Libraries tagged by change case


7 Favers

PHP Client for Genesis Payment Processing Gateway

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2 Favers

Morphological analysis engine 'Igo' porting and changed for PHP 7.4 or later and composer.

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0 Favers

Morphological analysis engine 'Igo' porting and changed for PHP 5.6 and composer.

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16 Favers

DB Craft is a CodeIgniter4 Seeder, Migration Generator. Automatic Migration Generation: DB-Craft provides a simple command-line interface to generate migration files automatically based on the connected database. This feature allows developers to keep track of database schema changes and easily apply them to different environments. Table-Specific Migrations: Developers can also generate migration files for specific tables, providing granular control over database changes. This flexibility allows for efficient database management and versioning. Seeding Support: DB-Craft includes functionality to generate seeders, enabling developers to populate their database with initial data. This feature is especially useful for setting up sample data or populating reference tables.

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1 Favers

This is fork from Nahid/Talk to change it works with new Laravel 8.x, 9.x, 10.x and 11.x. Talk is a Laravel 8, 9, 10 & 11 based realtime messaging, chatting and conversation system. It helps to develop users messaging, chatting and conversations in easy way.

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12 Favers

Magento 2 - Let customers change the quantity for checkbox based options with bundle products.

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85 Favers

Generates beautiful with links to PRs, versions and users grouped in Added/Changed/Fixed/Removed categories.

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5 Favers

Bundle used to manage User password history and user change password policy

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8 Favers

Coderity Wallet extends Laravel Cashier allowing users to have multiple credit cards with multiple subscriptions, along with the ability to charge different cards as needed.

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0 Favers

### 1. **Module Overview:** - **Name:** Brand Inventory Manager - **Purpose:** The module dynamically lists all the brands that have products currently in stock on the website, allowing customers to view and browse products by brand. This list updates automatically based on the store's inventory. ### 2. **Key Features:** - **Dynamic Brand Listing:** - The module generates a list of brands that have at least one product in stock. - The list is updated in real-time based on changes in inventory levels (e.g., if a brand's products go out of stock, that brand is removed from the list). - **Filter by Inventory:** - Customers can filter the brand list by product availability, ensuring they only see brands with products they can purchase immediately. - **Brand Page:** - Each brand name in the list is clickable, leading to a dedicated brand page. - The brand page displays all in-stock products for that brand, with options for sorting, filtering, and searching within the brand's catalog. - **SEO-Friendly URLs:** - The module creates SEO-friendly URLs for each brand page, enhancing visibility on search engines. - **Inventory-Based Brand Widget:** - A widget can be placed on various parts of the website (e.g., homepage, sidebar, footer) that highlights popular or new brands with available stock. - **Admin Configuration:** - The admin can configure how brands are displayed (e.g., sorting by popularity, alphabetical order, etc.). - Options to include or exclude specific brands regardless of inventory (e.g., always show premium brands). - **Caching Mechanism:** - To ensure performance, the module uses caching to store brand lists, refreshing only when inventory changes occur. ### 3. **Integration with Other Features:** - **Product Pages:** On each product page, the brand name is linked to the corresponding brand page. - **Search Functionality:** When customers search for a brand name, the search results include the brand page and all relevant products. ### 4. **Customizable Design:** - The module’s front-end is fully customizable, allowing the store’s design team to style the brand listing and pages in line with the overall website design. ### 5. **Reporting and Analytics:** - The module provides reports on brand performance, showing metrics such as which brands are viewed most frequently, which have the highest sales, etc. ### 6. **Multi-Store Support:** - For stores with multiple websites or store views, the module supports configuration per store view, allowing different brands to be highlighted in different regions or languages. This Magento module would be particularly useful for e-commerce stores with diverse product offerings across many brands, ensuring that customers have an efficient way to find and purchase products by their favorite brands.has context menu

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11 Favers

An intelligent Git helper package for Laravel applications. It utilizes OpenAI's GPT to analyze your Git repository, providing features such as automatic generation of commit messages based on staged changes.

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4 Favers

Change your Laravel app's locale based on the domain name

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4 Favers

Change default search URLs to SEO-friendly URLs, which may enhance your SERP rankings and increase your site traffic. The default URL ?s=keyword will be changed to /search/keyword, and you can adjust the {search base} as needed.

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7 Favers

This library provides simple access to the public transportation association KVV in Karlsruhe. It is based on unofficial data sources which are therefore subject to change without notice.

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4 Favers

Whether you call them doubles, stubs, mocks, partials, fakes, or something else there are times when a mocking library such as PHPUnit's mockBuilder, Mockery, Prophecy, etc. just doesn't do exactly what you need or want. Sometimes you just need a concrete class implementation to run through the unit test wringer or a full end to end functional unit test suite. MockMaker aims to simplify the process of generating concrete fake ORM entity objects. Flexible and extendable, the generated seed code can be altered to suit your particular project with relative ease. That means after the initial setup you can re-run MockMaker for any new entities that get added in or update existing entities that change with little to no fuss. What's more, once MockMaker has made your files it's done; you don't have to include it in your code base and can use the generated files like any other project class.

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