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0 Favers

**API Version**: 1.7 **Date**: 9th July, 2024 ## 📄 Getting Started This API is based on the REST API architecture, allowing the user to easily manage their data with this resource-based approach. Every API call is established on which specific request type (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) will be used. The API must not be abused and should be used within acceptable limits. To start using this API, you will need not create or access an existing Segnivo account to obtain your API key ([retrievable from your account settings]( - You must use a valid API Key to send requests to the API endpoints. - The API only responds to HTTPS-secured communications. Any requests sent via HTTP return an HTTP 301 redirect to the corresponding HTTPS resources. - The API returns request responses in JSON format. When an API request returns an error, it is sent in the JSON response as an error key or with details in the message key. ### 🔖 **Need some help?** In case you have questions or need clarity with interacting with some endpoints feel free to create a support ticket on your account or you can send an email ([[email protected]](https://mailto:[email protected])) directly and we would be happy to help. --- ## Authentication As noted earlier, this API uses API keys for authentication. You can generate a Segnivo API key in the [API]( section of your account settings. You must include an API key in each request to this API with the `X-API-KEY` request header. ### Authentication error response If an API key is missing, malformed, or invalid, you will receive an HTTP 401 Unauthorized response code. ## Rate and usage limits API access rate limits apply on a per-API endpoint basis in unit time. The limit is 10k requests per hour for most endpoints and 1m requests per hour for transactional/relay email-sending endpoints. Also, depending on your plan, you may have usage limits. If you exceed either limit, your request will return an HTTP 429 Too Many Requests status code or HTTP 403 if sending credits have been exhausted. ### 503 response An HTTP `503` response from our servers may indicate there is an unexpected spike in API access traffic, while this rarely happens, we ensure the server is usually operational within the next two to five minutes. If the outage persists or you receive any other form of an HTTP `5XX` error, contact support ([[email protected]](https://mailto:[email protected])). ### Request headers To make a successful request, some or all of the following headers must be passed with the request. | **Header** | **Description** | | --- | --- | | Content-Type | Required and should be `application/json` in most cases. | | Accept | Required and should be `application/json` in most cases | | Content-Length | Required for `POST`, `PATCH`, and `PUT` requests containing a request body. The value must be the number of bytes rather than the number of characters in the request body. | | X-API-KEY | Required. Specifies the API key used for authorization. | ##### 🔖 Note with example requests and code snippets If/when you use the code snippets used as example requests, remember to calculate and add the `Content-Length` header. Some request libraries, frameworks, and tools automatically add this header for you while a few do not. Kindly check and ensure yours does or add it yourself.

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0 Favers

This extension adds the capability in Magento to import products prices from nFusion Solutions' reliable, enterprise-class cloud platform for global financial data. All settings are provided in the Magento admin. When you import product prices in Magento this plugin will import prices from the nFusion Solutions cloud platform in the base currency of your Magento store. Through the use of a cron job the plugin can update prices automatically on a scheduled interval.

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1 Favers

This Magento 2 module allows the creation of shipments for orders containing items that are out of stock. In default Magento, attempting to create a shipment for an order with out-of-stock items results in the error: "Not all of your products are available in the requested quantity." This module remedies that problem by adjusting the stock quantities to ensure the shipment can be processed.

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0 Favers

This is a custom contact page of a simple website. Where user's query regarding the website will be sent site owner via mail using PHPMailer library. This mail body is fully customized

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2 Favers

This Package helps developers to easily work with Jalali (Shamsi or Iranian) dates in Laravel 4 applications, based on Jalali (Shamsi) DateTime class. This Package is based on a Laravel 3 bundle [sallar/laravel-jdate]( by [Sallar Kaboli]( package converted from Laravel 3 bundle to Laravel 4 package by [Milad Rey]( version of this library was unable to make a renge of numbers between two years in jalali with latin style.

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1 Favers

This is a Laravel package containing a trait for translatable Eloquent models. This package follows the approach to have only a single table to maintain all the translations.

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2 Favers

This is a Laravel package containing a trait for translatable Eloquent models. This package follows the approach to have only a single table to maintain all the translations.

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1 Favers

This repository contains Saaspose.SDK for PHP source code. This SDK allows you to work with Saaspose REST API in your PHP applications quickly and easily.

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1 Favers

This Package is Eureka Client And it's a library that interacts with the Eureka Server to register, deregister, and discover other services. Finally, I Want To Emphasize that This is NOT New Package (ONLY Fix Bug for package piwvh/php-eureka) Because of My Microservices Projects that I have to custom it

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0 Favers

This is Laravel's Bengali text converter package. Through this package, you can easily convert text from Unicode to Bijoy in your Laravel application and convert Bijoy to Unicode.

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1 Favers

This is the library for the git webhook proxy. This library is designed for a simple connection to connect to APIs of other providers like packagist or jenkins

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2 Favers

This library enables developers to easily redirect users to different URLs, for the purpose of bucket testing. Bucket testing is also known as A/B testing or split testing. This type of testing is used to test two or more versions of a webpage to determine which one performs better based on specfied key metrics, such as clicks, downloads, purchases or any other form of conversion.

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1 Favers

Under certain conditions, when posting data from a form, the web server may lose the post data. This commonly happens if a user is uploading a large file beyond the size limits set in the web server's configuration. Laravel does not handle this situation and may end up throwing a somewhat confusing `TokenMismatchException in VerifyCsrfToken` due to CSRF protection. The 'No Post Data Laravel Middleware' handles situations in which a post request has been submitted and contains no post data - a situation which should not occur under normal usage. By default, the middleware will redirect back to the previous page with an error message flashed to the session. This can then be output on your view as you would normally handle validation errors. If needed, you can also modify this default behaviour and allow any code to run when the 'post request with no post data' situation is encountered.

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0 Favers

This package allows validation rules to be defined globally and reused. This way you can use the same rules for your Controller, Action classes, API post/update routes, Livewire and other sections.

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2 Favers

This is a lightweight and easy-to-use Laravel package that allows you to manage user roles and permissions in your application with minimal effort. With this package, you can use lots of pre-defined methods for implementing roles and permissions, as well as assign roles to users and check their permissions. This package provides a simple and intuitive way of coding that makes it easy to integrate with your existing application. It also comes with built-in middleware that you can use to protect routes based on user roles and permissions. Whether you're building a small application or a large-scale system, "Simple Role Permission" provides a flexible and scalable solution for managing user roles and permissions. It's perfect for developers who want a simple and lightweight package that gets the job done without any unnecessary complexity.

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