Libraries tagged by national


0 Favers

High performance data-mapper ORM with optional active-record traits for RAD and modern PHP 7.1+

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2 Favers

Optional admin interface for bjuppa/laravel-blog

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0 Favers

Magento2 Category List Widget with optional thumbnails

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1 Favers

# Summary The **NextGenPSD2** *Framework Version 1.3.6* (with errata) offers a modern, open, harmonised and interoperable set of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) as the safest and most efficient way to provide data securely. The NextGenPSD2 Framework reduces XS2A complexity and costs, addresses the problem of multiple competing standards in Europe and, aligned with the goals of the Euro Retail Payments Board, enables European banking customers to benefit from innovative products and services ('Banking as a Service') by granting TPPs safe and secure (authenticated and authorised) access to their bank accounts and financial data. The possible Approaches are: * Redirect SCA Approach * OAuth SCA Approach * Decoupled SCA Approach * Embedded SCA Approach without SCA method * Embedded SCA Approach with only one SCA method available * Embedded SCA Approach with Selection of a SCA method Not every message defined in this API definition is necessary for all approaches. Furthermore this API definition does not differ between methods which are mandatory, conditional, or optional. Therefore for a particular implementation of a Berlin Group PSD2 compliant API it is only necessary to support a certain subset of the methods defined in this API definition. **Please have a look at the implementation guidelines if you are not sure which message has to be used for the approach you are going to use.** ## Some General Remarks Related to this version of the OpenAPI Specification: * **This API definition is based on the Implementation Guidelines of the Berlin Group PSD2 API.** It is not a replacement in any sense. The main specification is (at the moment) always the Implementation Guidelines of the Berlin Group PSD2 API. * **This API definition contains the REST-API for requests from the PISP to the ASPSP.** * **This API definition contains the messages for all different approaches defined in the Implementation Guidelines.** * According to the OpenAPI-Specification [] "If in is "header" and the name field is "Accept", "Content-Type" or "Authorization", the parameter definition SHALL be ignored." The element "Accept" will not be defined in this file at any place. The elements "Content-Type" and "Authorization" are implicitly defined by the OpenApi tags "content" and "security". * There are several predefined types which might occur in payment initiation messages, but are not used in the standard JSON messages in the Implementation Guidelines. Therefore they are not used in the corresponding messages in this file either. We added them for the convenience of the user. If there is a payment product, which needs these fields, one can easily use the predefined types. But the ASPSP need not to accept them in general. * **We omit the definition of all standard HTTP header elements (mandatory/optional/conditional) except they are mentioned in the Implementation Guidelines.** Therefore the implementer might add these in his own realisation of a PSD2 comlient API in addition to the elements defined in this file. ## General Remarks on Data Types The Berlin Group definition of UTF-8 strings in context of the PSD2 API has to support at least the following characters a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 / - ? : ( ) . , ' + Space

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0 Favers

A drop-in replacement for mysqldump that optionally sanitizes DB fields for better GDPR conformity.

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0 Favers

An implementation of the PSR-16 SimpleCache Interface for Redis with optional AEAD encryption

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0 Favers

An implementation of the PSR-16 SimpleCache Interface for APCu with optional AEAD encryption

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2 Favers

Displays a specific page on the first login of a user, optionally a second page on the second login, and a site notification on the next login after it's set

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0 Favers

A drop-in replacement for mysqldump that optionally sanitizes DB fields for better GDPR conformity.

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1 Favers

The standalone PHP Browscap parser Crossjoin\Browscap detects browser properties as well as device information based on the user agent string of the requesting browsers and search engines, using the data from the Browser Capabilities Project. It's several hundred times faster than the build-in PHP function get_browser(), and faster than other Browscap PHP libraries, with much lower memory consumption. Optionally Crossjoin\Browscap automatically updates the Browscap data, so you're always up-to-date. The newest version is build for PHP 7.x, for PHP >= 5.6 use version 2.x, for PHP >= 5.3 use version 1.x.

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1 Favers

Text field that can optionally proxy the placeholder value using the kirby query language

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0 Favers

Validate and optionally log incoming Shopify webhooks

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0 Favers

Information on Bangladesh's administrative areas are available in this repository. Information can be optionally accessed using the provided PHP library. This consists data of all the Divisions, including the Districts and Upazila names for those Districts.

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1 Favers

A Zend-Framework-Module providing a small service-class to query the Google Geocoder API. Results can optionally be cached to avoid running into the API's query limitations.

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2 Favers

Calendar generator with optional events for Laravel

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