Libraries tagged by wells
## Introduction Use the Numeno Article Recommender API to receive a curated selection of articles from across the web. See below for the steps to creating a Feed, as well as an introduction to the top-level concepts making up the Article Recommender API. ## Steps to creating a Feed 1. Create a Feed - [`/feeds`](create-feed) 2. Create a number of Stream queries associated with the Feed - [`/feeds/:feedId/streams`](create-stream) 3. Pull from the Feed as the Feed refreshes - [`/feeds/:feedId/articles`](get-articles-in-feed) 4. Use those Article IDs to look up metadata for the Articles -[`/articles/:id`](get-article-by-id) 5. Visit the Article links and render to your server DB or client app. ## Sources, Articles and Topics A **Source** is a place where Articles come from, typically a website, a blog, or a knowledgebase endpoint. Sources can be queried for activity via the [`/sources`](get-sources) endpoint. Beyond the Sources Numeno regaularly indexes, additional Sources can be associated with Stream queries, and Sources can be `allowlist`/`denylist`'d. **Articles** are the documents produced by Sources, typically pages from a blogpost or website, articles from a news source, or posts from a social platform or company intranet. See the [`/articles`](search-articles) endpoint. **Topics** - Numeno has millions of Topics that it associates with Articles when they are sourced. Topics are used in Stream queries, which themselves are composed to create Feeds. Get topics via the [`/topics`](get-topics) endpoint. ## Feeds **A Feed is a collection of Streams.** Feeds are configured to refresh on a regular schedule. No new Articles are published to a Feed except when it's refreshed. Feeds can be refreshed manually if the API Key Scopes allow. You can ask for Articles chronologically or by decreasing score. You can also limit Articles to a date-range, meaning that you can produce Feeds from historical content. Interact with Feeds via the [`/feeds`](create-feed) endpoint. ## Streams Think of a **Stream** as a search query with a "volume control knob". It's a collection of Topics that you're interested and a collection of Sources you'd explicitly like to include or exclude. Streams are associated with a Feed, and a collection of Streams produce the sequence of Articles that appear when a Feed is refreshed. The "volume control knob" on a Stream is a way to decide how many of the search results from the Stream query are included in the Feed. Our searches are "soft", and with a such a rich `Article x Topic` space to draw on, the "volume control" allows you to put a cuttoff on what you'd like included. Streams are a nested resource of `/feeds` - get started by explorting [`/feeds/:feedId/streams`](create-stream).
## API Versioning We're constantly updating and improving the API, and while we try to ensure backwards compatibility, there's always a chance that we'll introduce a change that affects the way your app works. To get around any problems that this might cause, we recommend that you include the Accept header with every API request that you make. This header enables you to target your request to a particular version of the API. It looks like this in HTTP: ```text Accept: application/vnd.saitowag.api+json;version={version_number} ``` Normally, you set the value of the placeholder to the current version of the API. But if you're troubleshooting your app, and you know that an older version of the API works perfectly, say version 1.0, you'd substitute 1.0 for the placeholder value. The API then handles the request as if it were for version 1.0, and your app goes back to working properly. ### Example of an error with invalid `ACCEPT` header. The `HTTP status code` in case of an invalid `ACCEPT` header will be `400 Bad Request` and the following response will be returned. ```json { "data": [ { "error_code": "ERR_ACCEPT_HEADER_NOT_VALID", "error_message": "Accept header is not valid or not set." } ] } ``` ### Unexpected Error If an unexpected error occours, a so called Error General will be returned. The `HTTP status code` in case of an invalid `ACCEPT` header will be `500` and the following response will be returned. ```json { "data": [ { "error_code": "ERR_GENERAL", "error_message": "An unexpected error has occurred. If this problem persists, please contact our support." } ] } ``` ### Invalid Endpoint Error Any call to a non-existing API endpoint (i.e. wrong route) will return a response with `HTTP status code` `404` and the following response body: ```json { "data": [ { "error_code": "ERR_GENERAL_INVALID_ENDPOINT", "error_message": "The requested endpoint does not exist." } ] } ``` Please, note that this error is returned also when a request parameter, part of a valid route, is not well formed. For example, a call to a route that contains a wrong order id (i.e. it does not meet the accepted order id pattern - e.g. 123456789PAC instead of PAC123456789) will return the error just mentioned, as the route is considered as badly formed. In conclusion, please pay special attention to all those routes that have request parameters with specific pattern requirements. ### Shipping Method IDs These ids may not be available in all the countries. | ID | Name | | --- | --- | | 1 | Standard `Standard` | | 2 | Self-collection `Selbstabholung` | | 3 | Express morning (truck) `Express-Morgen (LKW)` | | 4 | Express Today (Truck) `Express-Heute (LKW)` | | 5 | Express morning (package forwarding) `Express-Morgen (Packet Spedition)` | | 7 | Express-now | ### Payment Method IDs These ids may not be available in all the countries. | ID | Name | | --- | --- | | 1 | SEPA Direct Debit `SEPA-Lastschrift` | | 2 | Prepayment `Vorkasse` | | 3 | Cash on delivery `Nachnahme` | | 4 | PayPal/Credit Card `PayPal/Kreditkarte` | | 5 | open payment method `offene Zahlungsart` | | 7 | Invoice(8 days payment term) `Rechnung(8 Tage Zahlungsziel)` | | 8 | open payment method (SEPA) `offene Zahlungsart (SEPA)` | ## Query String Filters Query String Filters | Operator | Full Name | Description | Example | | ------ | ------ | ------ | ------ | | eq | Equal | Used to narrow down the result of a query to some specific value, for specified field. It adds the "**=**" symbol to the SQL query. Eg. `{url}?filter[{alias_name}]=eq;11` will result in the following sql: `SELECT {field_name} AS {alias_name} FROM {table_name} WHERE {alias_name} = 11` | integer: `{url}?filter[id]=eq;21`float: `{url}?filter[average]=eq;3.7`string: `{url}?filter[free_text]=eq;apple`Date: `{url}?filter[birthday]=eq;2020-06-03`DateTime: `{url}?filter[created_at]=eq;2020-06-03 14:32:32`boolean: `{url}?filter[is_active]=eq;1` | | neq | Not equal | Used to exclude the value from a query result. It adds the "****" symbol to the SQL query. Eg. `{url}?filter[{alias_name}]=neq;11` will result in the following sql: `SELECT {field_name} AS {alias_name} FROM {table_name} WHERE {alias_name} 11` | integer: `{url}?filter[id]=neq;21`float: `{url}?filter[average]=neq;3.7`string: `{url}?filter[free_text]=neq;apple`Date: `{url}?filter[birthday]=neq;2020-06-03`DateTime: `{url}?filter[created_at]=neq;2020-06-03 14:32:32`boolean: `{url}?filter[is_active]=neq;1` | | gt | Greater than | Used to reduce fetched values to those greater than the one provided in a query string. It adds the "**>**" symbol to the SQL query. Eg. `{url}?filter[{alias_name}]=gt;11` will result in the following sql: `SELECT {field_name} AS {alias_name} FROM {table_name} WHERE {alias_name} > 11` | integer: `{url}?filter[id]=gt;21`float: `{url}?filter[average]=gt;3.7`Date: `{url}?filter[birthday]=gt;2020-06-03`DateTime: `{url}?filter[created_at]=gt;2020-06-03 14:32:32` | | gte | Greater than or equal | Used to reduce fetched values to those greater than or equal to the one provided in a query string. It adds the "**>=**" symbol to the SQL query. Eg. `{url}?filter[{alias_name}]=gte;11` will result in the following sql: `SELECT {field_name} AS {alias_name} FROM {table_name} WHERE {alias_name} >= 11` | integer: `{url}?filter[id]=gte;21`float: `{url}?filter[average]=gte;3.7`Date: `{url}?filter[birthday]=gte;2020-06-03`DateTime: `{url}?filter[created_at]=gte;2020-06-03 14:32:32` | | lt | Less than | Used to reduce fetched