Libraries tagged by if this then that


1 Favers

This package enables lazy loading of only the necessary resources. If you have 120 resources, it will help improve Nova's bootup speed by loading only what's needed.

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Validator Form Request which may be used for validating data after parsing. For example we got big jsob string and we cannot change this, so what we need to do is to use Validator in laravel and provide in controller all the shit code like rules.. if fails and another. This class can validate this json after parsing without redundant code in controller, simply add data, next validation steps will processed automatically, rules and another logic is hidden in this class.

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fluentdb allows the expressive writing of database queries and routines. fluentdb is fluent, which is intuitive as you can nearly guess what should come next even if you are just getting started with fluentdb. fluentdb is not an ORM. It was developed to allow folks coming from relational databases background write expressive queries with object interactions in mind. fluentdb has been tested with MySQL in this release; tests for other databases will be added as they complete.

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This package or Library for Bkash, developed by abdursoft. This library come with MIT license, so you can easily change anything what ever your needs.This package will work for bkash tokenized payment system. If they are updated their version and the library couldn't work properly, please contact with [email protected]

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