Libraries tagged by Data Base Api


0 Favers

An easy way to mask your IDs when exposing them in routes, APIs or other scenarios when you don't want the user to see the actual ID of your database records

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Converts Addresses into Geo-Locations by Google-Maps API. Saving this Geo-Locations in an own Database for prevent converting this again and again. Useful for extensions which needs such a Address to Geo-Coordinates service.

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0 Favers

Manage database records. This library is part of the SoloProyectos PHP API.

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0 Favers

Database library. This library is part of the SoloProyectos PHP API.

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Search Package OverviewThe Search package is a powerful tool designed to facilitate efficient and effective search operations within various datasets or databases. It provides a set of functions and classes that enable users to perform complex search queries, filter results, and retrieve relevant data with ease. The package is highly customizable, allowing users to define their own search criteria, implement sorting mechanisms, and handle large volumes of data seamlessly.Key Features: Customizable Search Queries: Users can create tailored search queries using various operators and conditions, making it possible to perform both simple and advanced searches. Sorting and Filtering: The package includes built-in methods to sort and filter search results, enabling users to organize data based on specific parameters such as date, relevance, or custom fields. Scalability: Designed to handle large datasets, the Search package is optimized for performance, ensuring quick response times even with millions of records. Integration: The package is compatible with a variety of databases and data sources, making it a versatile solution for different types of projects. User-Friendly Interface: It offers a straightforward API that is easy to use, even for those who are not experts in programming. This allows a broader audience to leverage the power of advanced search capabilities.Use Cases: Data Analysis: Quickly find and retrieve specific information from large datasets for analysis. Content Management Systems: Implement efficient search functionality in content-heavy websites or applications. E-commerce: Enhance product search features in online stores, improving the user experience by providing relevant results swiftly. Knowledge Bases: Help users find relevant articles or documentation based on keyword searches.Overall, the Search package is an essential tool for anyone needing to implement or enhance search functionality in their applications, providing both power and flexibility in managing and retrieving data.

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458 Favers

Various tools to generate a data model based on vocables

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30 Favers

Connect your software with Fatture in Cloud, the invoicing platform chosen by more than 500.000 businesses in Italy. The Fatture in Cloud API is based on REST, and makes possible to interact with the user related data prior authorization via OAuth2 protocol.

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22 Favers

PHP client for App Store Server API. Manage your customers’ App Store transactions from your server.The App Store Server API is a REST API that you call from your server to request and provide information about your customers' in-app purchases. The App Store signs the transaction and subscription renewal information that this API returns using the JSON Web Signature (JWS) specification.App Store Server API is independent of the app’s installation status on the customer’s devices. The App Store server returns information based on the customer’s in-app purchase history regardless of whether the customer installed, removed, or reinstalled the app on their devices.To request transaction and subscription status information with this API, provide any original transaction identifier that belongs to the customer. The transaction history API responds with a complete list of transactions, 20 at a time, starting with the oldest first. The subscription status API returns the status for all of the customer’s subscriptions, organized by their subscription group identifier.Use the Send Consumption Information endpoint to send information to the App Store when customers request a refund for a consumable in-app purchase, after you receive the CONSUMPTION_REQUEST App Store server notification. Your data helps inform refund decisions.

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8 Favers

The PHP library for the Elastic Email REST API. This API is based on the REST API architecture, allowing the user to easily manage their data with this resource-based approach. To start using this API, you will need your Access Token. Remember to keep it safe.

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329 Favers

PHP-code generator (based on OAS) for Laravel framework, with complete support of JSON-API data format

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328 Favers

PHP-code generator (based on OAS) for Laravel framework, with complete support of JSON-API data format