values to those less than provided in a query string. It adds the "**
## API Versioning We're constantly updating and improving the API, and while we try to ensure backwards compatibility, there's always a chance that we'll introduce a change that affects the way your app works. To get around any problems that this might cause, we recommend that you include the Accept header with every API request that you make. This header enables you to target your request to a particular version of the API. It looks like this in HTTP: ```text Accept: application/vnd.saitowag.api+json;version={version_number} ``` Normally, you set the value of the placeholder to the current version of the API. But if you're troubleshooting your app, and you know that an older version of the API works perfectly, say version 1.0, you'd substitute 1.0 for the placeholder value. The API then handles the request as if it were for version 1.0, and your app goes back to working properly. ### Example of an error with invalid `ACCEPT` header. The `HTTP status code` in case of an invalid `ACCEPT` header will be `400 Bad Request` and the following response will be returned. ```json { "data": [ { "error_code": "ERR_ACCEPT_HEADER_NOT_VALID", "error_message": "Accept header is not valid or not set." } ] } ``` ### Unexpected Error If an unexpected error occours, a so called Error General will be returned. The `HTTP status code` in case of an invalid `ACCEPT` header will be `500` and the following response will be returned. ```json { "data": [ { "error_code": "ERR_GENERAL", "error_message": "An unexpected error has occurred. If this problem persists, please contact our support." } ] } ``` ### Invalid Endpoint Error Any call to a non-existing API endpoint (i.e. wrong route) will return a response with `HTTP status code` `404` and the following response body: ```json { "data": [ { "error_code": "ERR_GENERAL_INVALID_ENDPOINT", "error_message": "The requested endpoint does not exist." } ] } ``` Please, note that this error is returned also when a request parameter, part of a valid route, is not well formed. For example, a call to a route that contains a wrong order id (i.e. it does not meet the accepted order id pattern - e.g. 123456789PAC instead of PAC123456789) will return the error just mentioned, as the route is considered as badly formed. In conclusion, please pay special attention to all those routes that have request parameters with specific pattern requirements. ### Shipping Method IDs These ids may not be available in all the countries. | ID | Name | | --- | --- | | 1 | Standard `Standard` | | 2 | Self-collection `Selbstabholung` | | 3 | Express morning (truck) `Express-Morgen (LKW)` | | 4 | Express Today (Truck) `Express-Heute (LKW)` | | 5 | Express morning (package forwarding) `Express-Morgen (Packet Spedition)` | | 7 | Express-now | ### Payment Method IDs These ids may not be available in all the countries. | ID | Name | | --- | --- | | 1 | SEPA Direct Debit `SEPA-Lastschrift` | | 2 | Prepayment `Vorkasse` | | 3 | Cash on delivery `Nachnahme` | | 4 | PayPal/Credit Card `PayPal/Kreditkarte` | | 5 | open payment method `offene Zahlungsart` | | 7 | Invoice(8 days payment term) `Rechnung(8 Tage Zahlungsziel)` | | 8 | open payment method (SEPA) `offene Zahlungsart (SEPA)` | ## Query String Filters Query String Filters | Operator | Full Name | Description | Example | | ------ | ------ | ------ | ------ | | eq | Equal | Used to narrow down the result of a query to some specific value, for specified field. It adds the "**=**" symbol to the SQL query. Eg. `{url}?filter[{alias_name}]=eq;11` will result in the following sql: `SELECT {field_name} AS {alias_name} FROM {table_name} WHERE {alias_name} = 11` | integer: `{url}?filter[id]=eq;21`float: `{url}?filter[average]=eq;3.7`string: `{url}?filter[free_text]=eq;apple`Date: `{url}?filter[birthday]=eq;2020-06-03`DateTime: `{url}?filter[created_at]=eq;2020-06-03 14:32:32`boolean: `{url}?filter[is_active]=eq;1` | | neq | Not equal | Used to exclude the value from a query result. It adds the "****" symbol to the SQL query. Eg. `{url}?filter[{alias_name}]=neq;11` will