linked to the corresponding brand page. - **Search Functionality:** When customers search for a brand name, the search results include the brand page and all relevant products. ### 4. **Customizable Design:** - The module’s front-end is fully customizable, allowing the store’s design team to style the brand listing and pages in line with the overall website design. ### 5. **Reporting and Analytics:** - The module provides reports on brand performance, showing metrics such as which brands are viewed most frequently, which have the highest sales, etc. ### 6. **Multi-Store Support:** - For stores with multiple websites or store views, the module supports configuration per store view, allowing different brands to be highlighted in different regions or languages. This Magento module would be particularly useful for e-commerce stores with diverse product offerings across many brands, ensuring that customers have an efficient way to find and purchase products by their favorite brands.has context menu

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Dynamic modal Generator with php and css framework

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Dynamic menu builder and generator

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Super dynamic menu generator.

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The API documentation. # Introduction Affix API is an OAuth 2.1 application that allows developers to access customer data, without developers needing to manage or maintain integrations; or collect login credentials or API keys from users for these third party systems. # OAuth 2.1 Affix API follows the [OAuth 2.1 spec]( As an OAuth application, Affix API handles not only both the collection of sensitive user credentials or API keys, but also builds and maintains the integrations with the providers, so you don't have to. # How to obtain an access token in order to get started, you must: - register a `client_id` - direct your user to the sign in flow (`` [with the appropriate query parameters]( - capture `authorization_code` we will send to your redirect URI after the sign in flow is complete and exchange that `authorization_code` for a Bearer token # Sandbox keys (xhr mode) ### dev ``` eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6Ims5RmxwSFR1YklmZWNsUU5QRVZzeFcxazFZZ0Zfbk1BWllOSGVuOFQxdGciLCJ0eXAiOiJKV1MifQ.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.zUJPaT6IxcIdr8b9iO6u-Rr5I-ohTHPYTrQGrgOFghbEbovItiwr9Wk479GnJVJc3WR8bxAwUMAE4Ul6Okdk6Q ``` #### `employees` endpoint sample: ``` curl --fail \ -X GET \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6Ims5RmxwSFR1YklmZWNsUU5QRVZzeFcxazFZZ0Zfbk1BWllOSGVuOFQxdGciLCJ0eXAiOiJKV1MifQ.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.zUJPaT6IxcIdr8b9iO6u-Rr5I-ohTHPYTrQGrgOFghbEbovItiwr9Wk479GnJVJc3WR8bxAwUMAE4Ul6Okdk6Q' \ '' ``` ### prod ``` eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6Ims5RmxwSFR1YklmZWNsUU5QRVZzeFcxazFZZ0Zfbk1BWllOSGVuOFQxdGciLCJ0eXAiOiJKV1MifQ.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.n3pJmmfegU21Tko_TyUyCHi4ITvfd75T8NFFTHmf1r8AI8yCUYTWdfNjyZZWcZD6z50I3Wsk2rAd8GDWXn4vlg ``` #### `employees` endpoint sample: ``` curl --fail \ -X GET \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6Ims5RmxwSFR1YklmZWNsUU5QRVZzeFcxazFZZ0Zfbk1BWllOSGVuOFQxdGciLCJ0eXAiOiJKV1MifQ.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.n3pJmmfegU21Tko_TyUyCHi4ITvfd75T8NFFTHmf1r8AI8yCUYTWdfNjyZZWcZD6z50I3Wsk2rAd8GDWXn4vlg' \ '' ``` # Compression We support `brotli`, `gzip`, and `deflate` compression algorithms. To enable, pass the `Accept-Encoding` header with one or all of the values: `br`, `gzip`, `deflate`, or `identity` (no compression) In the response, you will receive the `Content-Encoding` response header indicating the compression algorithm used in the data payload to enable you to decompress the result. If the `Accept-Encoding: identity` header was passed, no `Content-Encoding` response header is sent back, as no compression algorithm was used. # Webhooks An exciting feature for HR/Payroll modes are webhooks. If enabled, your `webhook_uri` is set on your `client_id` for the respective environment: `dev | prod` Webhooks are configured to make live requests to the underlying integration 1x/hr, and if a difference is detected since the last request, we will send a request to your `webhook_uri` with this shape: ``` { added: [ { ..., date_of_birth: '2010-08-06', display_full_name: 'Daija Rogahn', employee_number: '57993', employment_status: 'pending', employment_type: 'other', employments: [ { currency: 'eur', effective_date: '2022-02-25', employment_type: 'other', job_title: 'Dynamic Implementation Manager', pay_frequency: 'semimonthly', pay_period: 'YEAR', pay_rate: 96000, }, ], first_name: 'Daija', ... } ], removed: [], updated: [ { ..., date_of_birth: '2009-11-09', display_full_name: 'Lourdes Stiedemann', employee_number: '63189', employment_status: 'leave', employment_type: 'full_time', employments: [ { currency: 'gbp', effective_date: '2023-01-16', employment_type: 'full_time', job_title: 'Forward Brand Planner', pay_frequency: 'semimonthly', pay_period: 'YEAR', pay_rate: 86000, }, ], first_name: 'Lourdes', } ] } ``` the following headers will be sent with webhook requests: ``` x-affix-api-signature: ab8474e609db95d5df3adc39ea3add7a7544bd215c5c520a30a650ae93a2fba7 x-affix-api-origin: webhooks-employees-webhook user-agent: ``` Before trusting the payload, you should sign the payload and verify the signature matches the signature sent by the `` service. This secures that the data sent to your `webhook_uri` is from the `` server. The signature is created by combining the signing secret (your `client_secret`) with the body of the request sent using a standard HMAC-SHA256 keyed hash. The signature can be created via: - create an `HMAC` with your `client_secret` - update the `HMAC` with the payload - get the hex digest -> this is the signature Sample `typescript` code that follows this recipe: ``` import { createHmac } from 'crypto'; export const computeSignature = ({ str, signingSecret, }: { signingSecret: string; str: string; }): string => { const hmac = createHmac('sha256', signingSecret); hmac.update(str); const signature = hmac.digest('hex'); return signature; }; ``` While verifying the Affix API signature header should be your primary method of confirming validity, you can also whitelist our outbound webhook static IP addresses. ``` dev: - - - prod: - - - ``` ## Rate limits Open endpoints (not gated by an API key) (applied at endpoint level): - 15 requests every 1 minute (by IP address) - 25 requests every 5 minutes (by IP address) Gated endpoints (require an API key) (applied at endpoint level): - 40 requests every 1 minute (by IP address) - 40 requests every 5 minutes (by `client_id`) Things to keep in mind: - Open endpoints (not gated by an API key) will likely be called by your users, not you, so rate limits generally would not apply to you. - As a developer, rate limits are applied at the endpoint granularity. - For example, say the rate limits below are 10 requests per minute by ip. from that same ip, within 1 minute, you get: - 10 requests per minute on `/orders`, - another 10 requests per minute on `/items`, - and another 10 requests per minute on `/identity`, - for a total of 30 requests per minute.

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