Libraries tagged by Bank Client


1 Favers

RESTful API for Account Information Services (AIS) and Payment Initiation Services (PIS) The following pages give you some general information on how to use our APIs. The actual API services documentation then follows further below. You can use the menu to jump between API sections. This page has a built-in HTTP(S) client, so you can test the services directly from within this page, by filling in the request parameters and/or body in the respective services, and then hitting the TRY button. Note that you need to be authorized to make a successful API call. To authorize, refer to the 'Authorization' section of the API, or just use the OAUTH button that can be found near the TRY button. General information Error Responses When an API call returns with an error, then in general it has the structure shown in the following example: { "errors": [ { "message": "Interface 'FINTS_SERVER' is not supported for this operation.", "code": "BAD_REQUEST", "type": "TECHNICAL" } ], "date": "2020-11-19 16:54:06.854", "requestId": "selfgen-312042e7-df55-47e4-bffd-956a68ef37b5", "endpoint": "POST /api/v1/bankConnections/import", "authContext": "1/21", "bank": "DEMO0002 - finAPI Test Redirect Bank" } If an API call requires an additional authentication by the user, HTTP code 510 is returned and the error response contains the additional "multiStepAuthentication" object, see the following example: { "errors": [ { "message": "Es ist eine zusätzliche Authentifizierung erforderlich. Bitte geben Sie folgenden Code an: 123456", "code": "ADDITIONAL_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED", "type": "BUSINESS", "multiStepAuthentication": { "hash": "678b13f4be9ed7d981a840af8131223a", "status": "CHALLENGE_RESPONSE_REQUIRED", "challengeMessage": "Es ist eine zusätzliche Authentifizierung erforderlich. Bitte geben Sie folgenden Code an: 123456", "answerFieldLabel": "TAN", "redirectUrl": null, "redirectContext": null, "redirectContextField": null, "twoStepProcedures": null, "photoTanMimeType": null, "photoTanData": null, "opticalData": null } } ], "date": "2019-11-29 09:51:55.931", "requestId": "selfgen-45059c99-1b14-4df7-9bd3-9d5f126df294", "endpoint": "POST /api/v1/bankConnections/import", "authContext": "1/18", "bank": "DEMO0001 - finAPI Test Bank" } An exception to this error format are API authentication errors, where the following structure is returned: { "error": "invalid_token", "error_description": "Invalid access token: cccbce46-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx" } Paging API services that may potentially return a lot of data implement paging. They return a limited number of entries within a "page". Further entries must be fetched with subsequent calls. Any API service that implements paging provides the following input parameters: • "page": the number of the page to be retrieved (starting with 1). • "perPage": the number of entries within a page. The default and maximum value is stated in the documentation of the respective services. A paged response contains an additional "paging" object with the following structure: { ... , "paging": { "page": 1, "perPage": 20, "pageCount": 234, "totalCount": 4662 } } Internationalization The finAPI services support internationalization which means you can define the language you prefer for API service responses. The following languages are available: German, English, Czech, Slovak. The preferred language can be defined by providing the official HTTP Accept-Language header. finAPI reacts on the official iso language codes "de", "en", "cs" and "sk" for the named languages. Additional subtags supported by the Accept-Language header may be provided, e.g. "en-US", but are ignored. If no Accept-Language header is given, German is used as the default language. Exceptions: • Bank login hints and login fields are only available in the language of the bank and not being translated. • Direct messages from the bank systems typically returned as BUSINESS errors will not be translated. • BUSINESS errors created by finAPI directly are available in German and English. • TECHNICAL errors messages meant for developers are mostly in English, but also may be translated. Request IDs With any API call, you can pass a request ID via a header with name "X-Request-Id". The request ID can be an arbitrary string with up to 255 characters. Passing a longer string will result in an error. If you don't pass a request ID for a call, finAPI will generate a random ID internally. The request ID is always returned back in the response of a service, as a header with name "X-Request-Id". We highly recommend to always pass a (preferably unique) request ID, and include it into your client application logs whenever you make a request or receive a response (especially in the case of an error response). finAPI is also logging request IDs on its end. Having a request ID can help the finAPI support team to work more efficiently and solve tickets faster. Overriding HTTP methods Some HTTP clients do not support the HTTP methods PATCH or DELETE. If you are using such a client in your application, you can use a POST request instead with a special HTTP header indicating the originally intended HTTP method. The header's name is X-HTTP-Method-Override. Set its value to either PATCH or DELETE. POST Requests having this header set will be treated either as PATCH or DELETE by the finAPI servers. Example: X-HTTP-Method-Override: PATCH POST /api/v1/label/51 {"name": "changed label"} will be interpreted by finAPI as: PATCH /api/v1/label/51 {"name": "changed label"} User metadata With the migration to PSD2 APIs, a new term called "User metadata" (also known as "PSU metadata") has been introduced to the API. This user metadata aims to inform the banking API if there was a real end-user behind an HTTP request or if the request was triggered by a system (e.g. by an automatic batch update). In the latter case, the bank may apply some restrictions such as limiting the number of HTTP requests for a single consent. Also, some operations may be forbidden entirely by the banking API. For example, some banks do not allow issuing a new consent without the end-user being involved. Therefore, it is certainly necessary and obligatory for the customer to provide the PSU metadata for such operations. As finAPI does not have direct interaction with the end-user, it is the client application's responsibility to provide all the necessary information about the end-user. This must be done by sending additional headers with every request triggered on behalf of the end-user. At the moment, the following headers are supported by the API: • "PSU-IP-Address" - the IP address of the user's device. • "PSU-Device-OS" - the user's device and/or operating system identification. • "PSU-User-Agent" - the user's web browser or other client device identification. FAQ Is there a finAPI SDK? Currently we do not offer a native SDK, but there is the option to generate a SDK for almost any target language via OpenAPI. Use the 'Download SDK' button on this page for SDK generation. How can I enable finAPI's automatic batch update? Currently there is no way to set up the batch update via the API. Please contact [email protected] for this. Why do I need to keep authorizing when calling services on this page? This page is a "one-page-app". Reloading the page resets the OAuth authorization context. There is generally no need to reload the page, so just don't do it and your authorization will persist.

