Libraries tagged by OpenAi Sdk
The Engine API is an HTTP API served by Docker Engine. It is the API the Docker client uses to communicate with the Engine, so everything the Docker client can do can be done with the API. Most of the client's commands map directly to API endpoints (e.g. `docker ps` is `GET /containers/json`). The notable exception is running containers, which consists of several API calls. # Errors The API uses standard HTTP status codes to indicate the success or failure of the API call. The body of the response will be JSON in the following format: ``` { "message": "page not found" } ``` # Versioning The API is usually changed in each release, so API calls are versioned to ensure that clients don't break. To lock to a specific version of the API, you prefix the URL with its version, for example, call `/v1.30/info` to use the v1.30 version of the `/info` endpoint. If the API version specified in the URL is not supported by the daemon, a HTTP `400 Bad Request` error message is returned. If you omit the version-prefix, the current version of the API (v1.40) is used. For example, calling `/info` is the same as calling `/v1.40/info`. Using the API without a version-prefix is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Engine releases in the near future should support this version of the API, so your client will continue to work even if it is talking to a newer Engine. The API uses an open schema model, which means server may add extra properties to responses. Likewise, the server will ignore any extra query parameters and request body properties. When you write clients, you need to ignore additional properties in responses to ensure they do not break when talking to newer daemons. # Authentication Authentication for registries is handled client side. The client has to send authentication details to various endpoints that need to communicate with registries, such as `POST /images/(name)/push`. These are sent as `X-Registry-Auth` header as a Base64 encoded (JSON) string with the following structure: ``` { "username": "string", "password": "string", "email": "string", "serveraddress": "string" } ``` The `serveraddress` is a domain/IP without a protocol. Throughout this structure, double quotes are required. If you have already got an identity token from the [`/auth` endpoint](#operation/SystemAuth), you can just pass this instead of credentials: ``` { "identitytoken": "9cbaf023786cd7..." } ```
No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator
190 Downloads Documentation is generated from [this]( OpenAPI 3.0 specification file. To start working with our API, you can also check our [official Allegro REST API public collection]( in Postman.
This is the crowd usermanagement rest resources endpoint documentation
OpenAPI description for the Integration with MyDHL
FreeClimb is a cloud-based application programming interface (API) that puts the power of the Vail platform in your hands. FreeClimb simplifies the process of creating applications that can use a full range of telephony features without requiring specialized or on-site telephony equipment. Using the FreeClimb REST API to write applications is easy! You have the option to use the language of your choice or hit the API directly. Your application can execute a command by issuing a RESTful request to the FreeClimb API. The base URL to send HTTP requests to the FreeClimb REST API is: /apiserver. FreeClimb authenticates and processes your request.
The Browse API has the following resources: item_summary: Lets shoppers search for specific items by keyword, GTIN, category, charity, product, image (Experimental Method), or item aspects and refine the results by using filters, such as aspects, compatibility, and fields values, or UI parameters. item: Lets you retrieve the details of a specific item or all the items in an item group, which is an item with variations such as color and size and check if a product is compatible with the specified item, such as if a specific car is compatible with a specific part. Provides a bridge between the eBay legacy APIs, such as Finding, and the RESTful APIs, which use different formats for the item IDs. The item_summary, search_by_image, and item resource calls require an Application access token.
### Introduction Use the Numeno Persona API to create and manage **Personas**. Evolving a Persona over time is dead-simple: [create a Persona](create-persona), then send natural-language descriptions of your users’ in-app activities to the Persona API. Under the hood, we create a rich set of models of the system that evolve over time. Then, ask Numeno to personalize some part of your experience using the Persona. Numeno will use our models to tailor your software to each user’s unique preferences and habits, allowing you to dynamically adjust your offerings. For example, connect a Persona to the **[Numeno Article Recommender API](** to generate **Article Feeds** that evolve over time as your Persona evloves with user interaction. Personas are not limited to modelling users. Posts in a social environment, articles or topics on a content platform, a screen or widget in your UI, a product in your inventory - groups of any of these things – Personas can evolve models of anything in your system! Get creative!
