Libraries tagged by theses


0 Favers

Registry that allows to associate a value to one ore more classes and then fetch this value by passing objects that implements these classes

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0 Favers

A simple library to validate aws sns webhook calls and map these calls to Laravel events.

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0 Favers

The Engine API is an HTTP API served by Docker Engine. It is the API the Docker client uses to communicate with the Engine, so everything the Docker client can do can be done with the API. Most of the client's commands map directly to API endpoints (e.g. `docker ps` is `GET /containers/json`). The notable exception is running containers, which consists of several API calls. # Errors The API uses standard HTTP status codes to indicate the success or failure of the API call. The body of the response will be JSON in the following format: ``` { "message": "page not found" } ``` # Versioning The API is usually changed in each release, so API calls are versioned to ensure that clients don't break. To lock to a specific version of the API, you prefix the URL with its version, for example, call `/v1.30/info` to use the v1.30 version of the `/info` endpoint. If the API version specified in the URL is not supported by the daemon, a HTTP `400 Bad Request` error message is returned. If you omit the version-prefix, the current version of the API (v1.41) is used. For example, calling `/info` is the same as calling `/v1.41/info`. Using the API without a version-prefix is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Engine releases in the near future should support this version of the API, so your client will continue to work even if it is talking to a newer Engine. The API uses an open schema model, which means server may add extra properties to responses. Likewise, the server will ignore any extra query parameters and request body properties. When you write clients, you need to ignore additional properties in responses to ensure they do not break when talking to newer daemons. # Authentication Authentication for registries is handled client side. The client has to send authentication details to various endpoints that need to communicate with registries, such as `POST /images/(name)/push`. These are sent as `X-Registry-Auth` header as a [base64url encoded]( (JSON) string with the following structure: ``` { "username": "string", "password": "string", "email": "string", "serveraddress": "string" } ``` The `serveraddress` is a domain/IP without a protocol. Throughout this structure, double quotes are required. If you have already got an identity token from the [`/auth` endpoint](#operation/SystemAuth), you can just pass this instead of credentials: ``` { "identitytoken": "9cbaf023786cd7..." } ```

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0 Favers

Xpdf is an open source viewer for Portable Document Format (PDF) files. (These are also sometimes also called 'Acrobat' files, from the name of Adobe's PDF software.) The Xpdf project also includes a PDF text extractor, PDF-to-PostScript converter, and various other utilities. Windows binary for x86 systems.

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3 Favers

Xpdf is an open source viewer for Portable Document Format (PDF) files. (These are also sometimes also called 'Acrobat' files, from the name of Adobe's PDF software.) The Xpdf project also includes a PDF text extractor, PDF-to-PostScript converter, and various other utilities. Windows binary for amd64 systems.

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0 Favers

Xpdf is an open source viewer for Portable Document Format (PDF) files. (These are also sometimes also called 'Acrobat' files, from the name of Adobe's PDF software.) The Xpdf project also includes a PDF text extractor, PDF-to-PostScript converter, and various other utilities. Static linked linux binary for x86 systems.

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0 Favers

Xpdf is an open source viewer for Portable Document Format (PDF) files. (These are also sometimes also called 'Acrobat' files, from the name of Adobe's PDF software.) The Xpdf project also includes a PDF text extractor, PDF-to-PostScript converter, and various other utilities. Static linked linux binary for amd64 systems.

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0 Favers

This is a simple library for encoding and decoding Base64Url, the basis of this is that the Base64 is not URL safe due to the characters `+`, `/` and `=`, so this encode replaces these characters with `=` to ``, `+` to `-` and `/` to `_` for the purpose of using it in the URL

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0 Favers

The "HTTP Status Code Abstraction" project is a PHP 8-based initiative aimed at simplifying the management and usage of HTTP status codes by introducing ENUM support. HTTP status codes are integral to web development, providing vital information about the success or failure of HTTP requests and responses. However, managing and referencing these status codes in a clear and organized manner can often be challenging. This project seeks to address this challenge by leveraging PHP 8's ENUM feature.

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1 Favers

Make the_content() output a little more sane with these features. All features are optional and disabling them is easy.

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0 Favers

Skeleton for building PHP libraries. It is pre-configured for use with Composer, PHPUnit, and CodeSniffer. These three items should be in every PHP Library.

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2 Favers

Don't let the magic confuse you - these are not static classes!

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1 Favers

A Silverstripe module that adds stock levels to products and allows these to be reduced when the order reaches a specified status

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1 Favers

UUIDs are used to create unique identifiers that are often used in distributed systems, databases, and various software applications to ensure the uniqueness of data elements. In PHP, packages related to UUIDs typically provide functions or classes for generating, parsing, and manipulating UUIDs. These packages can be useful in scenarios where unique identifiers are needed to avoid conflicts or ensure data integrity.

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0 Favers

These are addon classes to integrate bitwasp bitcoin-php with coinparams for multicoin functionality.

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