Libraries tagged by Mike Wall


2 Favers

The Conversations API allows users to communicate by sending and receiving messages via Over-The-Top (OTT) messaging services. OTT application is an app or service that provides a product over the Internet and bypasses traditional distribution. Here's an in-depth explanation of what the term means.This feature is disabled by default. To enable it, you don't need to make any changes to your application, just an account configuration change by MessageMedia's support team [email protected] our initial release, we're releasing Facebook Messenger which allows you to send messages as a Facebook page owner and receive messages from other Facebook users.

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0 Favers

Laravel package used to collect all localization files from resources/lang (and custom) directories and sub-directories and make them available as JSON file

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0 Favers

Allows you to easily handle you application security thanks to keycloak. apparently i have to make it force https(wink wink)

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0 Favers

The Marketing API offers two platforms that sellers can use to promote and advertise their products: Promoted Listings is an eBay ad service that lets sellers set up ad campaigns for the products they want to promote. eBay displays the ads in search results and in other marketing modules as SPONSORED listings. If an item in a Promoted Listings campaign sells, the seller is assessed a Promoted Listings fee, which is a seller-specified percentage applied to the sales price. For complete details, refer to the Promoted Listings playbook.Promotions Manager gives sellers a way to offer discounts on specific items as a way to attract buyers to their inventory. Sellers can set up discounts (such as "20% off" and other types of offers) on specific items or on an entire customer order. To further attract buyers, eBay prominently displays promotion teasers throughout buyer flows. For complete details, see Promotions Manager. Marketing reports, on both the Promoted Listings and Promotions Manager platforms, give sellers information that shows the effectiveness of their marketing strategies. The data gives sellers the ability to review and fine tune their marketing efforts.Store Email Campaign allows sellers to create and send email campaigns to customers who have signed up to receive their newsletter. For more information on email campaigns, see Store Email Campaigns.Important! Sellers must have an active eBay Store subscription, and they must accept the Terms and Conditions before they can make requests to these APIs in the Production environment. There are also site-specific listings requirements and restrictions associated with these marketing tools, as listed in the "requirements and restrictions" sections for Promoted Listings and Promotions Manager. The table below lists all the Marketing API calls grouped by resource.

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0 Favers

The Team Extension provides a custom post type that allows you to easily show off the people that make up your Tour Operator business.

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0 Favers

The LSX Team Extension provides a custom post type that allows you to easily show off the people that make up your business.

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0 Favers

LSX is a theme we’ve built to be versatile, so it’s only fair we put the power in its users’ hands to make it look exactly how they want. The LSX Customizer allows you to tweak various elements of your website to display the colours you want.

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0 Favers

Organize resource pages in sidebar instead of putting all the buttons and links elsewhere in order to make navigation between pages more comfortable.

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0 Favers

Laravel-Plugins is package which will help you organize your modules based on following structure: {vendor}-{PackageName}, Personally I'm using it to divide logical sections in my other applications like Dashboard/Admin or Dashboard/User

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0 Favers

This package simplifies any remote access calls (like http requests) and encapsulates GuzzleHttp package (and more) to make the process of sending requests is more straight forward and make use of service design pattern.

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1 Favers

Make the_content() output a little more sane with these features. All features are optional and disabling them is easy.

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1 Favers

The Winter Sitemap Pretty plugin allows you to to prettify a sitemap.xml file generated by wn-sitemap-plugin for your website to make it human readable

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2 Favers

Adds a file hash prefix to all requirements. Replaces the default ?{mtime} suffix to make the requirements fully cacheable.

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0 Favers

The Inter TT REST API is described using OpenAPI 3.0. The descriptor for the api can be downloaded in both [YAML](http://localhost:8080/cyclos/api/openapi.yaml) or [JSON](http://localhost:8080/cyclos/api/openapi.json) formats. These files can be used in tools that support the OpenAPI specification, such as the [OpenAPI Generator]( In the API, whenever some data is referenced, for example, a group, or payment type, either id or internal name can be used. When an user is to be referenced, the special word 'self' (sans quotes) always refers to the currently authenticated user, and any identification method (login name, e-mail, mobile phone, account number or custom field) that can be used on keywords search (as configured in the products) can also be used to identify users. Some specific data types have other identification fields, like accounts can have a number and payments can have a transaction number. This all depends on the current configuration. ----------- Most of the operations that return data allow selecting which fields to include in the response. This is useful to avoid calculating data that finally won't be needed and also for reducing the transfer over the network. If nothing is set, all object fields are returned. Fields are handled in 3 modes. Given an example object `{"a": {"x": 1, "y": 2, "z": 3}, "b": 0}`, the modes are: - **Include**: the field is unprefixed or prefixed with `+`. All fields which are not explicitly included are excluded from the result. Examples: - `["a"]` results in `{"a": {"x": 1, "y": 2, "z": 3}}` - `["+b"]` results in `{"b": 0}` - `["a.x"]` results in `{"a": {"x": 1}}`. This is a nested include. At root level, includes only `a` then, on `a`'s level, includes only `x`. - **Exclude**: the field is prefixed by `-` (or, for compatibility purposes, `!`). Only explicitly excluded fields are excluded from the result. Examples: - `["-a"]` results in `{"b": 0}` - `["-b"]` results in `{"a": {"x": 1, "y": 2, "z": 3}}` - `["a.-x"]` results in `{"a": {"y": 2, "z": 3}}`. In this example, `a` is actually an include at the root level, hence, excludes `b`. - **Nested only**: when a field is prefixed by `*` and has a nested path, it only affects includes / excludes for the nested fields, without affecting the current level. Only nested fields are configured. Examples: - `["*a.x"]` results in `{"a": {"x": 1}, "b": 0}`. In this example, `a` is configured to include only `x`. `b` is also included because, there is no explicit includes at root level. - `["*a.-x"]` results in `{"a": {"y": 2, "z": 3}, "b": 0}`. In this example, `a` is configured to exclude only `x`. `b` is also included because there is no explicit includes at the root level. For backwards compatibility, this can also be expressed in a special syntax `-a.x`. Also, keep in mind that `-x.y.z` is equivalent to `*x.*y.-z`. You cannot have the same field included and excluded at the same time - a HTTP `422` status will be returned. Also, when mixing nested excludes with explicit includes or excludes, the nested exclude will be ignored. For example, using `["*a.x", "a.y"]` will ignore the `*a.x` definition, resulting in `{"a": {"y": 2}}`. ----------- For details of the deprecated elements (operations and model) please visit the [deprecation notes page]( for this version.

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0 Favers

This library will help you to print text and images over images like certificate and id cards sign and barcodes qe codes

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