Libraries tagged by website chat


0 Favers

This Bundle adds complete user integration on top of the Symfony security bundle. It lets you register and manage users for your website and let the users login with or without providers such as Facebook or Google, edit their profiles, change or reset their passwords.

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0 Favers

Welcome to the CityPay API, a robust HTTP API payment solution designed for seamless server-to-server transactional processing. Our API facilitates a wide array of payment operations, catering to diverse business needs. Whether you're integrating Internet payments, handling Mail Order/Telephone Order (MOTO) transactions, managing Subscriptions with Recurring and Continuous Authority payments, or navigating the complexities of 3-D Secure authentication, our API is equipped to support your requirements. Additionally, we offer functionalities for Authorisation, Refunding, Pre-Authorisation, Cancellation/Voids, and Completion processing, alongside the capability for tokenised payments. ## Compliance and Security Overview Ensuring the security of payment transactions and compliance with industry standards is paramount. Our API is designed with stringent security measures and compliance protocols to safeguard sensitive information and meet the rigorous requirements of Visa, MasterCard, and the PCI Security Standards Council. ### Key Compliance and Security Measures * **TLS Encryption**: All data transmissions must utilise TLS version 1.2 or higher, employing [strong cryptography](#enabled-tls-ciphers). Our infrastructure strictly enforces this requirement to maintain the integrity and confidentiality of data in transit. We conduct regular scans and assessments of our TLS endpoints to identify and mitigate vulnerabilities. * **Data Storage Prohibitions**: Storing sensitive cardholder data (CHD), such as the card security code (CSC) or primary account number (PAN), is strictly prohibited. Our API is designed to minimize your exposure to sensitive data, thereby reducing your compliance burden. * **Data Masking**: For consumer protection and compliance, full card numbers must not be displayed on receipts or any customer-facing materials. Our API automatically masks PANs, displaying only the last four digits to facilitate safe receipt generation. * **Network Scans**: If your application is web-based, regular scans of your hosting environment are mandatory to identify and rectify potential vulnerabilities. This proactive measure is crucial for maintaining a secure and compliant online presence. * **PCI Compliance**: Adherence to PCI DSS standards is not optional; it's a requirement for operating securely and legally in the payments ecosystem. For detailed information on compliance requirements and resources, please visit the PCI Security Standards Council website []( * **Request Validation**: Our API includes mechanisms to verify the legitimacy of each request, ensuring it pertains to a valid account and originates from a trusted source. We leverage remote IP address verification alongside sophisticated application firewall technologies to thwart a wide array of common security threats. ## Getting Started Before integrating with the CityPay API, ensure your application and development practices align with the outlined compliance and security measures. This preparatory step is crucial for a smooth integration process and the long-term success of your payment processing operations. For further details on API endpoints, request/response formats, and code examples, proceed to the subsequent sections of our documentation. Our aim is to provide you with all the necessary tools and information to integrate our payment processing capabilities seamlessly into your application. Thank you for choosing CityPay API. We look forward to supporting your payment processing needs with our secure, compliant, and versatile API solution.

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3562 Favers

Client library for reCAPTCHA, a free service that protects websites from spam and abuse.

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3831 Favers

Pico is a flat file CMS, this means there is no administration backend and database to deal with. You simply create .md files in the "content" folder and that becomes a page.

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38 Favers

Retour allows you to intelligently redirect legacy URLs, so that you don't lose SEO value when rebuilding & restructuring a website

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119 Favers

A PHP client for Wordpress websites that closely implement the XML-RPC WordPress API with full test suite built in

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20 Favers

Front-end for This repository contains the code that generates the website. It contains a Metalsmith static site builder that uses a Drupal CMS for content. This file is here to publish releases to, so that the CMS CI system can install it and update it using standard composer processes, and so that we can run tests across both systems. See for the CMS repo, and stand by for more documentation.

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144 Favers

Laravel Meta Manager is an SEO tool that is used to improve SEO of a website or specific page by adding recommended meta tags to your application.

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42 Favers

🚀 A PHP library that focuses on minimizing payload size of HTML document and optimizing processing on the browser when rendering the web page.

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3830 Favers

Pico is a flat file CMS, this means there is no administration backend and database to deal with. You simply create .md files in the "content" folder and that becomes a page.

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7183 Favers

RSS-Bridge is a PHP project capable of generating RSS and Atom feeds for websites that don't have one. It can be used on webservers or as a stand-alone application in CLI mode.

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2 Favers

jQuery website menu plugin. Responsive and accessible list-based website menus that work on all devices.

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4 Favers

Library for hCaptcha, a service that protects websites from spam, protects user privacy, rewards websites, and helps companies get their data labeled

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4 Favers

Cookie Consent Panel (Optin) with DSGVO/GDPR compliant use of cookies. Preconfigured modules for Google Analytics, Facebook and other frequently used services. Arbitrary expandability with tracking scripts that generate cookies on your website. Support for Google Tag Manager incl. Google Consent Mode and Google Consent Mode v2. Easy export for Google Tag Manager. Third-party cookies and scripts are only loaded when active consent is given. Website visitors can edit their privacy settings at any time. Automatic update of cookie information when new cookies/scripts are inserted with secure consent procedure. Cookies can be automatically added to the privacy policy via a plugin. Multilingual and full support for desktop, tablet and mobile. Four standard modes for displaying the content solution. Based on Klaro!.

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168 Favers

Retour allows you to intelligently redirect legacy URLs, so that you don't lose SEO value when rebuilding & restructuring a website.

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