Libraries tagged by verification Code


0 Favers

A completely useless verification code

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1 Favers

Sms verification code for Laravel 4

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0 Favers

a SMS verification code module based on Aliyun

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0 Favers

This is a behavior verification code PHP back-end implementation package

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0 Favers

A simple mathematical operation verification code library, written based on GD library.

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0 Favers

A simple API to implement SMS Verification Code by

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2 Favers

Laravel 2FA package which provides sending verification codes via e-mail and SMS

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0 Favers

Extends BE-login with email code verification

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0 Favers

Utility classes for analyse code and invoking callables with verification of arguments and type casting

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0 Favers

Welcome to the CityPay API, a robust HTTP API payment solution designed for seamless server-to-server transactional processing. Our API facilitates a wide array of payment operations, catering to diverse business needs. Whether you're integrating Internet payments, handling Mail Order/Telephone Order (MOTO) transactions, managing Subscriptions with Recurring and Continuous Authority payments, or navigating the complexities of 3-D Secure authentication, our API is equipped to support your requirements. Additionally, we offer functionalities for Authorisation, Refunding, Pre-Authorisation, Cancellation/Voids, and Completion processing, alongside the capability for tokenised payments. ## Compliance and Security Overview Ensuring the security of payment transactions and compliance with industry standards is paramount. Our API is designed with stringent security measures and compliance protocols to safeguard sensitive information and meet the rigorous requirements of Visa, MasterCard, and the PCI Security Standards Council. ### Key Compliance and Security Measures * **TLS Encryption**: All data transmissions must utilise TLS version 1.2 or higher, employing [strong cryptography](#enabled-tls-ciphers). Our infrastructure strictly enforces this requirement to maintain the integrity and confidentiality of data in transit. We conduct regular scans and assessments of our TLS endpoints to identify and mitigate vulnerabilities. * **Data Storage Prohibitions**: Storing sensitive cardholder data (CHD), such as the card security code (CSC) or primary account number (PAN), is strictly prohibited. Our API is designed to minimize your exposure to sensitive data, thereby reducing your compliance burden. * **Data Masking**: For consumer protection and compliance, full card numbers must not be displayed on receipts or any customer-facing materials. Our API automatically masks PANs, displaying only the last four digits to facilitate safe receipt generation. * **Network Scans**: If your application is web-based, regular scans of your hosting environment are mandatory to identify and rectify potential vulnerabilities. This proactive measure is crucial for maintaining a secure and compliant online presence. * **PCI Compliance**: Adherence to PCI DSS standards is not optional; it's a requirement for operating securely and legally in the payments ecosystem. For detailed information on compliance requirements and resources, please visit the PCI Security Standards Council website []( * **Request Validation**: Our API includes mechanisms to verify the legitimacy of each request, ensuring it pertains to a valid account and originates from a trusted source. We leverage remote IP address verification alongside sophisticated application firewall technologies to thwart a wide array of common security threats. ## Getting Started Before integrating with the CityPay API, ensure your application and development practices align with the outlined compliance and security measures. This preparatory step is crucial for a smooth integration process and the long-term success of your payment processing operations. For further details on API endpoints, request/response formats, and code examples, proceed to the subsequent sections of our documentation. Our aim is to provide you with all the necessary tools and information to integrate our payment processing capabilities seamlessly into your application. Thank you for choosing CityPay API. We look forward to supporting your payment processing needs with our secure, compliant, and versatile API solution.

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0 Favers

Core verification broker for any verification actions

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0 Favers

Core verification broker for any verification actions

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9 Favers

# Introduction Welcome to the Passbase Verifications API docs. This documentation will help you understand our models and the Verification API with its endpoints. Based on this you can build your own system (i.e. verification) and hook it up to Passbase. In case of feedback or questions you can reach us under this email address: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]). A User submits a video selfie and valid identifying __Resources__ during a __Verification__ guided by the Passbase client-side integration. Once all the necessary __Resources__ are submitted, __Data points__ are extracted, digitized, and authenticated. These Data points then becomes part of the User's __Identity__. The User then consents to share __Resources__ and/or __Data points__ from their Identity with you. This information is passed to you and can be used to make decisions about a User (e.g. activate account). This table below explains our terminology further. | Term | Description | |-----------------------------------------|-------------| | [Identity](#tag/identity_model) | A set of Data points and Resources related to and owned by one single User. This data can be accessed by you through a Verification. | | Data points | Any data about a User extracted from a Resource (E.g. Passport Number, or Age). | | [Resource](#tag/resource_model) | A source document used to generate the Data points for a User (E.g. Passport). | | [User](#tag/user_model) | The owner of an email address associated with an Identity. | | Verification | A transaction through which a User consents to share Data points with you. If the Data points you request are not already available in the User's Identity, the Passbase client will ask the User to submit the necessary Resource required to extract them. | | Re-authentication (login) | A transaction through which a User can certify the ownership of Personal data previously shared through an Authentication. | # Authentication There are two forms of authentication for the API: • API Key • Bearer JWT Token

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17 Favers

CryptoManana is a cryptography framework for boosting your project's security.

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6 Favers

This module provides a mechanism that requires users to verify their email address before they can log on to the CMS. This works with custom registration forms and the forum. Option for accounts to require manual moderation before they can log on.

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