result in the following sql: `SELECT {field_name} AS {alias_name} FROM {table_name} WHERE {alias_name} 11` | integer: `{url}?filter[id]=neq;21`float: `{url}?filter[average]=neq;3.7`string: `{url}?filter[free_text]=neq;apple`Date: `{url}?filter[birthday]=neq;2020-06-03`DateTime: `{url}?filter[created_at]=neq;2020-06-03 14:32:32`boolean: `{url}?filter[is_active]=neq;1` | | gt | Greater than | Used to reduce fetched values to those greater than the one provided in a query string. It adds the "**>**" symbol to the SQL query. Eg. `{url}?filter[{alias_name}]=gt;11` will result in the following sql: `SELECT {field_name} AS {alias_name} FROM {table_name} WHERE {alias_name} > 11` | integer: `{url}?filter[id]=gt;21`float: `{url}?filter[average]=gt;3.7`Date: `{url}?filter[birthday]=gt;2020-06-03`DateTime: `{url}?filter[created_at]=gt;2020-06-03 14:32:32` | | gte | Greater than or equal | Used to reduce fetched values to those greater than or equal to the one provided in a query string. It adds the "**>=**" symbol to the SQL query. Eg. `{url}?filter[{alias_name}]=gte;11` will result in the following sql: `SELECT {field_name} AS {alias_name} FROM {table_name} WHERE {alias_name} >= 11` | integer: `{url}?filter[id]=gte;21`float: `{url}?filter[average]=gte;3.7`Date: `{url}?filter[birthday]=gte;2020-06-03`DateTime: `{url}?filter[created_at]=gte;2020-06-03 14:32:32` | | lt | Less than | Used to reduce fetched values to those less than provided in a query string. It adds the "**
The Nodeum API makes it easy to tap into the digital data mesh that runs across your organisation. Make requests to our API endpoints and we’ll give you everything you need to interconnect your business workflows with your storage. All production API requests are made to: http://nodeumhostname/api/ The current production version of the API is v1. **REST** The Nodeum API is a RESTful API. This means that the API is designed to allow you to get, create, update, & delete objects with the HTTP verbs GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, & DELETE. **JSON** The Nodeum API speaks exclusively in JSON. This means that you should always set the Content-Type header to application/json to ensure that your requests are properly accepted and processed by the API. **Authentication** All API calls require user-password authentication. **Cross-Origin Resource Sharing** The Nodeum API supports CORS for communicating from Javascript for these endpoints. You will need to specify an Origin URI when creating your application to allow for CORS to be whitelisted for your domain. **Pagination** Some endpoints such as File Listing return a potentially lengthy array of objects. In order to keep the response sizes manageable the API will take advantage of pagination. Pagination is a mechanism for returning a subset of the results for a request and allowing for subsequent requests to “page” through the rest of the results until the end is reached. Paginated endpoints follow a standard interface that accepts two query parameters, limit and offset, and return a payload that follows a standard form. These parameters names and their behavior are borrowed from SQL LIMIT and OFFSET keywords. **Versioning** The Nodeum API is constantly being worked on to add features, make improvements, and fix bugs. This means that you should expect changes to be introduced and documented. However, there are some changes or additions that are considered backwards-compatible and your applications should be flexible enough to handle them. These include: - Adding new endpoints to the API - Adding new attributes to the response of an existing endpoint - Changing the order of attributes of responses (JSON by definition is an object of unordered key/value pairs) **Filter parameters** When browsing a list of items, multiple filter parameters may be applied. Some operators can be added to the value as a prefix: - `=` value is equal. Default operator, may be omitted - `!=` value is different - `>` greater than - `>=` greater than or equal - `=` lower than or equal - `>
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