Libraries tagged by PHP installer


1 Favers

PHP Installer & Deployer for projects based on Eureka Framework

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0 Favers

DSL platform PHP installer

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2 Favers

Installer for PHP extension, supports pecl package or install from src tree directly

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0 Favers

Slim installer for php slim framework

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0 Favers

Webapp install meta package the Booosta PHP Framework. Do not install this manually! Install booosta/installer

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35 Favers

A backport of ocramius/package-versions that supports php ^5.6. Composer plugin that provides efficient querying for installed package versions (no runtime IO)

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7 Favers

Implements concrete Queue for the redis work queue. Requires the packages flowpack/jobqueue-common and the redis PHP extension to be installed.

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22 Favers

PHP client for App Store Server API. Manage your customers’ App Store transactions from your server.The App Store Server API is a REST API that you call from your server to request and provide information about your customers' in-app purchases. The App Store signs the transaction and subscription renewal information that this API returns using the JSON Web Signature (JWS) specification.App Store Server API is independent of the app’s installation status on the customer’s devices. The App Store server returns information based on the customer’s in-app purchase history regardless of whether the customer installed, removed, or reinstalled the app on their devices.To request transaction and subscription status information with this API, provide any original transaction identifier that belongs to the customer. The transaction history API responds with a complete list of transactions, 20 at a time, starting with the oldest first. The subscription status API returns the status for all of the customer’s subscriptions, organized by their subscription group identifier.Use the Send Consumption Information endpoint to send information to the App Store when customers request a refund for a consumable in-app purchase, after you receive the CONSUMPTION_REQUEST App Store server notification. Your data helps inform refund decisions.

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0 Favers

Welcome to the Svix API documentation! Useful links: [Homepage]( | [Support email](mailto:[email protected]) | [Blog]( | [Slack Community]( # Introduction This is the reference documentation and schemas for the [Svix webhook service]( API. For tutorials and other documentation please refer to [the documentation]( ## Main concepts In Svix you have four important entities you will be interacting with: - `messages`: these are the webhooks being sent. They can have contents and a few other properties. - `application`: this is where `messages` are sent to. Usually you want to create one application for each user on your platform. - `endpoint`: endpoints are the URLs messages will be sent to. Each application can have multiple `endpoints` and each message sent to that application will be sent to all of them (unless they are not subscribed to the sent event type). - `event-type`: event types are identifiers denoting the type of the message being sent. Event types are primarily used to decide which events are sent to which endpoint. ## Authentication Get your authentication token (`AUTH_TOKEN`) from the [Svix dashboard]( and use it as part of the `Authorization` header as such: `Authorization: Bearer ${AUTH_TOKEN}`. For more information on authentication, please refer to the [authentication token docs]( ## Code samples The code samples assume you already have the respective libraries installed and you know how to use them. For the latest information on how to do that, please refer to [the documentation]( ## Idempotency Svix supports [idempotency]( for safely retrying requests without accidentally performing the same operation twice. This is useful when an API call is disrupted in transit and you do not receive a response. To perform an idempotent request, pass the idempotency key in the `Idempotency-Key` header to the request. The idempotency key should be a unique value generated by the client. You can create the key in however way you like, though we suggest using UUID v4, or any other string with enough entropy to avoid collisions. Svix's idempotency works by saving the resulting status code and body of the first request made for any given idempotency key for any successful request. Subsequent requests with the same key return the same result. Please note that idempotency is only supported for `POST` requests. ## Cross-Origin Resource Sharing This API features Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) implemented in compliance with [W3C spec]( And that allows cross-domain communication from the browser. All responses have a wildcard same-origin which makes them completely public and accessible to everyone, including any code on any site.

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3 Favers

Provides improved naming of transactions, error reporting and general tracking for SilverStripe site's on servers with the New Relic PHP Agent installed. As well as an overview of the Site's Performance.

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35 Favers

A backport of ocramius/package-versions that supports php ^5.6. Composer plugin that provides efficient querying for installed package versions (no runtime IO)

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6 Favers

Simple replacement library if intl PHP extension is not installed

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8 Favers

Simple wrapper around a bounce of tools intended to be installed on a web server vhost for administrative purposes

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1 Favers

This project provides a way to have scripts be executed on packages when they are being installed, updated and uninstalled.

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10 Favers

This is a framwork for large web projects. ApiLaravue uses Laravel 5.4 as backend integrated with laravel passport and laravel cors, Vuejs as frontend and the two communicate via API calls. It also include redis already installed and configured in the backend and frontend, a node server already created and configure for realtime communication and some vue packages are also install in the frontend such as vue-router, vue-resource,, and sweetalert.

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