## Introduction Use the Numeno Article Recommender API to receive a curated selection of articles from across the web. See below for the steps to creating a Feed, as well as an introduction to the top-level concepts making up the Article Recommender API. ## Steps to creating a Feed 1. Create a Feed - [`/feeds`](create-feed) 2. Create a number of Stream queries associated with the Feed - [`/feeds/:feedId/streams`](create-stream) 3. Pull from the Feed as the Feed refreshes - [`/feeds/:feedId/articles`](get-articles-in-feed) 4. Use those Article IDs to look up metadata for the Articles -[`/articles/:id`](get-article-by-id) 5. Visit the Article links and render to your server DB or client app. ## Sources, Articles and Topics A **Source** is a place where Articles come from, typically a website, a blog, or a knowledgebase endpoint. Sources can be queried for activity via the [`/sources`](get-sources) endpoint. Beyond the Sources Numeno regaularly indexes, additional Sources can be associated with Stream queries, and Sources can be `allowlist`/`denylist`'d. **Articles** are the documents produced by Sources, typically pages from a blogpost or website, articles from a news source, or posts from a social platform or company intranet. See the [`/articles`](search-articles) endpoint. **Topics** - Numeno has millions of Topics that it associates with Articles when they are sourced. Topics are used in Stream queries, which themselves are composed to create Feeds. Get topics via the [`/topics`](get-topics) endpoint. ## Feeds **A Feed is a collection of Streams.** Feeds are configured to refresh on a regular schedule. No new Articles are published to a Feed except when it's refreshed. Feeds can be refreshed manually if the API Key Scopes allow. You can ask for Articles chronologically or by decreasing score. You can also limit Articles to a date-range, meaning that you can produce Feeds from historical content. Interact with Feeds via the [`/feeds`](create-feed) endpoint. ## Streams Think of a **Stream** as a search query with a "volume control knob". It's a collection of Topics that you're interested and a collection of Sources you'd explicitly like to include or exclude. Streams are associated with a Feed, and a collection of Streams produce the sequence of Articles that appear when a Feed is refreshed. The "volume control knob" on a Stream is a way to decide how many of the search results from the Stream query are included in the Feed. Our searches are "soft", and with a such a rich `Article x Topic` space to draw on, the "volume control" allows you to put a cuttoff on what you'd like included. Streams are a nested resource of `/feeds` - get started by explorting [`/feeds/:feedId/streams`](create-stream).
## Introduction Use the Numeno Administration API to create API Keys and set their permissions (which we call Scopes). This API is meant to be used by administrators of your organization. ## Scopes Scopes are used to let API Keys access only certain parts of the API. Scopes are expressed as a string of the form `api:resource:action`. For example, from the Numeno Article Recommender API (`art-rec`): - `art-rec:feeds:read` - can read any Feed (eg. `GET` `/feeds`, `/feeds/:id`, `/feeds/:id/streams`, etc.) - `art-rec:feeds:write` - can write (and read) any Feed - `art-rec:feeds:*` - can perform any action on Feeds - `art-rec:*:read` - can read any resource on `art-rec` - `*:*:*` - can do everything
Thinkific's public API can be used to integrate your application with your Thinkific site.
Unleashing the power of consent by establishing trust. The Platform Core Developer API defines a set of capabilities that can be used to request, issue, manage and update data, documents and credentials by organizations. The API can be used to request, manage and update Decentralised Identifiers, Financial Data, Health Data issue Documents, Credentials directly or using OpenID Connect flows, and verify Messages signed with DIDs and much more.
Our new API allows partners to build significantly better integrations with the EKM platform. To try out the below endpoints, or for full up to date representations of the request / response models, please see the [swagger page]( (We display examples here, but the swagger page is guaranteed to show the complete model.) To keep up to date with the latest updates, please see our [RSS feed]( or the [partner dashboard](
OpenAPI for HAProxy DataPlanApi - PHP