Libraries tagged by use case


0 Favers

A simple accordion content element for structuring large amounts of content, e.g. for the privacy policy. The Accordion is based on Irre records and offers a search function in addition to icons. In use at

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0 Favers

The Engine API is an HTTP API served by Docker Engine. It is the API the Docker client uses to communicate with the Engine, so everything the Docker client can do can be done with the API. Most of the client's commands map directly to API endpoints (e.g. `docker ps` is `GET /containers/json`). The notable exception is running containers, which consists of several API calls. # Errors The API uses standard HTTP status codes to indicate the success or failure of the API call. The body of the response will be JSON in the following format: ``` { "message": "page not found" } ``` # Versioning The API is usually changed in each release, so API calls are versioned to ensure that clients don't break. To lock to a specific version of the API, you prefix the URL with its version, for example, call `/v1.30/info` to use the v1.30 version of the `/info` endpoint. If the API version specified in the URL is not supported by the daemon, a HTTP `400 Bad Request` error message is returned. If you omit the version-prefix, the current version of the API (v1.44) is used. For example, calling `/info` is the same as calling `/v1.44/info`. Using the API without a version-prefix is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Engine releases in the near future should support this version of the API, so your client will continue to work even if it is talking to a newer Engine. The API uses an open schema model, which means server may add extra properties to responses. Likewise, the server will ignore any extra query parameters and request body properties. When you write clients, you need to ignore additional properties in responses to ensure they do not break when talking to newer daemons. # Authentication Authentication for registries is handled client side. The client has to send authentication details to various endpoints that need to communicate with registries, such as `POST /images/(name)/push`. These are sent as `X-Registry-Auth` header as a [base64url encoded]( (JSON) string with the following structure: ``` { "username": "string", "password": "string", "email": "string", "serveraddress": "string" } ``` The `serveraddress` is a domain/IP without a protocol. Throughout this structure, double quotes are required. If you have already got an identity token from the [`/auth` endpoint](#operation/SystemAuth), you can just pass this instead of credentials: ``` { "identitytoken": "9cbaf023786cd7..." } ```

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0 Favers

Use Amazon's MWS web services with Laravel 5.x. Based on creacoon/amazon-mws-laravel package and modified to make it compatible with latest Laravel releases (+ bugfixes).

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0 Favers

Easy to use NACHA file generation for PPD/CCD transactions. Modeled using NACHA documentation. (based on

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0 Favers

A skeleton project to use as a starting point for a new Cherrycake-based project. Cherrycake is a low level programming framework for developing modular, efficient and secure PHP web applications.

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2 Favers

With this extension, you can use the advanced image compression technologies of at your Contao based Homepage

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0 Favers

A WordPress theme based on the _s by Automattic, but uses react and REST API to render content.

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0 Favers

Simplify is a lean, content-first theme based the Jekyll theme Lanyon ( and uses the WordPress starter theme Sage as a base.

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0 Favers

Selectize is the hybrid of a textbox and box. It's jQuery based, and it has autocomplete and native-feeling keyboard navigation; useful for tagging, contact lists, etc. Fork from selectize/selectize.js for use with Composer.

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0 Favers

Data And Reporting product consists of API's which provides details of transaction and invoice informations about shell cards. The Shell Card Transaction and Invoice API is REST-based and employs Basic authentication in Version 1 and Oauth authentication in Version 2 end points. The API endpoints accept JSON-encoded request bodies, return JSON-encoded responses and use standard HTTP response codes. All resources are located in the Shell Card Platform. The Shell Card Platform is the overall platform that encompasses all the internal Shell systems used to manage resources.

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0 Favers

The Shell Card Management API is REST-based and employs OAUTH 2.0,Basic and ApiKey authentication. The API endpoints accept JSON-encoded request bodies, return JSON-encoded responses and use standard HTTP response codes.All resources are located in the Shell Card Platform. The Shell Card Platform is the overall platform that encompasses all the internal Shell systems used to manage resources. The internal workings of the platform are not important when interacting with the API. However, it is worth noting that the platform uses a microservice architecture to communicate with various backend systems and some API calls are processed asynchronously. All endpoints use the POST verb for retrieving, updating, creating and deleting resources in the Shell Card Platform. The endpoints that retrieve resources from the Shell Card Platform allow flexible search parameters in the API request body.

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0 Favers

This extension adds the capability in Magento to import products prices from nFusion Solutions' reliable, enterprise-class cloud platform for global financial data. All settings are provided in the Magento admin. When you import product prices in Magento this plugin will import prices from the nFusion Solutions cloud platform in the base currency of your Magento store. Through the use of a cron job the plugin can update prices automatically on a scheduled interval.

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0 Favers

PHP library using Guzzle base to send request to any services. Good to use in microservice architecture

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2 Favers

A small PHP script and some clever URL rewriting designed to speed up the loading of pages that use many or large css and javascript files, based on rakaz/combine.

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1 Favers

A small PHP script and some clever URL rewriting designed to speed up the loading of pages that use many or large css and javascript files, based on rakaz/combine.

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