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9 Favers

# Introduction Welcome to the Passbase Verifications API docs. This documentation will help you understand our models and the Verification API with its endpoints. Based on this you can build your own system (i.e. verification) and hook it up to Passbase. In case of feedback or questions you can reach us under this email address: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]). A User submits a video selfie and valid identifying __Resources__ during a __Verification__ guided by the Passbase client-side integration. Once all the necessary __Resources__ are submitted, __Data points__ are extracted, digitized, and authenticated. These Data points then becomes part of the User's __Identity__. The User then consents to share __Resources__ and/or __Data points__ from their Identity with you. This information is passed to you and can be used to make decisions about a User (e.g. activate account). This table below explains our terminology further. | Term | Description | |-----------------------------------------|-------------| | [Identity](#tag/identity_model) | A set of Data points and Resources related to and owned by one single User. This data can be accessed by you through a Verification. | | Data points | Any data about a User extracted from a Resource (E.g. Passport Number, or Age). | | [Resource](#tag/resource_model) | A source document used to generate the Data points for a User (E.g. Passport). | | [User](#tag/user_model) | The owner of an email address associated with an Identity. | | Verification | A transaction through which a User consents to share Data points with you. If the Data points you request are not already available in the User's Identity, the Passbase client will ask the User to submit the necessary Resource required to extract them. | | Re-authentication (login) | A transaction through which a User can certify the ownership of Personal data previously shared through an Authentication. | # Authentication There are two forms of authentication for the API: • API Key • Bearer JWT Token

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42 Favers

PHP/Zend based Semantic Web API for Social Semantic Software

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6 Favers

# Introduction **INDA (INtelligent Data Analysis)** is an [Intervieweb]( AI solution provided as a RESTful API. The INDA pricing model is *credits-based*, which means that a certain number of credits is associated to each API request. Hence, users have to purchase a certain amount of credits (established according to their needs) which will be reduced at each API call. INDA accepts and processes a user's request only if their credits quota is grater than - or, at least, equal to - the number of credits required by that request. To obtain further details on the pricing, please visit our [site]( or contact us. INDA HR embraces a wide range of functionalities to manage the main elements of a recruitment process: + [**candidate**]( (hereafter also referred to as **resume** or **applicant**), or rather a person looking for a job; + [**job advertisement**]( (hereafter also referred to as **job ad**), which is a document that collects all the main information and details about a job vacancy; + [**application**](, that binds candidates to job ads; it is generated whenever a candidate applies for a job. Each of them has a specific set of methods that grants users the ability to create, read, update and delete the relative documents, plus some special features based on AI approaches (such as *document parsing* or *semantic search*). They can be explored in their respective sections. Data about the listed document types can be enriched by connecting them to other INDA supported entities, such as [**companies**]( and [**universities**](, so that recruiters may get a better and more detailed idea on the candidates' experiences and acquired skills. All the functionalities mentioned above are meant to help recruiters during the talent acquisition process, by exploiting the power of AI systems. Among the advantages a recruiter has by using this kind of systems, tackling the bias problem is surely one of the most relevant. Bias in recruitment is a serious issue that affect both recruiters and candidates, since it may cause wrong hiring decisions. As we care a lot about this problem, we are constantly working on reduce the bias in original data so that INDA results may be as fair as possible. As of now, in order to tackle the bias issue, INDA automatically ignores specific fields (such as name, gender, age and nationality) during the initial processing of each candidate data. Furthermore, we decided to let users collect data of various types, including personal or sensitive details, but we do not allow their usage if it is different from statistical purposes; our aim is to discourage recruiters from focusing on candidates' personal information, and to put their attention on the candidate's skills and abilities. We want to help recruiters to prevent any kind of bias while searching for the most valuable candidates they really need. The following documentation is addressed both to developers, in order to provide all technical details for INDA integration, and to managers, to guide them in the exploration of the implementation possibilities. The host of the API is []( We recommend to check the API version and build (displayed near the documentation title). You can contact us at [email protected] in case of problems, suggestions, or particular needs. The search panel on the left can be used to navigate through the documentation and provides an overview of the API structure. On the right, you can find (*i*) the url of the method, (*ii*) an example of request body (if present), and (*iii*) an example of response for each response code. Finally, in the central section of each API method, you can find (*i*) a general description of the purpose of the method, (*ii*) details on parameters and request body schema (if present), and (*iii*) details on response schema, error models, and error codes.

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10 Favers

fmRESTor is an object-based PHP library developed to seamlessly interact with databases and custom apps hosted on a FileMaker Server via the new powerful FileMaker Data API from within a PHP code.

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