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The official PHP remediation engine for CrowdSec

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21 Favers

To continue processing PHP after having HTTP response sent back to the client under PHP-FPM.

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6 Favers

Ban client completely for a period of time after they have exhausted there request

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0 Favers

Roundcube Excel Export is a plugin for the Roundcube webmail client that allows users to export the contents of an email folder to an Excel file (.xlsx). This plugin is designed to help users easily back up or analyze their emails in a structured format.

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BVNK API Client for PHP

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back-end to add clients and all thier contacts to a mysql database

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## Introduction This comprehensive guide will equip you with the knowledge to integrate and leverage our Product Configurator Service in your applications. ## Quick Start Get up and running in no time! Follow these steps to kickstart your integration: 1. **Authentication:** Obtain your integration JWT to authenticate your requests. 2. **Client Libraries:** Explore our GitHub repositories to grab client libraries in your preferred programming language. 3. **API Overview:** Familiarize yourself with our RESTful API using the OpenAPI specification. ## Integration ### API Overview Our RESTful API is the gateway to unlocking the full potential of Product Configurator. Check out the detailed [API Reference](/docs/category/configurator) for a granular understanding of each endpoint and request/response format. ### Client Libraries To expedite your integration process, we provide client libraries for various programming languages. Find the one that suits your stack in our [GitHub repositories]( ### Authentication Security is paramount. Learn how to authenticate your requests using JWT. This ensures a secure and reliable connection between your application and Product Configurator. ## Configuration Management ### Configurator Lifecycle Understand the lifecycle of configurators, from draft to active and deleted. This flexibility allows you to manage configurations at your own pace. ### Steps and Options Configure product steps with ease and define options effortlessly. Explore the power of dependencies to create dynamic and intuitive configurations. ### Matrices Delve into matrices—your secret weapon. Explore price and weight matrices, and learn how configured steps influence properties and pricing. ### Price Management Unleash dynamic pricing with our versatile price matrices. From fixed prices to incremental structures, adapt to diverse pricing models effortlessly. ## Security Your data is in safe hands. Discover how Product Configurator ensures security through JWT authentication, safeguarding your sensitive information. ## Backward Compatibility Stay ahead of the curve. Learn about our versioning strategy, providing backward compatibility while allowing our service to evolve seamlessly. ## Developer Support Have questions? Need assistance? Write to us at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) and we will get back to you.

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This script will download and localize all modules within a strategy. If the connection between the API and FS service is broken, the javaScript client will re-rout simple interactions locally.

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Laravel package to ban clients completely for a period of time

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Ban clients completely for a period of time, based on the number of requests made in a selected interval

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Add the ability to ban a client completely from accessing your app routes for a period of time.

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This package will add the ability to ban a client completely for a period of time

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0 Favers

This package will add the ability to ban a client completely for a period of time

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0 Favers

Easily ban your API clients for a specified period of time.

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